Posted: January 12th, 2023
MSc in Project Management
Implementation Project Plan Documentation Assignment
Assignment Description
You need to create all the Project Plan Documentation for the “Implementation of a Regional Patient Portal” for State X which has 13 Health Prefectures within the State.
Each Health Prefecture is responsible for many Healthcare Service Providers under them (ie Doctors, Hospitals, Community Health Centers etc), there are about 20-30 Health Care Service Providers under each Prefecture. Each Healthcare Service Provider may have:
• An existing patient portal
• An online appointment booking system
• Other Health System (ie Emergency room wait time)
The Patient Portal will need to connect with the above existing systems using a single sign on mechanism and APIs.
The main idea of the project is to create regional web-based Patient Portal, this will be a single front door, which will allow patients to connect to existing Patient Portals (ie with links from the front page) using a single sign on mechanism (SSO). The Patient will login to the main Patient Portal, then select the existing portal they want to connect to, and they will be taken to that portal and automatically login using SSO.
A fictitious Project Charter is supplied in the following pages which can be used as a starting point for you to create the required Project Documentation.
You will need to create the following Project Implementation Documents
• Suggest the Project Management Approach for the Implementation
• Stakeholder Matrix (identify possible stakeholders)
• Project Governance (suggested Governance model)
• Work Plans (WBS)
• Deliverables document
• Requirements documentation (how to approach requirements elicitation / confirmation etc)
• Implementation Plan (how to approach the implementation for all 13 Prefectures with timelines, SSO integrations, APIs integrations, 3rd party vendors)
• Implementation Gannt Chart (suggested schedule for all 13 Prefectures, SSO integrations, APIs integrations, 3rd party vendors etc)
• Change Control Plan (how to mange change)
• Suggested Communication Plan (ie how should this be communicated to Health providers and patients (ie trust, help, value etc)
• Assumptions / Risk Matrix
Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note: The Patient Portal will need to integrate with existing portals, appointment booking systems with a SSO integrations with the 3rd party vendors.
Project Charter
Patient portals signal a change in the operation of healthcare organizations and have the potential to allow patients to interact in a more meaningful way. The goal of a patient portal is to deepen the engagement between patients and their providers to create better patient outcomes. Patient portals provide patients with online access to their personal health information in a safe and secure manner and enable them to manage aspects on their own. Patient portals are online platforms that allow patients to access their personal health information and manage various aspects of their care, such as scheduling appointments, viewing test results, and communicating with their healthcare providers. These portals can be accessed through a web browser or mobile app and typically require a secure login.
Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One of the main goals of patient portals is to improve patient engagement and communication with their healthcare providers. write my research paper owl essayservice uk writings. providing easy access to their personal health information, patients can become more informed and involved in their own care, which can lead to better health outcomes. Additionally, patient portals can help reduce administrative tasks for healthcare providers, allowing them to spend more time focusing on patient care.
Do My Assignment For Me UK: Class Assignment Help Services Best Essay Writing Experts – Another benefit of patient portals is that they can make it easier for patients to manage their health outside of the clinic or hospital setting. For example, patients can use portals to refill prescriptions, request referrals, and view their health records, which can reduce the need for in-person visits.
The State X of Country Y is compromised of 13 prefectures, these prefectures are engaged in providing patients with digital access to their health information through patient portals. All 13 prefectures of State X have agreed to participate in a regional approach to patient portals.
The intent is to implement a patient portal that will provide patients with digital access to their health information using existing patient portals.
The focus of the Patient Portal solution is on the components listed below:
• Use an existing Single Sign On (SSO) mechanism for authentication (ie username / pass from Financial Institutions
• Use existing Hospital Portals to view health data
• Use existing Health Community Services patient portal integrations (for access)
• Use existing Online appointment booking systems for appointment bookings via the Patient Portal
The Patient Portal will also provide a Content Management System (CMS) so that the State and each Prefecture can upload website content for informative purposes for their patients.
The Patient Portal solution described in this document supports patients, Healthcare Providers and the Prefectures by enhancing navigation, discovery and access to the various health resources across the State. The proposed solution offers a common platform that can be personalized to the individual while also supporting configuration, localized navigation, as well as digital access of care and information across the communities.
Providers and Care Teams: Prefectures will be able to easily and consistently ensure that the services and information provided regionally are discoverable and accessible to patients of State X.
Patients and Caregivers: write my research paper owl essayservice uk writings. supporting a personalized, Web-enabled experience, end-users will be able to navigate and access healthcare services relevant to their journey more conveniently, consistently and securely.
