Posted: May 5th, 2020
Writing Assignment/ Test Instructions
1. Read Assignment Homework Sample Boom Essays: Free of Plagiarism and AI, Original Custom Research Essay Pro Papers Writing – Chapter 1 & 2: America’s Tradition in Foreign Policy & America’s Global Involvement and the Emergence of the Cold War
2. After reading, complete the corresponding essay assignments.
Test Questions:
1. Discuss the factors at the root of American foreign policy of isolationism prior to World War (WW) II.
2. How did the doctrines of George Washington and James Monroe contribute to America’s world view and isolationist foreign policy?
3. What is the significance of the National Origins Act of 1924 and what is the takeaway in the context of the border wall building project under the Donald Trump Administration?
4. Discuss the “Monroe Doctrine” and how it was used to prevent foreign intervention but justify U.S. intervention in the Western Hemisphere.
POLI-422 CHAPTERS 3 & 4-Spring 2023
2. After reading, complete the corresponding essay assignment.
1. Discuss the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 constituted an existential threat to the United States and the Global Community.
2. What lessons emerged in U.S.-Soviet Relations from the Cuban Missile Crisis?
3. Discuss the “realist” approach to foreign policy under the President Richard Nixon administration.
4. Discuss the “Idealist” approach to Foreign Policy under the Jimmy Carter Administration.
POLI-422 CHAPTERS 5 & 6/ Midterm-Spring 2023
2. After reading, complete the corresponding essay assignment.
3. Answer any Four (4) questions only.
1. Discuss the President Bill Clinton administration’s “strategy of enlargement” in American foreign policy.
2. Discuss the 9/11 Attacks of 2001 on the United States and its intersection with President George W. Bush’s foreign policy of “preemption” , “soft power” and “hard power”.
3. Identify and discuss the major foreign policy achievements of the President Bill Clinton Administration.
4. Explain the “two state” foreign policy approach to solving the Israeli – Palestinian conflict and how it was undermined by Israeli policy in November 2010 to build new housing units in East Jerusalem.
Write in a tone that is not typical to AI, that is not like AI wrote it and won’t be flagged by google or detected by plagiarism software. For example, act like an expert in your writing style, and replace simple language with advanced English, use subtitles where necessary, avoid redundancy, and use niche-appropriate language.
Welcome to POLI-422, a course designed to explore the complexities of American foreign policy. In this class, we will delve into the historical, political, and social factors that have shaped America’s foreign policy over the years. To test your knowledge, you will be required to complete essay assignments based on the readings assigned for each chapter. Here are the test instructions for the first three chapters of the course:
Assignment Homework Sample Boom Essays: Free of Plagiarism and AI, Original Custom Research Essay Pro Papers Writing – Chapter 1 & 2: America’s Tradition in Foreign Policy & America’s Global Involvement and the Emergence of the Cold War
The Roots of American Isolationism before WW II
American foreign policy was primarily characterized by isolationism before World War II. This policy was rooted in several factors, including America’s geographic isolation from the rest of the world, the country’s historical experience of being a colony and its struggle for independence, and the belief that America’s destiny was to be a beacon of freedom and democracy for the world.
George Washington and James Monroe’s Doctrines and America’s World View
George Washington and James Monroe’s doctrines significantly influenced America’s foreign policy. Washington’s doctrine emphasized neutrality and non-intervention in foreign affairs, while Monroe’s doctrine proclaimed the United States’ dominant position in the Western Hemisphere and warned European powers against any attempt to re-colonize the Americas.
National Origins Act of 1924 and the Border Wall Building Project under the Trump Administration
The National Origins Act of 1924 restricted immigration based on national origin, which had a significant impact on the demographics of the United States. In the context of the border wall building project under the Trump Administration, this act is an example of how immigration policies can be used to control the country’s borders and limit the flow of people into the United States.
The Monroe Doctrine and Its Impact
The Monroe Doctrine was a policy that warned European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the newly independent nations in the Western Hemisphere. It was used to prevent foreign intervention, but it also justified American intervention in the region. The doctrine was significant in shaping America’s role as a dominant power in the Western Hemisphere.
Assignment Homework Sample Boom Essays: Free of Plagiarism and AI, Original Custom Research Essay Pro Papers Writing – Chapter 3 & 4: After the Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War: Realism and Idealism in Foreign Policy & The Return and End of the Cold War: The Reagan and Bush Administrations
The Cuban Missile Crisis as an Existential Threat
The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 posed an existential threat to the United States and the global community. The presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba could have led to a nuclear war, with catastrophic consequences for the world.
Lessons from the Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis taught the United States and the Soviet Union several lessons about the dangers of nuclear weapons and the importance of communication and diplomacy in resolving international conflicts.
Realist Approach to Foreign Policy under the Nixon Administration
The Nixon Administration adopted a realist approach to foreign policy, which emphasized the importance of national interest and power in international relations. This approach was evident in Nixon’s policy of détente with the Soviet Union and his efforts to improve relations with China.
Idealist Approach to Foreign Policy under the Carter Administration
The Carter Administration pursued an idealist approach to foreign policy, which emphasized the importance of human rights and promoting democracy around the world. This approach was evident in Carter’s efforts to mediate conflicts and promote peace in the Middle East.
Assignment Homework Sample Boom Essays: Free of Plagiarism and AI, Original Custom Research Essay Pro Papers Writing – Chapter 5 & 6: Foreign Policy after the Cold War and 9/11 & Change and Continuity in Foreign Policy
President Clinton’s Strategy of Enlargement
President Clinton’s strategy of enlargement was a foreign policy approach that sought to expand democracy and market economies around the world. This approach was evident in Clinton’s efforts to promote NATO expansion and support for democratic movements in Central and Eastern Europe.
The Bush Doctrine and the War on Terror
The Bush Doctrine was a foreign policy approach that emphasized preemptive strikes against countries that posed a threat to the United States. This approach was used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which was part of the broader War on Terror.
The Obama Administration’s Pivot to Asia
The Obama Administration’s pivot to Asia was a foreign policy approach that sought to shift the focus of U.S. foreign policy towards the Asia-Pacific region. This approach was driven by the growing economic and strategic importance of the region and aimed to strengthen U.S. alliances and partnerships in the region.
Continuity and Change in U.S. Foreign Policy
U.S. foreign policy has undergone significant changes over the years, but there are also elements of continuity. For example, the United States has maintained its commitment to defending democracy and promoting human rights around the world, but the strategies used to achieve these goals have evolved over time.
In your essay, choose one of the topics above and explain its significance in shaping American foreign policy. Be sure to provide evidence from the readings and any additional research you conduct. Your essay should be between 750 and 1000 words and submitted by the deadline specified by your instructo
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