Posted: January 18th, 2023
Build a slide presentation (PowerPoint preferred) of the hypothetical health promotion plan you developed in the first assessment. Then, implement your health promotion plan by conducting a hypothetical face-to-face educational session addressing the health concern and health goals of your selected group. How would you set goals for the session, evaluate session outcomes, and suggest possible revisions to improve future sessions?
Health education is any combination of learning experiences designed to help community individuals, families, and aggregates improve their health by increasing knowledge or influencing attitudes (WHO, n.d.). Education is key to health promotion, disease prevention, and disaster preparedness. The health indicator framework identified in Healthy People 2030 prompts action in health services accessibility, clinical preventive services, environmental quality, injury or violence prevention, maternal, infant, and child health, mental health, nutrition, substance abuse prevention, and tobacco use cessation or prevention.
Nurses provide accurate evidence-based information and education in formal and informal settings. They draw upon evidence-based practice to provide health promotion and disease prevention activities to create social and physical environments conducive to improving and maintaining community health. When provided with the tools to be successful, people demonstrate lifestyle changes (self-care) that promote health and help reduce readmissions. They are better able to tolerate stressors, including environmental changes, and enjoy a better quality of life. In times of crisis, a resilient community is a safer community (Flanders, 2018; Healthy People 2030, n.d.).
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to apply teaching and learning concepts to the presentation of a health promotion plan.
Flanders, S. A. (2018). Effective patient education: Evidence and common sense. Medsurg Nursing, 27(1), 55–58.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.). Healthy People 2030.
Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note: This is the second part of a two-part assessment. You must complete Assessment 1 before completing this assessment.
Complete the following:
• Prepare a 10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation with a voice-over and detailed speaker notes that reflects your hypothetical presentation. This presentation is the implementation of the plan you created in Assessment 1. The speaker notes should be well organized. Be sure to include a transcript of the voice-over (please refer to the PowerPoint tutorial). The transcript can be submitted on a separate Word document.
• Simulate the hypothetical face-to-face educational session addressing the health concern and health goals of your selected community individual or group.
• Imagine collaborating with the hypothetical participant(s) in setting goals for the session, evaluating session outcomes, and suggesting possible revisions to improve future sessions.
You may use Microsoft PowerPoint (preferred) or other suitable presentation software to create your presentation. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.
The number of content slides in your presentation is dictated by nature and scope of your health promotion plan. Be sure to include title and references slides per the following:
• Title slide:
o Health promotion plan title.
o Your name.
o Date.
o Course number and title.
• References (at the end of your presentation).
o Be sure to apply correct APA Paper Writing Service by Expert Writers Pro Paper Help: Online Research Essay Helpting to your references.
Support your plan with at least three professional or scholarly references, published within the last 5 years, which may include peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2030 resources.
The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the assessment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.
• Present your health promotion plan to your hypothetical audience.
o Tailor the presentation to the needs of your hypothetical audience.
o Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA Paper Writing Service by Expert Writers Pro Paper Help: Online Research Essay Helpting requirements.
• Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.
o Which aspects of the session would you change?
o How might those changes improve future outcomes?
• Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2030 objectives and leading health indicators.
o What changes would you recommend to better align the session with Healthy People 2030 objectives and leading health indicators?
• Organize content with clear purpose/goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years).
• Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed audio and speaker notes are provided. Audio is clear, organized, and professionally presented.
Competencies Measured
write my research paper owl essayservice uk writings. successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
• Competency 3: Evaluate health policies, based on their ability to achieve desired outcomes.
o Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2030 objectives and leading health indicators.
• Competency 4: Integrate principles of social justice in community health interventions.
o Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with hypothetical participants.
• Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health.
o Present a health promotion plan to a hypothetical individual or a group within a community.
o Organize content with clear purpose/goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years).
o Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed audio, transcript, and speaker notes are provided. Audio is clear, organized, and professionally presented.
Title slide:
Health Promotion Plan: Promoting Physical Activity in Older Adults
Your name
Course number and title
Slide 2: Introduction
Introduce the topic of promoting physical activity in older adults
Discuss the importance of physical activity for this population
Mention the goals of the health promotion plan
Slide 3: Background
Discuss the current statistics and trends regarding physical activity in older adults
Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the potential health benefits of physical activity for this population
Provide evidence from professional or scholarly references to support the need for this health promotion plan
Slide 4: Health Promotion Plan
College Superior Papers Dissertation Writing: University Superior Essays Online Coursework Writers – Outline the specific strategies and interventions that will be used to promote physical activity in older adults
Explain how these strategies will be implemented and who will be responsible for carrying them out
Discuss the resources that will be used to support the plan
Slide 5: Evaluation
Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe how the effectiveness of the health promotion plan will be measured
Discuss the specific evaluation methods that will be used, such as surveys or fitness assessments
Explain how the results of the evaluation will be used to make revisions to the plan
Slide 6: Implementation
Explain how the health promotion plan will be implemented in the community
Discuss the specific locations and groups where the plan will be targeted
Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe any potential barriers to implementation and how they will be overcome
Slide 7: Conclusion
Summarize the main points of the health promotion plan
Discuss the potential impact of the plan on the health of older adults in the community
Encourage participation in the plan
References slide:
List professional or scholarly references used in the presentation, properly formatted in APA Paper Writing Service by Expert Writers Pro Paper Help: Essay Writing Service Paper Writing Service by Essay Pro Paper Help: Essay Writing Service style
Implementing the hypothetical face-to-face educational session:
Begin by collaborating with the hypothetical participant(s) to set goals for the session. This could include identifying specific physical activities they are interested in, setting a realistic number of days per week they aim to be active, or setting a goal for the number of minutes of activity per day.
During the session, provide education on the benefits of physical activity for older adults and the specific strategies and resources outlined in the health promotion plan. Use visual aids, handouts, and interactive activities to engage the participants and make the information more accessible.
At the end of the session, evaluate the outcomes by asking for feedback from the participants, conducting a fitness assessment, or administering a survey.
Based on the evaluation, suggest possible revisions to improve future sessions such as providing more tailored activities or targeting different age groups.
This is one example of a health promotion plan, but it can be tailored to the specific health concern and goals of the selected group.
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