The types of potential integrations though APIs for the Patient Portal are:
• Existing Patient portals – Hospitals, Community Health Services
• Appointment Management
• Web content – Regionally or Locally
• Other future third party services – Regionally or Locally
• Communications
o Healthcare Provider Notices
Implement a Patient Portal (PP) for the State of X and its 13 Prefectures that will support patients, Healthcare Service Providers, and Prefectures by enhancing health system navigation, service discovery and access to the various health resources across the State. The proposed solution offers a common platform that can be personalized to the individual Prefecture while supporting configuration of preferences, localized navigation, as well as secure digital access to personal health data.
This project will cover the implementation work for the in-scope activities, at all 13 Prefectures:
1. Prefecture 1
2. Prefecture 2
3. Prefecture 3
4. Prefecture 4
5. Prefecture 5
6. Prefecture 6
7. Prefecture 7
8. Prefecture 8
9. Prefecture 9
10. Prefecture 10
11. Prefecture 11
12. Prefecture 12
13. Prefecture 13
Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note: Each prefecture, has about 20-30 Healthcare Services under them, some may have existing portals, some may not.
The success of this project depends on the below most important success criteria:
• Prefecture support and resource allocation
• Prefecture Readiness and documentation of exiting IT Assets (ie for all 13 Prefecture healthcare members)
ID Priority Deliverable Name Deliverable Description
Phase 1 – Project Planning
1 Identify Stakeholders Document all 13 Prefecture members (ie each prefecture may have around 20-30 health services members under them)
2 Develop IT asset lists Document Prefecture member IT assets
3 Confirm Project Scope Meetings to review the contract or statement of work to confirm the scope of work and acceptance criteria for all parties involved
4 Confirm Resource Requirements Determine required resources from all parties (ie lead to evaluate modules, project managers, IT resources, Prefecture content & communications teams)
5 Confirm high-level milestones, timelines, effort Define meaningful milestones to help measure progress. A Gantt chart can be created to note project phases, milestones, timelines, resources, dependencies.
6 Assess environment readiness IT asset and Prefecture readiness. Prioritize implementation
Phase 2 – Project Kick-off
7 Schedule kick-off meetings Meeting with all Prefecture team leads for alignment. Sub-meetings to discuss tasks and responsibilities, review timelines etc
8 Recurring Updates Program and Project Managers to set up recurring status update meetings with teams to track progress and remove roadblocks
Phase 3 – Project Execution
9 App Store / Play Store Licensing iOS App and Android Play Store account creation, account management
10 Develop Navigator Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Legal team to draft terms of use to be used for Prefecture sub-website (web content)
11 Navigator local Design & Build Branding, colours, localization, links, testing of the local Prefecture content and publishing mechanisms
12 Go Live Planning Communications to patients, success metrics
Phase 4 – Project Closure
13 Close Sign-off
14 Transition to Support Support services to be activated before go-live,
Post-implementation onboarding of assets and users
ID Description
1 All 13 Prefectures and their members will have provided an IT asset list
All 13 Prefectures resource availability in support of implementation
2 Assume phased rollout with 3-month planning and 3-month implementation timeline for Prefectures;
4 Prefecture readiness levels may vary, and timelines will need to be validated to support a phased approach once the service is ready for implementation. Timelines may also be impacted by 3rd party integrations and prioritization may vary which may also impact schedule
ID Risk Description & Details Status Likelihood Impact Risk Level Risk Owner Risk Response Strategy Action
1 Prefecture support and resource involvement No change 2 2 4 Prefecture Leads Reduce Inform leads, communicate, gain their trust and support
2 Authentication Mechanism trusted by patients No change 4 5 20 State Transfer State level matter
3 Technological capabilities of existing portals for API / SSO integrations No change 2 5 10 Vendors Transfer Vendor support required
4 Patient portal security and privacy protection No change 2 5 10 Province Security Office Transfer State level matter
5 Schedule Impact No change 3 5 15 Vendors Accept/Mitigate State & vendor level matter
6 State IT / Helpdesk Support No change 2 5 10 State Accept / Mitigate State level matter
ID Resource Requirement Description
1 Program Manager (1 person) State X Program Manager
2 Advisory Committee or Partnership Lead To evaluate lists of modules for portal and coordinate in terms of viability and priority
3 State CMS Administrator (1 person) Define users, administer access for Prefecture teams to build out the resources available to patients
4 13 Prefecture Administrators (13 persons) To define content streams to make local content discoverable in Portal
5 13 Prefecture Leads (13 persons) Each Prefecture should assign leads / PMs to lead the implementation for their Prefecture
6 Prefecture Communications & Content Team (13 persons) For content identification to include in Patient Portal. Contact point for escalation from State support. Test initial content in Portal. Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One per Prefecture
8 Privacy & Legal Specialists (1 or more persons) Support for Terms of Use and Privacy documents for content on portal.
8 13 IT Support Staff (1 for every Prefecture) For CMS local portal issues, initial iOS & Android App registration.
Suggest approach.
Change Management processes to be described.
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