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Posted: July 4th, 2024

TCHR5009 Assessment Task 1: Professional Philosophy and Critical Reflection

TCHR5009 Report
: Professional Philosophy and Critical Reflection: Education and Care for Infants and Toddlers

Part 1: Professional Philosophy (750 words)

A  professional philosophy for working with infants and toddlers in early childhood settings encompasses several key aspects of learning, development, health, and safety. This philosophy is grounded in current research and best practices in early childhood education, with a focus on fostering holistic development and creating nurturing environments for our youngest learners.

Relationships and Attachment

Central to this professional philosophy is the recognition that secure attachments and positive relationships form the foundation for infant and toddler development. Educators play a crucial role in creating a sense of security and trust for young children, which supports their social-emotional growth and overall well-being (Sims and Hutchins, 2020). The implementation of primary caregiving systems, where each child is assigned a consistent caregiver, facilitates the development of these essential relationships.

Research indicates that secure attachments in early childhood contribute to better cognitive outcomes and social skills later in life (Gross et al., 2019). Therefore, this philosophy emphasises the importance of responsive and sensitive caregiving practices that prioritise each child’s individual needs and cues.

Quality in Early Childhood Education

Quality in infant and toddler care extends beyond basic health and safety measures to encompass rich, stimulating environments and interactions. This philosophy advocates for the provision of high-quality care that aligns with the National Quality Framework (NQF) and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Version 2.0 (Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority [ACECQA], 2020).

Key elements of quality care include:

1. Low educator-to-child ratios to ensure individualised attention
2. Well-designed physical environments that support exploration and learning
3. Engaging, developmentally appropriate experiences and materials
4. Ongoing professional development for educators

Brain Development and Early Learning

Recent advancements in neuroscience have highlighted the critical nature of the first three years of life for brain development. This philosophy recognises the importance of providing enriching experiences during this period to support optimal neural connections and cognitive growth.

Educators should create environments and interactions that stimulate various areas of development, including:

– Language and communication skills through rich verbal interactions and storytelling
– Motor skills through safe, challenging physical activities
– Cognitive development through problem-solving opportunities and sensory experiences
– Social-emotional growth through positive relationships and guided social interactions

Routines and the Learning Environment

Consistent, predictable routines play a vital role in creating a sense of security for infants and toddlers. This philosophy emphasises the importance of viewing daily care routines as valuable learning opportunities. Diapering, feeding, and sleep times are seen as moments for one-on-one interaction, language development, and the cultivation of self-help skills (Sims and Hutchins, 2020).

The physical environment is considered the “third teacher” in this philosophy, reflecting the Reggio Emilia approach (Edwards, Gandini and Forman, 2016). Spaces should be thoughtfully designed to:

– Ensure safety while encouraging exploration
– Provide areas for both active play and quiet reflection
– Incorporate natural elements and open-ended materials
– Reflect the cultural diversity of the children and families

Family Partnerships

Recognising families as children’s first and most influential educators, this philosophy prioritises strong partnerships between educators and families. Open communication, shared decision-making, and respect for diverse family cultures and values are essential components of these partnerships (Department of Education, 2022).

Educators should actively seek family input, share observations of children’s development, and work collaboratively to support each child’s learning journey.

Inclusive Practice and Cultural Responsiveness

An inclusive approach that values diversity and supports the unique needs of all children is fundamental to this philosophy. Educators should create environments and implement practices that welcome children of all abilities, cultural backgrounds, and family structures. This includes adapting learning experiences, providing additional support where necessary, and promoting a sense of belonging for every child (ACECQA, 2020).

Moreover, this philosophy acknowledges the importance of cultural responsiveness in early childhood curriculum. As Yang et al. (2022) highlight in their analysis of early childhood curriculum policies across different countries, sociocultural specificities play a significant role in shaping educational approaches. In the Australian context, this means incorporating Indigenous perspectives, respecting diverse cultural practices, and fostering an environment where every child’s cultural identity is valued and celebrated.

In conclusion, this professional philosophy for working with infants and toddlers is grounded in current research and best practices in early childhood education. It emphasises the importance of secure attachments, quality care, brain development, thoughtful routines and environments, family partnerships, and inclusive, culturally responsive practice. By implementing these principles, educators can create nurturing, stimulating environments that support the holistic development of infants and toddlers, laying the foundation for lifelong learning and well-being.


Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), 2020. National Quality Framework (NQF). [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 4 July 2024].

Ailwood, J., Lee, I.F., Arndt, S., Tesar, M., Aslanian, T.K., Gibbons, A. and Heimer, L., 2022. Communities of care: A collective writing project on philosophies, politics and pedagogies of care and education in the early years. Policy Futures in Education20(8), pp.907-921.

Department of Education, 2022. Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia (V2.0). Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.

