Concept Map

NSG528 Medical Surgical Nursing II Care Plan & Client Concept Map Packet

Nursing Care Plan Part I: Basic Conditioning Factors Date: 08/25/2024 A. Patient identifiers: Physician(s): Dr. Emily Carter (Primary Care), Dr. Michael Rodriguez (Endocrinologist) Age: 42 Gender: Female Ht: 5’6″ (168 cm) Wt: 190 lbs (86 kg) Code Status: Full Code Isolation: None Development Stage (Erikson): Generativity vs. Stagnation Rationale: At 42, Sarah is in the […]

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Date: August 25th, 2024

MSNFP6021 Patient Nursing Diagnosis Concept Map

MSNFP6021 Capella University Patient Nursing Diagnosis Concept Map. Description Overview Create a concept map of a chosen condition, disease, or disorder with glucose regulation or metabolic balance considerations. Write a brief narrative (2–3 pages) that explains why the evidence cited in the concept map and narrative are valuable and relevant, as well as how specific […]

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Date: April 29th, 2023