Instructions Submit a thoughtful, well-constructed personal reflection essay. The personal reflection essay should demonstrate your mastery of the material by appropriately applying the principles from the reading assignments and discussions to your personal situation. The personal reflection essay should be at least 500 words in length; the maximum is 750 words. The quality of the […]
Assignment #1 Science & Media: A Critical Analysis Worth: 20 % of your final mark Length: ~1000 words; use your word processor to count words and include word count at the top of your paper Assignment: Keeping informed on science-related topics/issues should be easy and accessible to everyone. Global media outlets (i.e., newspapers, magazines, television/online […]
Telepsychiatry and Pharmacogenetic Telepsychiatry refers to the practice of delivering mental health care services remotely using telecommunication technology, such as video conferencing or phone calls. Telepsychiatry can be an effective way to increase access to mental health care for people who live in remote or underserved areas or have difficulty traveling to in-person appointments. Pharmacogenetics […]
NR293 Pharmacology for Nursing Practice Medication Teaching PlanWrite My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guidelines The purpose of this assignment is for the student to synthesize pharmacological knowledge (i.e., core drug knowledge, core patient variables, and nursing implications) of pharmacotherapeutic agents into a useful teaching and learning tool […]
Cassell case study SOWK 321 The original source for this case study comes from Cases for intervention planning: A source book (1993) by Molly R. Hamcock and Kenneth Miller. It has been revised for SOWK 321 use at Metropolitan State University by Dr. Monica Roth Day. Agency: Children’s Hospital and Clinics, St. Paul, Minnesota Referral […]
In a well-written discussion post address the following: How might you create space for your clients to explore their gender identities and expressions? Use the clinical guidelines to support your response. Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. […]
Perception and Reality Theory Perception and reality have long been studied in the field of psychology, and there has been a recent resurgence of interest in this topic. The way individuals perceive reality can be influenced by a variety of factors, including mental illness, trauma, and life experiences. In this article, we will discuss the […]
Kantian Ethics: The Importance of Moral Perspective, Will, Duty, and Freedom Kantian ethics emphasizes the conception and development of a moral standpoint, which is crucial to understanding the moral subject and its duties and responsibilities. Kant posits a perspective that equalizes all subjects into equal moral agents and holds them to universalizable moral and ethical […]
What happens to our brain as we age? What is dementia? Is it a necessary part of the aging process? Is Alzheimer Disease typical of late adulthood? In addition to your textbook, view the YouTube videos below in order to respond to the questions above. As we age, our brain undergoes several changes. One of […]
The targeted teaching activity discussed in this reflective analysis aims to address the specific needs of an identified student through data-informed instruction. This paper will explore the process undertaken to develop the activity, highlighting the use of data to identify the student, select the learning objective, and design the targeted learning activity. Additionally, it will […]