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Steam-Powered Vessels: A Revolutionary Advancement in Nautical Science

Steam-Powered Vessels: A Revolutionary Advancement in Nautical Science The maritime industry has seen many revolutionary advancements since its inception, and the development of steam-powered vessels was one of the most significant breakthroughs. Steam-powered vessels marked a new era in the history of navigation, providing a more efficient and reliable means of transportation by sea. In […]

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Date: April 23rd, 2023

Offshore Oil and Gas Industry

Offshore Oil and Gas Industry The offshore oil and gas industry has been a major contributor to global energy needs for decades. The industry operates in some of the harshest environments on earth, with operations taking place in deep waters, harsh weather conditions, and remote locations. The industry is faced with numerous challenges ranging from […]

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Date: April 23rd, 2023

Approximately 15% of female cancer in the United States

Approximately 15% of female cancer in the United States is of the breast, second to skin cancer. Discuss with your peers when a patient presents to you with a breast mass, what are your differentials? What is your plan of care for a patient who presents with a breast mass, both cancerous and noncancerous? When […]

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Date: April 22nd, 2023

Research Essay Master: Write My Essay For Me Online Cheap & Essay Writer Service – Scenario:You are a first-year teacher who has just learned that the parents of Kyla

Objective: To create a pros and cons list regarding 50–50 joint custody parenting from various perspectives and to evaluate your list. Assignment incomplete without self reflection Research Essay Master: Write My Essay For Me Online Cheap & Essay Writer Service – Scenario: You are a first-year teacher who has just learned that the parents of […]

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Date: April 22nd, 2023

Post a brief statement of your proposed EB practice change

Discussion Directions Post a brief statement of your proposed EB practice change, be sure to address how you will implement your EBP project considering, 1) Understanding the differences, 2) Considering your resources, 3) Establish your patient-centered goals, and 4) Identify institutional preferences and how you will address this issue. Post your initial post by Wednesday, […]

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Date: April 22nd, 2023

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Template

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Template With Psychotherapy Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note Encounter date: __20/04/2023_______________ Patient Initials: __P.S.____ Gender: M/F/Transgender _Female___ Age: __23___ Race: _Caucasian____ Ethnicity __White__ Reason for Seeking Health Care: _ “For the past two months, my mood swings have been pretty intense. […]

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Date: April 22nd, 2023

Cultural Considerations

Cultural Considerations. Submit an evidence-based practice assignment about cultural competency in mental health nursing. An evidence-based practice assignment allows you to explore best practice and help improve client outcomes on a psychiatric unit. Your assignment should describe how you, as a nurse, will include – or have included – cultural awareness in a client diagnosed […]

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Date: April 22nd, 2023

Practice Change: Nurse Burnout Prevention

The Practice Change is Nurse Burnout Prevention. Please, I need 2 Pages with Subheadings, intext citations, Gantt Chart, and Plagiarism free. ASSIGNMENT: Select an appropriate project management tool (for example: a Gantt chart or other tool) to design and plan your proposed practice change. Develop a strategic project management plan related to your practice problem […]

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Date: April 22nd, 2023

Case study: A 68-year-old male with skin lesion

Essay: 2 pages, not including title or reference page Case study: A 68-year-old male with skin lesion in his left forearm. The lesion is oval, erythematous, scaly, no raised, with indistinct borders. It is considered as a patch since is larger than 1 cm. The lesion measures 35×25 mm Introduction Should be a paragraph that […]

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Date: April 22nd, 2023

Human trafficking (HT)

Most of the services/support provided for human trafficking (HT) victim come after they have been trafficked and can be considered as secondary interventions. Review some of the possible risk factors associated with becoming an HT victim, and discuss some possible primary interventions that could service to help prevent or reduce HT. The discussion must address […]

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Date: April 22nd, 2023