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NRS 493 GCU Week 4 Health Care Capstone Change Project Outcomes

NRS 493 GCU Week 4 Health Care Capstone Change Project Outcomes NRS 493 GCU Week 4 Health Care Capstone Change Project Outcomes Capstone Change Project Outcomes Public Awareness Outcome: Capstone Change Project Outcomes Outcome 1: Improved Public Awareness Families and communities will work towards reducing obesity rates and obesity-related chronic diseases through increased knowledge about […]

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Date: June 6th, 2021

Socrates’ Theory of Human Excellence

Socrates’ Theory of Human Excellence Socrates (469-399 BCE) was a Greek philosopher who is widely regarded as one of the founders of Western philosophy. He is best known for his method of questioning and refuting the opinions of his interlocutors, his claim that he was ignorant of the truth, and his conviction that human excellence […]

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Date: June 6th, 2021

Option #1: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan Option #1: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan Create a hypothetical risk assessment and mitigation plan. Assume the role of risk manager/security professional and include the following information in your plan: 1. Choose a hazard or threat. (It cannot be one that you have already analyzed in class in a previous […]

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Date: June 6th, 2021


ASSESSMENT 2: CASE STUDY (PART 2) SUBJECT NAME, SUBJECT CODE AND TERM SUBJECT NAME Enterprise Law SUBJECT NO. LAWS1002 YEAR/ TERM 2023.2 DETAILS OF ASSESSMENT TASK WEIGHTING 35% WORD LIMIT 1,100 words (excluding references) MAXIMUM MARKS 35 DUE DATES: ONLINE (VIA TURNITIN): Week 8 (Friday 1 September 2023) (A College cover sheet is NOT needed […]

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Date: June 6th, 2021

dvocating For Early Childhood Education Students Dear Representative Smith, I am writing to advocate for the differentiated needs of early childhood students in our state. As an early childhood educator, it is my job to ensure all children receive an education that meets their developmental readiness levels. I am concerned that the recent statute passed […]

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Date: June 6th, 2021

Pathophysiology of Mr. George Orwell’s chest pain

Pathophysiology Case Study: Chest Pain. Mr George Orwell is a 68-year-old male residing in rural South Australia. His deceased wife, Heather had terminal breast cancer. Mr. Orwell arrived at, and was admitted to, the Farquharson Memorial Hospital with chest pain. His admission assessment verified he was alert and orientated with unremarkable vital signs. Pre- admission […]

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Date: June 6th, 2021

Creating Healthy Work Environments in Healthcare: Progress and Ongoing Challenges

INITIAL POST Review the Silence Kills: The Seven Crucial Conversations for Health Care and AACN Healthy Work Environment Standards materials to answer the following questions: Links to materials: Do you believe there has been significant progress in these issues since the Silence Kills study was published in 2005? Explain why or why not in your answer. […]

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Date: June 6th, 2021

Reconnaissance Risk Assessment

INTRODUCTION: Worth 35% Groups – 5 Due: Week 11 Key Terms: Hazard A potential source of harm or adverse health effect on a person or persons. Hazards can be caused by human factors, situational factors and or environmental factors. 1. Human factors – unauthorized use of equipment, inadequate training, removal/disabling of safety devices 2. Situational […]

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Date: June 6th, 2021