Edwards, C., Gandini, L. and Forman, G., 2016. The hundred languages of children: The Reggio Emilia approach—from infant to school. New York: Routledge.

Lombardi, C., Bladen, A., Foley, M.T., Galante‐DeAngelis, M., Larrabee, K. and Robinson, J., 2023. Promoting reflective practice in an infant and early childhood training program. Infant Mental Health Journal44(4), pp.451-465.

Rogers, M., 2021. Contextualised, not neoliberalised professionalism in early childhood education and care: Effects of prescribed notions of quality on educator confidence in Australia: Effects of prescribed notions of quality on educator confidence. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education13(4).

Sims, M. and Hutchins, T., 2020. Program planning for infants and toddlers. 3rd ed. Sydney: Pademelon Press.

Yang, W., Xu, P., Liu, H. and Li, H., 2022. Neoliberalism and sociocultural specificities: A discourse analysis of early childhood curriculum policies in Australia, China, New Zealand, and Singapore. Early Child Development and Care, 192(2), pp.203-219.

Zhang, S., 2024. Teachers’ understandings and enactment of infant-toddler pedagogy in early childhood education and care centres in China (Doctoral dissertation, ResearchSpace@ Auckland).

TCHR5009 Assessment Task 1: Professional Philosophy and Critical Reflection


Assessment Task 1: Professional Philosophy and Critical Reflection


Due Date
Monday  11:59pm AEDT (Week 3)

1500 words


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Students will reflect on their learning about theoretical perspectives and practices to develop their own teaching philosophy for teaching infants and toddlers. Students will reflect on this philosophy and how it may translate to practice.

Task Description
Part 1: Professional Philosophy (750 words)
Develop your professional philosophy statement for working with infants and toddlers in an early childhood setting. Consider important aspects of infant and toddler learning, health and safety and development. Consider unit topics such as relationships, quality, attachment, brain development, routines and the physical and human environment. You can also include topics that are of interest to you.

Part 2: Critical Reflection (750 words)
Critically reflect on your philosophy above, and identify 3 anticipated challenges you may face when putting your philosophy into practice. How do you intend to overcome these challenges? Analyse according to the set text, and the National Quality Standard and Early Years Learning Framework (V2.0).

Task Instructions

This report is comprised of two tasks and should be presented in ONE Word document.
Cover page:
Include an APA formatted cover page Formatting your assessment for APA 7th (
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I acknowledge the use of Grammarly Premium/AI Tool to provide feedback and suggestions on my writing for academic tone, written expression, grammar, Australian English spelling, and punctuation on INSERT DATE.
I have uploaded My draft essay prior to ANY editing with Grammarly Premium/AI Tool to the ‘Pre-editing draft’ portal in Turnitin.
Complete professional philosophy (750 words) and critical reflection (750 words)
Complete one APA formatted reference list
If you have used Grammarly Premium, upload your draft essay prior to ANY editing with Grammarly Premium to the ‘Pre-editing draft’ portal in Turnitin.
Check draft with draft checker on unit site
Once complete, submit final task via the Turnitin link in the Assessment and Submission section of the unit site.
APA7th referencing format is required with a minimum of 5 references. Sources should include relevant early childhood policy and peer-reviewed literature. Students must use the unit textbook.


Australian Government Department of Education. (2022) Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia (V2.0).
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (n.d.). Developmental milestones and the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standards.
Sims, M., & Hutchins, T. (2020). Program planning for infants and toddlers (3rd ed). Pademelon Press.
Task Submission
Assessments should be submitted using the Turnitin link on the Assessments Tasks & Submission section on the Blackboard site. Only Microsoft Word documents submitted via the Turnitin portal on Blackboard will be accepted. You must label your submission with your surname and initials and the assessment task’s name.

Academic Integrity
At Southern Cross University academic integrity means behaving with the values of honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, courage, responsibility, and respect in relation to academic work.
The Southern Cross University Academic Integrity Framework aims to develop a holistic, systematic, and consistent approach to addressing academic integrity across the entire University. For more information see the SCU Academic Integrity Framework.

Academic Integrity breaches include poor referencing, not identifying direct quotations correctly, close paraphrasing, plagiarism, recycling, misrepresentation, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, fabricating information.

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Grades & Feedback
Assessments that have been submitted by the due date will receive an SCU grade. Grades and feedback will be posted to the ‘Grades and Feedback’ section on the Blackboard unit site. Please allow 7-10 days for marks to be posted.

Assessment 1: Report MARKING RUBRIC

Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Marginal Fail Fail
Task 1: Professional Philosophy (40%)

Tags: 1500 words Assessment Assignment, Professional Philosophy and Critical Reflection: Education and Care for Infants and Toddlers, TCHR5009, TCHR5009 Assessment Task 1: Professional Philosophy and Critical Reflection

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