Posted: January 23rd, 2023
In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to address and resolve a significant problem/challenge in your school that influences instructional practice and student learning. Standards Each of the guiding prompts to which you will be responding is directly aligned to the standards upon which this task was developed. To read your specific state or national standards before beginning your work, access them on the What Do You Have to Do for This Task? For this task, you must submit the following evidence. 1. Written Commentary of a maximum of 25,500 characters (equivalent to eight pages typed) that responds to all guiding prompts; references your artifacts to support your written evidence; and describes, analyzes, and reflects on the evidence. 2. Artifacts The required artifacts for this task: Artifact Maximum Number of Pages Textbox Location Representative page of longitudinal data 1 1.1.1 Representative page of the research materials and resources you used to inform the development of the plan 1 1.2.1 Representative pages of the plan* 2 1.2.2 Representative page of your timeline and steps 1 1.2.2 Representative page of your communication with stakeholders 1 1.3.1 Representative page of an artifact of your choice that reflects any adjustments and/or results related to the implementation of the plan (e.g., meeting notes; e-mails to stakeholders) 1 1.3.2 Representative page of student work 1 1.3.2 *A sample template is provided, but candidates can submit a form of their own (maximum of two pages). How to Compose Your Written Commentary This task has four steps that are scored, each with guiding prompts to help you provide evidence that supports your response. Your response needs to address all parts of each of the guiding prompts. Step 1: Identifying a Problem/Challenge Step 2: Researching and Developing a Plan Step 3: Implementing the Plan Step 4: Reflecting on the Plan and the Resolution
Task 1 Contextual information: Many factors can affect teaching and learning; these could include the community, the school district, and/or individual school/classroom/student factors. The information you gather about your learning environment will help provide perspective to the rater who will be scoring your submission. This part of your submission will not be scored, but the information you include could have implications regarding your professional choices. Your response must be limited to 1,500 characters (equivalent to one-half page typed).
A. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe your school district. Include relevant information about the ethnic, social, economic, cultural, and geographic factors affecting the district environment.
B. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe your school. Include relevant information about the ethnic, social, economic, cultural, and geographic factors affecting the school environment that are different from those described in your response to Guiding Prompt A.
C. Provide an overview of your school’s faculty. Include relevant information such as the career stages, teaching styles, and diversity of the staff, and describe leadership opportunities.
Identifying a problem/Challenge. This step allows you to demonstrate your ability to identify a significant problem/challenge. Activity In collaboration with your supervising building administrator, identify one significant problem/challenge connected to the school and/or school community and describe the impact that the problem/challenge has on instructional practice and student learning; use and explain how longitudinal data supports your choice of the problem/challenge; and describe the expected result if the problem/challenge is addressed and how the change will affect instructional practice and student learning. Then respond to the guiding prompts below. Guiding Prompts Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the significant problem/challenge you selected. What is the impact that the problem/challenge has on instructional practice and student learning? Provide examples to demonstrate the impact of the problem/challenge. What longitudinal data did you collect? Why are the data appropriate? How do the data support your choice of a significant problem/challenge? What result do you anticipate if the problem/challenge is addressed? How will the result(s) impact instructional practice and student learning? Required artifact for this textbox: A representative page of longitudinal data (maximum of one page)
Researching and developing a plan: This step allows you to demonstrate your ability to develop a plan to address a significant problem/challenge. Activity Develop a plan that identifies research, school/district resources, and community/cultural influences to support the identification of a problem/challenge; includes specific goals and a timeline with specific steps that delineate key colleagues’ involvement in the development of the plan; describes communication strategies to reach various audiences; and identifies a method to measure the plan’s effect on instructional practice and student learning. Then respond to the guiding prompts below. Guiding Prompts What significant research did you conduct and/or consult? How did it influence the development of the plan? What school and/or district resources did you use? Explain how the resources affected the development of the plan. What school/community/cultural influences affected the development of the plan? How did they influence the development of the plan? Required artifact for this textbox: A representative page of research materials and resources you used to inform the development of the plan (maximum of one page)
