Posted: May 5th, 2020
Briefly describe the conflict that you selected ( interpersonal, intergroup, community, societal), its central issues, and the parties involved.
Analyze the conflict using the psychological theory that you selected, its constructs, and its assumptions.
Briefly explain why you selected the theory that you chose.
Explain how an understanding of psychological theory can lead to a better understanding of conflict and contribute to its resolution. APPLICATION OF SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES
Conflict: Interpersonal conflict between co-workers in a company.
Central Issues: The conflict arises due to differences in communication styles, work expectations, and personality clashes. The parties involved are the individuals who are directly involved in the conflict, such as two co-workers or a group of co-workers.
Psychological Theory: Social Identity Theory
Constructs: Social identity, ingroup-outgroup categorization, intergroup bias, social comparison, self-esteem, and group norms.
Assumptions: Social Identity Theory assumes that individuals strive for a positive social identity and that they tend to categorize themselves and others into social groups. It also assumes that people have a tendency to favor their ingroup over outgroups and that intergroup conflicts arise when there is a threat to one’s social identity or when there is a perception of unfair treatment.
Reason for Selection: Social Identity Theory was chosen because it focuses on the role of group membership and how it influences interpersonal conflict. In an organizational setting, individuals often identify with their work groups, and this theory helps understand the dynamics of conflicts that arise between different work groups or within a work group.
Contribution to Conflict Resolution: Understanding Social Identity Theory provides insights into how group identities and biases can impact interpersonal conflict. It helps in recognizing that conflicts may arise due to differences in group norms, communication styles, or perceived threat to one’s social identity. By addressing these underlying factors, conflict resolution can be approached by fostering a sense of shared identity, promoting positive intergroup relations, and encouraging open communication to bridge differences. It also emphasizes the importance of building a positive work environment that supports individuals’ self-esteem and reduces the likelihood of conflict. Overall, applying social-psychological theories helps to analyze the underlying factors and dynamics of conflicts, enabling more effective conflict resolution strategies.
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