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Posted: June 6th, 2021

Policy Analysis Organisational Psychology

Policy Analysis Organisational Psychology
• Australian English and Australian References • APA 7 Referencing • Using template provided to complete it • Policy for my case study attached also Assignment Overview: Organisations attempt to formalize their culture through distinct policies. These policies specify what employees are expected to do and how non-compliance is handled. Effective policies are living documents that must grow and adapt. While the core elements and the intent of a policy often remain the same, it can become difficult to capture the complexities of behavioural norms and customs and ensure consistent implementation of procedures and practices as the industry and the organisation adapts. In this assignment, you will review the organisational policy associated with your case study and identify how it could be improved. The marking criteria for this assignment can be found here.Download here. Your taskPreparationRequirementsFAQsArtificial IntelligenceHow to submit Assignment Instructions: Step 1: Find your associated policy Download and read through the policy that is associated with your case study. This should be the same case study underpinning your focus for Assignments 1 and 2. Case Study B – PolicyDownload Case Study B – Policy Step 2: Critique the policy Critique the policy by drawing on content and particularly psychological theory that you have learned during the topic. Questions to consider include: What does the policy cover? How does the policy support the organisational issue? Who should have input into the policy How could the policy be improved? Step 3: Complete the policy analysis template Complete the analysis using the provided template. Suggested word counts have been provided but it is at your discretion how detailed you choose to be in each section. You should include in-text citations where appropriate and a reference list at the end. Please use formal (third-person language). The word limit for this assignment is 1500 words (plus or minus 10% and minus the reference list). Policy analysis template Download Policy analysis template
Case Study B
Organisation: Bank Sinatra Problem: Motivating staff to return to the office full-time Background: One of Australia’s largest commercial banks, Bank Sinatra employs over 35,000 people, serves 3.1 million customers, and has branches in every Australian state and territory. In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic forced Australians into Iockdown, 98% of Bank Sinatra employees transitioned to work-from-home arrangements. Equipment was provided to each worker (according to their role requirements), team meetings were held via video conferencing apps and tracking software was implemented so managers and supervisors could monitor employee interaction with the online systems. In the three years since lockdowns began, Bank Sinatra’s profits have increased significantly. In addition, the most recent employee voice survey indicated a high level of engagement and satisfaction among employees, along with low levels of turnover intentions. In May 2023, the Chief Executive Officer of Bank Sinatra ordered that all employees return to a full-time office working arrangement from September 1, 2023. In a video message to all employees, the CEO argued that employees should be “trained and developed well” and that this is hard to do “when you don’t have a leader who’s beside you, listening to what’s going on the phones.” Following the announcement, employees from Bank Sinatra flooded social media platforms with complaints about the proposed return to office plan. Employees argued against the 5-day office work week, saying that:
• They felt more productive at home (aligning with a record increase in profits) • More time in the office means a loss of time and money savings (more commuting, more formal office attire required) • They are benefiting from greater work life balance (being able to set their own schedules) • Returning to the office signals a lack of trust on behalf of management At a town hall meeting, the proposed plan was put to a vote. Despite vocal opposition from some employees, the proposal passed 54 to 46. Recognising that a large proportion of employees are against the new working arrangements, the board has engaged a top consulting firm to devise a plan to motivate employees to return to the office full-time from September 1, 2023. Key Stakeholders: • Chief People and Culture Officer, Bank Sinatra • Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, Bank Sinatra • Social Media Manager, Bank Sinatra • Employee, Bank Sinatra • Finance Sector Union Representative

