
The Role of Telehealth in Managing Hypertension in the Adult Population

The Role of Telehealth in Managing Hypertension in the Adult Population The health of the adult population is a significant concern, influenced by various factors, including chronic diseases. Hypertension, a prevalent global burden of disease, poses a considerable threat to adult health. This paper examines hypertension in adults, exploring its impact on quality of life […]

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Date: October 23rd, 2024


**Remeber the topic is Hypertension** You have created a policy brief presentation that has theoretically caught the attention of a lawmaker. He/she would like more information about this. Write a formal paper, including title page, table of contents, executive summary, topic headings, in-text citations, and references about your selected health issue. Using the outline that […]

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Date: March 26th, 2023


Hypertension Purpose The purpose for the case study is to help a pilot on his weight loss journey. A pilot is a person that has a tight schedule and keeps travelling hence to have personal contact with a manager will be so hard. Weight loss management entails lots of physical exercises and most importantly a […]

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Date: March 20th, 2023

T.J., a 30-year-old African American client

Concept Map: Hypertension Patient: T.J., 30-year-old African American male Presenting Symptoms: Dizziness spells, headache at the base of the skull, nocturia Diagnosis: Essential Hypertension Pathophysiology: Chronic elevation of blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg. Increased peripheral resistance due to vasoconstriction.   Increased cardiac output from the heart’s attempt to compensate. Over time, damage to blood vessels, […]

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Date: November 11th, 2022