Developing the plan: Guiding Prompts Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the plan you developed. What is the resolution of the problem/challenge that you hope to achieve, and how will the plan help achieve it? Provide examples to support your conclusion. What is the timeline for each step of the plan? Provide a rationale for your choices regarding the timeline and steps. Whom did you include to help develop the plan? Why did you select them, and what roles did they play in the development of the plan? What strategies did you use to communicate the plan to various audiences? Provide a rationale for your choice of strategies. How do you intend to assess the results of the plan and its impact on instructional practice and student learning? Identify examples of student work that will demonstrate the impact on student learning resulting from implementation of the plan. Provide a rationale for your choice of student work. Required artifacts for this textbox: Representative pages of the plan (maximum of two pages) A representative page of your timeline and steps (maximum of one page)
Implementing the plan: This step allows you to demonstrate your ability to implement and then analyze the effectiveness of the plan. Activity Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe and analyze the implementation of the plan by describing the actions you took to support the plan and your colleagues and the communication strategies you used to implement the plan; explaining the monitoring process used to assess the implementation of the plan, including any adjustments made to the plan; and illustrating how implementation of the plan addressed the problem/challenge and how the plan specifically improved instructional practice and student learning Then respond to the guiding prompts below. Guiding Prompts What actions did you take to support the implementation of the plan? Provide examples. Whom did you include in the implementation? Why and how did you include them? What communication strategies did you use with these individuals, and why? What impact did these strategies have on the implementation of the plan? Required artifact for this textbox: A representative page of your communication with stakeholders (maximum of one page)
Analysis: Guiding Prompts What criteria and methods did you use to monitor the implementation of the plan? Why did you choose them? What adjustments did you make during the implementation of the plan? Provide a rationale for your adjustments. How effective was the implementation of the plan in addressing the problem/challenge? Provide specific examples to support your conclusion. How did the implementation of the plan impact both instructional practice and student learning? Provide examples from the student work sample to support your conclusion. Required artifacts for this textbox: A representative page of an artifact that reflects adjustments and/or results (maximum of one page) A representative page of student work (maximum of one page)
Reflecting on the plan and the resolution: This step allows you to demonstrate your ability to reflect on the effectiveness of the plan. Activity Reflect on the effectiveness of the plan by describing any changes you would make to the plan based on the resolution; explaining how this process influenced your approach to future problem-solving situations; and reflecting on the effectiveness of the resolution of the plan. Then respond to the guiding prompts below. Guiding Prompts Based on the quality of the resolution, what changes would you make to the development and implementation process if you were to do this again? What lessons have you learned from the entire process of developing and implementing the plan? How has what you have learned influenced the way you will approach future problem-solving tasks? Provide examples to support all your conclusions.
That is the end of instructions for task Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One. I will provide student work samples. The responses that you submit must be distinctly your own work. Software is utilized to scan all responses for overlap with test-taker submissions from all submission windows and from published sources, including the Library of Examples. Paragraphs or even sections of paragraphs that are substantially similar will be construed as overlap. If such overlap is detected, an investigation with the (OTI) may be initiated and scores could be voided at any time So I will also need a similarity report. This must be 100% authentic work. Thanks
You can make up scenarios and teachers names for the sake of this assignment. Pretend you are a teacher answering these prompts from personal experience.
The significant problem/challenge that I have identified in my school district is the high rate of absenteeism among students. The impact of this problem on instructional practice and student learning is significant. When students are frequently absent, they miss important instruction and are less likely to keep pace with their classmates. This can lead to frustration and disengagement, which can further exacerbate absenteeism.
To support my choice of this problem, I collected longitudinal data on student attendance over the past three years. The data shows that there is a clear trend of increasing absenteeism among students, with an average of 20% of students absent on any given day. This data is appropriate because it provides a clear picture of the extent of the problem and helps to identify patterns and trends over time.
The expected result if this problem is addressed would be an improvement in student attendance, which would in turn lead to improved instruction and student learning. With better attendance, students will be more likely to stay engaged and on pace with their classmates, and teachers will be better able to provide targeted instruction that meets the needs of all students. write my research paper owl essayservice uk writings. addressing this problem, we will be able to improve the overall learning environment and create better opportunities for student success.
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