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Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document.
Flexible work arrangements policy
Version: 1.4 | Version effective: 15/12/2021
This policy applies to all employees of the Department of Education (the department).
This policy outlines the department’s commitment to providing options of flexible work arrangements to employees.
Policy statement
The department recognises that flexible work arrangements produce significant benefits for both employees and
the department. The department provides opportunities for flexible work arrangements to employees for assistance
with balancing the demands of professional and personal life, and to promote the value of diversity and inclusion in
the workplace.
Flexible work agreements may include changes to the typical way an employee works, including the:
 employees working hours (e.g. changes to start and finish times) including working arrangements/patterns
of work (e.g. job sharing)
 working locations (e.g. working from home or a different office)
 way an employee works (e.g. use of different equipment).
 All employees have a right to request flexible working arrangements
 The department will give fair and reasonable consideration to all requests for flexible work arrangements,
and respond to the employee in a timely manner
 Flexible work agreements will be reviewed regularly to ensure they continue to meet the department’s
operational requirements and the needs of the employee.
Page 2 of 4
Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document.
All employees
 Make all requests for flexible work arrangements in writing, providing information about the arrangements
requested and the reasons for the request, in sufficient detail to allow the employer to make a decision
 Identify specific requirements and discuss individually with their manager, principal or supervisor potential
arrangements which would address those requirements
 Provide all relevant details when requesting or reviewing a flexible work arrangement and provide timely
updates to their manager about changes that may impact the flexible work arrangement.
Additional requirements for Managers, Principals and Supervisors
 Encourage work practices and processes that enable flexibility for employees while ensuring operational
needs are met and service delivery is maintained
 Actively work with employees to find solutions to requests for flexible working arrangements where possible
 Ensure all applications for flexible work arrangements are assessed fairly and reasonably, taking into
account the reason for the request and any associated legislative, industrial and procedural requirements.
Ensure due consideration is given to:
o the operational requirements of the work unit
o the health and safety of the employee particularly when the arrangements include adjustments to work
o how the employee will continue to be actively engaged in work unit activities including team meetings
and access to ongoing professional development
o managing cyber security risks.
 Ensure any decision to grant the request in part or subject to conditions, or refuse the request, is only made
on reasonable grounds
 Ensure all employees who have applied for flexible work arrangements are provided with a written decision
about their request within 21 days, including reasons for the decision where the application is granted only
in part, subject to conditions or is refused
 Ensure flexible work agreements specify the conditions of the arrangement, including the period of time the
flexible work arrangement will be in place
 Treat staff accessing flexible work arrangements fairly in selection processes and when accessing
professional development opportunities
 Seek advice from Human Resources whenever necessary in relation to implementing or approving a
request for flexible work arrangements
 When necessary, confirm any associated costs (e.g. technology required for working from home) have
sufficient funding and are allocated to the appropriate cost centre
 Regularly review and manage approved flexible work arrangements in order to maintain consistent
outcomes and results and to ensure the arrangements continue to meet the operational requirements of the
work unit.
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Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document.
Term Definition
Any person employed by the department to work in a state educational facility or
corporate support role in a permanent, temporary or casual capacity.
 Industrial Relations Act 2016 (Qld)
 Public Service Act 2008 (Qld)
 Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld)
 Appeals Directive (03/17)
 Department of Education Cleaners’ Certified Agreement 2018
 Department of Education Teacher Aides’ Certified Agreement 2018
 Leave without Salary Credited as Service (Directive 01/19)
 Paid Parental Leave (Directive 17/18)
 Queensland Public Service Officers and Other Employees Award – State 2015
 Recognition of Previous Service and Employment Directive (12/18)
 Department of Education Certified Agreement 2019
 Teaching in State Education Award – State 2016
 Nil
Policies and procedures in this group
 Flexible work arrangements procedure
Supporting information for this policy
 Nil
Other resources
 Leave policy
 Diversity and inclusion policy
 Supporting employees affected by domestic and family violence policy (DoE employees only)
Page 4 of 4
Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document.
 Hours of work, accrued time off, time off in lieu and timesheet arrangements for non-school based public
servants procedure
 Individual employee grievances procedure
 Flexible by design program (DoE employees only)
 Flexible work arrangements – Public Service Commission
 Telecommuters
 ‘We All Belong’ workforce diversity and inclusion framework (DoE employees only)
Diversity, Culture and Engagement – Human Resources
Review date
Superseded versions
Previous seven years shown. Minor version updates not included.
1.0 Flexible work arrangements
2.0 Work-Life Balance procedure
Creative Commons licence
Attribution CC BY
Refer to the Creative Commons Australia site for further information

Improving Organisational Policies: A Case Study Analysis
In today’s dynamic business environment, organizations strive to establish and maintain a culture that reflects their core values and objectives. One of the ways they achieve this is through organizational policies that define the expected behavior of employees and the consequences of non-compliance. However, these policies need to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances and industry trends. In this context, this article conducts a policy analysis of an organizational case study – Bank Sinatra’s policy regarding the return of employees to the office full-time.

Bank Sinatra, one of Australia’s largest commercial banks, is the focal point of our analysis. The organization faced the challenge of motivating its employees to return to the office full-time after a successful transition to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. This case study provides an excellent opportunity to evaluate the existing policy and suggest improvements based on the principles of organizational psychology.

Understanding the Policy
The flexible work arrangements policy from the Department of Education serves as a reference for our analysis. This policy outlines the department’s commitment to providing flexible work options for employees, promoting diversity and inclusion, and balancing professional and personal life. It emphasizes the importance of considering employee requests fairly and reasonably, reviewing flexible work agreements regularly, and ensuring operational needs are met.

Critique of Bank Sinatra’s Policy
Policy Coverage: Bank Sinatra’s policy, as outlined in the case study, focuses primarily on the return to full-time office work. While this is a critical aspect, it lacks comprehensive coverage of other potential flexible work options, such as hybrid models or phased returns, which could better accommodate employees’ preferences.

Psychological Support: The policy should incorporate elements of psychological support, acknowledging the emotional impact of the transition on employees. Providing resources for mental health and stress management could enhance the policy’s effectiveness.

Input into Policy: The case study does not explicitly mention employee involvement in policy development. Inclusion of employees in decision-making processes can foster a sense of ownership and address their concerns effectively.

Trust and Autonomy: The policy should recognize the importance of trust in remote work arrangements. Trusting employees to manage their time and deliver results can boost motivation and productivity.

Based on the critique, several recommendations can enhance Bank Sinatra’s policy:

Comprehensive Flexible Work Options: Expand the policy to include a range of flexible work options, such as hybrid models, part-time office work, or phased returns, allowing employees greater flexibility in their choices.

Psychological Support: Integrate psychological support resources into the policy, providing guidance on managing stress, maintaining work-life balance, and seeking help when needed.

Employee Input: Establish mechanisms for employees to contribute to policy development and decision-making processes, ensuring their voices are heard and considered.

Trust and Autonomy: Emphasize trust and autonomy in the policy, recognizing that employees can deliver results regardless of their physical location.

Organizational policies play a crucial role in shaping workplace culture and behavior. Bank Sinatra’s challenge of motivating employees to return to the office full-time provides a valuable case study for policy analysis. By expanding the policy’s coverage, incorporating psychological support, involving employees, and emphasizing trust and autonomy, Bank Sinatra can create a more effective and employee-centric policy.


Department of Education. (2021). Flexible work arrangements policy (Version 1.4). Retrieved from link.

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