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Utilitarian/deontological argument
Utilitarian/deontological argument Utilitarianism and deontology are two of the most influential ethical theories in the world. Utilitarianism is a consequentialist theory, which means that it judges the morality of an action based on its consequences. Deontology, on the other hand, is a non-consequentialist theory, which means that it judges the morality of an action based […]
Methods of Ship’s Autonomous Collision Avoidance in Complex Environments
Methods of Ship’s Autonomous Collision Avoidance in Complex Environments Collisions at sea are a serious safety hazard, and they can result in significant property damage, loss of life, and environmental pollution. In recent years, there has been growing interest in the development of autonomous ships that can navigate and avoid collisions without human intervention. Autonomous […]
Bureaucratic Institutions & Their Policies
Bureaucratic Institutions & Their Policies. Discussion Prompt Prompt: As a nurse, how will our bureaucratic institutions and their policies affect you on a day-to-day basis? What laws will you need to follow? What are some laws that have changed over time? Suggested topics: HIPPA OSHA CDC guidelines Patients’ Bill of Rights Due ___________________- Bureaucratic institutions […]
Transitioning to Practice as a Registered Nurse: NURS13144
NURS13144 UNIT TITLE: Preparation for practice as a Registered Nurse Assessment Two – Short Answer Responses Type: Written Assessment – Short Answer Responses Due date: 4pm (AEST) Tuesday 3rd October 2023 (Week 12) Weighting: 50% Length: 1600 words (±10%) Unit Coordinators: Natalie Browning and Chanchal Kurup Course Learning Outcomes Assessed 1. Identify transitional challenges that […]
Discussion Thread: Philosophical Assumptions and Interpretive Frameworks
Discussion Thread: Philosophical Assumptions and Interpretive Frameworks MANAGE DISCUSSION This is a graded discussion: 50 points possible due Jan 19 No unread replies.No replies. Discuss, in-depth, the process of research compiled by Denzin & Lincoln (2011) located in the Read: Creswell & Poth: Assignment Homework Sample Boom Essays: Free of Plagiarism and AI, Original Custom […]
HCCSSD103 Mental Health Assessment: Infographic
HCCSSD103_Assessment_1_Brief_Infographic_Module 5 Page 1 of 6 ASSESSMENT 1 BRIEF Subject Code and Title HCCSSD103 Mental Health Assessment Infographic Individual/Group Individual Length Infographic: 250 words (+/- 10%) Reflection: 50 words (+/- 10%) Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include: a) Explain the importance of assessing mental ill-health and […]
ADHD is a highly publicized and controversial topic in healthcare
ADHD is a highly publicized and controversial topic in healthcare and our educational environments today. Pick two of the questions below to discuss in depth, remembering to back up your opinions with scholarly research. 1. How do you differentiate between a normally active child and a child who has ADHD? 2. Who are the useful […]
Multicultural Communication and Its Origins
Assessment Description Write a 650-1300 word response to the following questions: Explain multicultural communication and its origins. Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation. Explain how cultural and religious differences affect the health care professional and the issues that can arise in cross-cultural communications. Discuss family culture and its effect on patient education. List some […]
Evaluating the Impact of IIOT-based Predictive Maintenance-as-a-Service
Evaluating the Impact of IIOT-based Predictive Maintenance-as-a-Service Utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks with Ensemble Subspace Discriminant for the Indian Shipbuilding Sector in the Maritime Industry Abstract: In recent years, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) has emerged as a transformative technology, revolutionizing various industries worldwide. Among these industries, the maritime sector has seen significant advancements through […]
Plyer v.Doe
Plyer v.Doe This ruling was necessitated by the Texas Legislature’s revision of its education laws to deny public schools enrolling undocumented immigrant students and withholding any funds for their education. In addition, a class action was filed for permanent injunctive relief on behalf of some Mexican immigrant school-age children residing in Texas. The class motion […]
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