Week 4: Nursing Theory Identify your specialty area of professional practice. Select a nursing theory from the list of specialty track specific theories provided in the lesson plan or one of your own findings. Address the following: (1) briefly identify concepts of the nursing metaparadigm (remember the selected theory may not include all four concepts); […]
For this Discussion, review the case Learning Resources and the case study excerpt presented. Reflect on the case study excerpt and consider the therapy approaches you might take to assess, diagnose, and treat the patient’s health needs. Case: An elderly widow who just lost her spouse. Subjective: A patient presents to your primary care office […]
N3375-2 Module3 Assignment NURS 3375 Health Policy And Legal Aspect (Assignment) Submit by 2359 (CT) Saturday of Module 3. Name: Date: Overview: Peer Review In the Module 3 Reflection Assignment, you will reflect upon what you have learned about Peer Review Committee processes and Texas Board of Nursing rules as you consider the actions of […]
Evidence-Based Practice Guideline: Nurse Retention for Nurse Managers Nurse retention is a crucial issue for health care organizations, as it affects the quality of care, patient safety, staff satisfaction, and organizational costs. Nurse managers play a vital role in promoting job satisfaction and reducing turnover among staff nurses. This evidence-based practice guideline provides some strategies […]
Practicum: Planning Learning Objectives The practicum experience allows you to develop and expand your advanced nursing knowledge and skills at the aggregate, organizational, or policy level. During week 1 you will submit two to three individual learning objectives that you wish to achieve during this practicum experience. You should prepare a set of measurable learning […]
Effective Pain Management in Pediatric Nursing: Exploring Strategies for Assessing and Managing Pain in Children Pain is a common and distressing experience for children who are hospitalized or undergo medical procedures. Pain can have negative effects on the physical, emotional, and social well-being of children, as well as their long-term development and health outcomes. Therefore, […]
Brief description of the research: Research Question: what are the challenges associated with industrial prehospital care in Saudi Arabia? Purpose of the study: this research study will aim to understand paramedics’ experiences and challenges of isolation in industrial and remote area settings. This understanding will help in examining the lack of specialized training, manpower, and […]
FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES South Wales Business School Assessment Cover Sheet 2023-24 Module Code: AF3U097_JAN Module Title: Financial Management Module Lecturer: Claudia Scicluna Assessment Title and Tasks: Grove Co – Capital Investment Assessment No. 1 Weighting: 30% Word count: 2,000 Date Set: January 2024 Submission Deadline: ONLINE via Unilearn (Blackboard) by 23:59 on […]
Ordinal/categorical, continuous, and dichotomous variables About ordinal/categorical, continuous, and dichotomous variables. Using the Gestation Demographics SEU dataset that is located in the tabs at the bottom of the Framingham dataset provided, perform the following problems using R Studio or Excel. Create a simple distribution graph (histogram) where we will explore the age of women after […]
Select a challenging nursing care issue (examples include falls, medication errors, pressure ulcers, and other clinical issues that can be improved by evidence in nursing). Do not select a medical issue (disease, medical treatment). Do not select a workforce issue (staffing, call-offs, nurse to patient ratios). Explain the following for the selected clinical issue. State […]