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Posted: January 7th, 2023

Management Development (MAIN)ASSESSMENT BRIEF

MODULE TITLE: Management Development (MAIN)
Management development refers to the processes that organizations use to improve the knowledge, skills, and abilities of their managers and leaders. This can include a wide range of activities such as training programs, coaching, mentoring, leadership development, and more. The goal of management development is to help managers and leaders perform their roles more effectively and to help organizations achieve their goals. It is an important aspect of human resource management and is often seen as a way to invest in the long-term success of the organization.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria specific to this assignment:
On completion of the assignment, students should be able to demonstrate an ability to:
1. Identify the competencies relevant to their future career

2. Reflect on performance within their professional practice and/or co-curricular activities using relevant academic theory and models.

3. Present evidence to demonstrate how work experience and/or co-curricular activity has enhanced their personal/professional competence and employability.

4. Communicate evidence of personal competencies effectively utilising an appropriate range of media across a variety of contexts.
Number of attempts
Please note that you are entitled to only two attempts to pass each assignment. You are strongly advised to take every opportunity to submit work as failure to submit counts as a fail. Should you fail an assignment, it is very important that you arrange a tutorial with the marker so that you can improve your work.

It is important that you complete your assessment, otherwise it is classed as a failed attempt (unless you have made a successful EC claim relating to Extenuating Circumstances).
No tutor, module leader or course leader can grant any form of extension to the published deadlines – this is done by a separate team within the university to ensure consistency and fairness for all. For full guidance on what constitutes an exceptional circumstance and how to make a claim, please visit the Extenuating Circumstances page on iCity; you can also contact the Student Support Team for help.

Please read the plagiarism guidelines on your module page.
Late Submissions
At time of publication the rules regarding late submission of work are:
• Assessments submitted up to 1 hour after the published deadline will receive no penalty.
• Assessments submitted between one and 24 hours after the published deadline will be reduced by 5% of the actual mark given by the tutor.
• Assessments submitted between 24 hours and five working days after the published deadline will be reduced by 10% of the actual mark given by the tutor.
• Work submitted more than five working days after the published deadline will not be marked and the student will be deemed to have failed an attempt at the assessment.
If a student has a support statement specifying additional time to complete coursework, the penalties will only apply from the alternative deadline provided by the statement.

Assessment Brief: First Attempt
1. Assessment Overview
1.1. Rationale
This module’s approach encourages you to further develop independent learning, and to reflect more deeply upon the skills you have gathered throughout the duration of your university life and working career to date. The module will prepare you for your final year modules, placement year, graduate employment opportunities and will continue building on your managerial skills.
This assessment gives you an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the development of soft skills, necessary for a manager, to prepare you for placement activities and/or for modern working life. The assessment requires you to reflect on the competencies you require for the future and to plan your development.

To pass this module, you must achieve a final overall mark of at least 40%. If your mark is less than 40%, you will be required to retake the assessment.
2. Assessment Brief
The assessment for this module is by way of submission of coursework in the form of a portfolio. The content should be 3000 words (the usual 10% margin of error will apply). The aim of the portfolio is to build a record of key learning over a period of time. To support your record of learning you are required to use evidence of your development, this can be highly visual but should also have the required substance to satisfy the academic requirements expected for a level five piece of work.
2.1. Required task(s):
• You are asked to identify an advert for a graduate level or placement opportunity job that you are interested in. The advert must include a list of competencies desired from candidates applying for the role.
• You are expected to assess your current level of competence against four competences listed in the advert for your chosen job. You must provide evidence of why you believe you have the level of competence that you claiming to have. This should be done by making use of reflection models supported with evidence.
• Each reflection should be supported with evidence in an appendix to support your current level of competency, using a range of media.
• You should then provide a Personal Development Plan (PDP) that you have developed (in SMART format) that aims to bridge the gap between were your level of competence is presently and where you believe it needs to be in order to achieve the role that you have identified.
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• Start looking for a graduate or placement role as soon as possible
• Download or take a screengrab of your chosen advert, do not include a link, this will expire
• You will need to identify four competencies from your chosen job advert and assess your current level of competence using a scale of 1-10 (10 being fully competent)
• When you reflect on each competency you must use an academic reflective model
• Use an appendix to support your reflections with evidence. This could be evidence of your competency from the workplace, homelife, module tutors, feedback, volunteering or co-curricular activities such as graduate plus or careers plus.
• You will need to demonstrate that you are continually working on your competency by way of a personal development plan (PDP). This PDP should have at least four objectives, one per competency.
2.3. Word count
The maximum word count is: 3000 words (+/- 10%).
The word limit is for your coursework, and does not cover material submitted as an appendix. Material submitted as an appendix provides background for your coursework, but it will not be marked unless specified in the brief. Also, it is important that you cross-refer between the main text of your assignment and any appendices, in order to demonstrate the linkage, and that the appendices do not constitute additional material unrelated to that included in the body of your assignment. If you do not refer to this work in the appendix, then this included work in the appendices are not marked.
Your references page will not be included in the word count, but inline citations used in the main body of the assignment/presentation (e.g. Smith and Jones (2010) identified that…) will be included in the word count.
You are required to declare the number of words used in your assignment. There is no fixed penalty for exceeding the word count, but students should be made aware that the marker will not consider any work after the +10% word count tolerance has been reached, within the allocation of marks. Students may therefore be penalised for a failure to be concise and for failing to conclude their work within the word count specified.

