What do you think is the most effective avenue for change?

First By this point in the class, we’ve seen several ways to achieve major change in society. Change has happened through violence (or the threat of violence), through the ballot box and legislation, through influential books/works, through non-violent/passive resistance, etc. What do you think is the most effective avenue for change? What are some instances […]

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How lean thinking and Six Sigma can be used to improve health care quality

How lean thinking and Six Sigma can be used to improve health care quality The high cost of health care has been associated with several factors. Among them is the rapid growth of technology, an increase in the aging population and operational inefficiencies. Operational inefficiencies have played a dominant role in the disparities witnessed in […]

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Philosophy Masters Dissertation

Philosophy Masters Dissertation One of the key things that differentiate master’s study from undergraduate studies in philosophy is a dissertation. In other words, unlike undergraduate students who only have to pass a number of classes that they are supposed to take, post graduate students have to write a thesis on top of that. This type […]

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The Southern Sea Route: Exploring the Potential and Challenges of a Transpolar Shipping Passage

The Southern Sea Route: Exploring the Potential and Challenges of a Transpolar Shipping Passage, The Southern Sea Route (SSR) has garnered attention as a potential transpolar shipping passage, offering an alternative route for international trade. This research article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the SSR, examining its geographical significance, economic potential, environmental considerations, […]

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Healthcare Administration in Pandemic Emergencies

Evaluating How Clinical Records Affect Decision-Making and Healthcare Administration in Pandemic Emergencies Clinical records are essential for healthcare providers to make informed decisions about patient care. They contain a wealth of information about a patient’s medical history, including past diagnoses, treatments, and test results. This information can be used to diagnose new conditions, develop treatment […]

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Kant’s famous First Formulation of the Categorical Imperative

Kant’s famous First Formulation of the Categorical Imperative reads, “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” Kant taught morality as a matter of following maxims of living that reflect absolute laws. “Universal” is a term that allows for no exceptions, and […]

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Pick 1 phenomenon or theory

Pick 1 phenomenon or theory from any of the chapters covered. Next, perform a literature search to locate five empirically reviewed academic articles illustrating how that phenomenon or theory can be applied to a common human experience. Create a PowerPoint, you may include short video clips, This presentation is meant to be fun and engaging. […]

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History of the Puritans

The Puritans’ History They founded Puritanism in 16th-century England, which was a radical type of protestant Christianity and an extreme religious movement within the Church of England that existed during the 16th-century. They argued that the church had not undergone sufficient transformations following the English Reformation. It was their opinion that the Church of England […]

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Comprehensive History and Physical Examination

Goal: To conduct an assessment of health promotion while applying the nursing process and evidence based research to disseminate findings to course colleagues. Case: Jessica is a 32 y/old math teacher who presents to the ER with a friend for evaluation of sudden decrease of vision in the left eye. She denies any trauma or […]

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Gastrointestinal Function: R.H. is a 74-year-old black woman

Gastrointestinal Function: R.H. is a 74-year-old black woman, who presents to the family practice clinic for a scheduled appointment. She complains of feeling bloated and constipated for the past month, some-times going an entire week with only one bowel movement. Until this episode, she has been very regular all of her life, having a bowel […]

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What do you think is the most effective avenue for change?

First By this point in the class, we’ve seen several ways to achieve major change in society. Change has happened through violence (or the threat of violence), through the ballot box and legislation, through influential books/works, through non-violent/passive resistance, etc. What do you think is the most effective avenue for change? What are some instances […]

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How lean thinking and Six Sigma can be used to improve health care quality

How lean thinking and Six Sigma can be used to improve health care quality The high cost of health care has been associated with several factors. Among them is the rapid growth of technology, an increase in the aging population and operational inefficiencies. Operational inefficiencies have played a dominant role in the disparities witnessed in […]

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Philosophy Masters Dissertation

Philosophy Masters Dissertation One of the key things that differentiate master’s study from undergraduate studies in philosophy is a dissertation. In other words, unlike undergraduate students who only have to pass a number of classes that they are supposed to take, post graduate students have to write a thesis on top of that. This type […]

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The Southern Sea Route: Exploring the Potential and Challenges of a Transpolar Shipping Passage

The Southern Sea Route: Exploring the Potential and Challenges of a Transpolar Shipping Passage, The Southern Sea Route (SSR) has garnered attention as a potential transpolar shipping passage, offering an alternative route for international trade. This research article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the SSR, examining its geographical significance, economic potential, environmental considerations, […]

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Healthcare Administration in Pandemic Emergencies

Evaluating How Clinical Records Affect Decision-Making and Healthcare Administration in Pandemic Emergencies Clinical records are essential for healthcare providers to make informed decisions about patient care. They contain a wealth of information about a patient’s medical history, including past diagnoses, treatments, and test results. This information can be used to diagnose new conditions, develop treatment […]

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Kant’s famous First Formulation of the Categorical Imperative

Kant’s famous First Formulation of the Categorical Imperative reads, “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” Kant taught morality as a matter of following maxims of living that reflect absolute laws. “Universal” is a term that allows for no exceptions, and […]

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Pick 1 phenomenon or theory

Pick 1 phenomenon or theory from any of the chapters covered. Next, perform a literature search to locate five empirically reviewed academic articles illustrating how that phenomenon or theory can be applied to a common human experience. Create a PowerPoint, you may include short video clips, This presentation is meant to be fun and engaging. […]

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History of the Puritans

The Puritans’ History They founded Puritanism in 16th-century England, which was a radical type of protestant Christianity and an extreme religious movement within the Church of England that existed during the 16th-century. They argued that the church had not undergone sufficient transformations following the English Reformation. It was their opinion that the Church of England […]

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Comprehensive History and Physical Examination

Goal: To conduct an assessment of health promotion while applying the nursing process and evidence based research to disseminate findings to course colleagues. Case: Jessica is a 32 y/old math teacher who presents to the ER with a friend for evaluation of sudden decrease of vision in the left eye. She denies any trauma or […]

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Gastrointestinal Function: R.H. is a 74-year-old black woman

Gastrointestinal Function: R.H. is a 74-year-old black woman, who presents to the family practice clinic for a scheduled appointment. She complains of feeling bloated and constipated for the past month, some-times going an entire week with only one bowel movement. Until this episode, she has been very regular all of her life, having a bowel […]

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