Maternity Clinical Medication Cards

Maternity Clinical Medication Cards

Maternity Clinical Medication Cards Name of Drug: Trade and generic name MUST include pregnancy classification Usual Dosage: Route, dosage, usual frequency Indications: Specific to maternity or newborn Adverse Effects Precautions/Contraindications Interactions: Include concerns with breastfeeding Nursing considerations: Make this specific to why you are giving the medication. Think about your indications. What are you going […]

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Date: January 20th, 2023

Maternity Clinical Medication Cards

Maternity Clinical Medication Cards Name of Drug: Trade and generic name MUST include pregnancy classification Usual Dosage: Route, dosage, usual frequency Indications: Specific to maternity or newborn Adverse Effects Precautions/Contraindications Interactions: Include concerns with breastfeeding Nursing considerations: Make this specific to why you are giving the medication. Think about your indications. What are you going […]

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Date: January 15th, 2023