2.4. Drafts
Your lecturer will look at only one draft version of your portfolio or part of it up to 1 week before the hand-in date. This way you can use this ‘formative’ feedback to develop your work further. This feedback does not contribute towards a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ mark. Drafts are not graded or assessed – the purpose of these is for you to gain feedback for improving your work. Guidance can be sought by speaking to your lecturer if there are any areas of concern or by arranging an appointment via e-mail.
2.5. Submissions
Your report should be submitted online through TurnitIn via the link provided in the Assessment area of the module’s Moodle site. Hard copy submissions will not be accepted. Please follow the University policy regarding online submission and submitting assignments on time (see Page 1).
You are strongly advised to use Turnitin to check the similarity count with other sources and therefore avoid plagiarism. You will find a link to Turnitin on the module Moodle site which allows you to submit your work and check it before submitting it through the usual submission portal.
You should attach the assessment feedback form together with the marking criteria (the cover sheet) to your work before submitting for marking.
2.6. Formatting and presentation
The assignment should be word-processed and double line spaced. Use of bullet points should be avoided or used sparingly.
• Use Arial size 11 point for your assignments, full justified.
• Each page should be numbered except for the contents pages (if any).
• Presentation must be formal in language and style and must adhere to the structure given above.
2.7. Referencing
All work should be referenced using the Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers – Harvard format – there are handouts available online at the library website and are available as hard copy in the library if you are unsure of this.
Do not use popular websites like Wikipedia, Google or Yahoo – the former is not peer assessed and the work is not always reliable and the later are search engines.
Use textbooks and journal articles (newspaper articles may at times be acceptable). You should however, make more reliance on journal articles as these are peer reviewed and are often more recent than text books. If you are to use text books, these should be the latest so it is important to check whether you have the latest edition.
Citations should be used very minimally and in limited circumstances, you may reference lecture material such as handouts and presentation slides.

3. Marking criteria
0 – 39%
Fail 40 – 49%
Third 50 – 59%
2:2 60 – 69%
2:1 70 – 79%
First 80 – 100%
LO 1
Identify the competencies relevant to their future career
Identify the competencies relevant to their future career
No real identifiable competencies with relevance to future career Superficial illustration of competencies or weak level of relevance highlighted Good identification of relevant competencies achieved Very Good breadth of competencies identified with substantial relevance to future career
Excellent and Comprehensive collection of competencies identified with excellent relevance to future career Outstanding and Comprehensive collection of competencies identified with excellent relevance to future career
LO 2
Reflect on performance within their professional practice and/or co-curricular activities using relevant academic theory and models. Reflect on performance within their professional practice and/or co-curricular activities using relevant academic theory and models
Poor or no evidence of reflection Weak or Little evidence of personal reflection. Information presented with minimal reference to academic theory or models Generally competent and realistic analysis but with limited reference to academic theory or models and lacking in any real depth Good level of personal reflection with clear link to academic theory, models and evidence Excellent level of personal reflection with defined links to academic theory, models and evidence Outstanding personal critical reflection with clearly defined link to academic theory, models and evidence
LO 3
Present evidence to demonstrate how work experience and/or co-curricular activity has enhanced their personal/professional competence and employability. Present evidence to demonstrate how work experience and/or co-curricular activity has enhanced their personal/professional competence and employability
Poor or No evidence offered to underpin argument or support perceived level of personal / professional competence or plan for future employability Weak or Minimal evidence offered to underpin argument or support perceived level of personal / professional competence or plan for future employability Good attempt made to evidence perceived level of personal and professional competence with a plan for future employability Very Good attempt made to evidence perceived level of personal and professional competence with a plan for future employability Excellent level of evidence offered to underpin argument and support perceived level of personal / professional competence with a detailed plan for future employability presented in an articulate manner Outstanding level of evidence offered to underpin argument and support perceived level of personal / professional competence with a detailed plan for future employability presented in a highly articulate manner

LO 4
Communicate evidence of personal competencies effectively utilising an appropriate range of media across a variety of contexts. Communicate evidence of personal competencies effectively utilising an appropriate range of media across a variety of contexts
Poor or unacceptable in terms of style, language and referencing. No reference list. Unprofessional level of presentation with poor choice of media selected to support reflections and development Weak or significant deficiencies in style and language. Questionable attribution of sources. Basic presentation with limited use of media to support reflections and development Generally Good Style and language of which is clear.
Some minor errors and lacks substance.
Attempts at attribution of sources. Obvious effort made to present information in a professional manner with an attempt made to adopt a range of appropriate media to support reflections and development Very Good use of appropriate media. Clear plan of how to present information with a strong standard of language, referencing and source attribution throughout. A very good range of appropriate media to support reflections and development has been used. Excellent use of appropriate media. Developed plan of how to present information with a strong standard of language, referencing and source attribution throughout. An excellent range of appropriate media to support reflections and development has been used. Outstanding use of appropriate media. Developed plan of how to present information with a strong standard of language, referencing and source attribution throughout. An outstanding range of appropriate media to support reflections and development has been used

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