marine science essay writers

Evaluating the impact of marine fuels according to GHG and air pollutants emissions

Evaluating the impact of marine fuels according to GHG and air pollutants emissions – Shipping emissions. Air and greenhouse emissions, NO2, SO2, CO2, black carbon – Regulations for reducing emissions from ships – Literature review Changes in marine propulsion and fuels Alternative marine fuel Assumptions from study based on GHG emissions – Impact on greenhouse […]

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Date: January 25th, 2023

Analysis of human factors in ship collisions based on accident investigation reports

Analysis of human factors in ship collisions based on accident investigation reports Human factors, including cognitive and behavioral elements, play a significant role in ship collisions. Through analysis of accident investigation reports, it is possible to identify specific human factors that contribute to such incidents. In examining one such report, it is clear that poor […]

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Date: January 19th, 2023

Evaluating human pressure on mangrove vegetation in Nigeria

Evaluating human pressure on mangrove vegetation in Nigeria: a case study of the Niger Delta. Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management Mangrove vegetation plays an important role in coastal ecosystems, providing habitat for a wide range of species, protecting coastlines from erosion, and acting as a carbon sink. However, human activities in the Niger Delta region […]

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Date: January 12th, 2023

International laws and maritime security.

International laws and maritime security. Maritime security refers to the protection of ships, ports, and offshore facilities, as well as the prevention of illegal activities at sea, such as piracy, terrorism, smuggling, and pollution. Ensuring maritime security is a complex task that requires the cooperation and coordination of a range of actors, including governments, international […]

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Date: January 2nd, 2023

Piracy in international waters

Piracy in international waters: the role played by international power kinetics Piracy in international waters refers to the act of committing illegal acts of violence or detention, or any act of depredation, committed for private ends by the crew or the passengers of a private ship or a private aircraft, and directed on the high […]

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Date: January 2nd, 2023