Posted: May 5th, 2020
COMP3760/6760: Enterprise Systems Integration, XML, Web Service
4–5 minutes
Assignment Task
Project Brief
Provide a description on: the group meeting schedule or plan, each member’s role in the project, identifying risks and ways to manage risks, ways to communicate between members, and a log recording each meeting, discussion and dialogue between members in relation to the project. Need first-class papers? Get Fast Essay Writers US & urgent essay writing service Ca – Note: all members need to contribute to the project. The description and log need to be submitted together with the four tasks.
Task 1 Collaborative Business Process and EAI
The objective of this task is
to use BPMN notation (Week 2 lecture) to draw a collaborative business process for the GP seeing Joe’s case, in which you need to show partners (users), how they interact, and how information/messages are exchanged. In this case, the partner systems can be EHR, GP’s own medical system, hospital medical system, and patient Joe.
There are various ways to design and implement this collaborative business process. Design and draw an EAI system that support the GP makes the inquiry to different systems and make a decision in Joe’s case.
Explain how GP’s inquire is processed in your EAI system. You may make the necessary assumptions.
Task 2 Web Service Design
Suppose you are wrapping the components of EHR (Figure 1) as web services, which allows patients and doctors to create applications. You are required to:
Identify the two necessary functions of these services. You can make your assumptions based on your experience in using EHR;
For each of the above functions, identify the input/output messages;
Use WSDL interface definition constructs to specify the above identified functions with input/output messages.
Task 3 XML Schema Design
For the above input/output messages, write their XML Schemas. You need to include the following:
Two different ways of specifying complex types, one is defined inside the element, the other defines a complex type first, then (re-)uses it as a complex type of an element;
Use constraints on the values of a simple typed element, on the occurrence of elements;
Pick up one xml schema, construct a sample xml document.
Task 4 Discussion (600 words)
“The current EHR system is basically a portal for a collection of documents without proper integration”, from this description we can image the documents stored there are of different formats with different structures. For example, the hospital discharge summary is very different from diagnostic image report. The challenges is how to bring all the information together in a uniformed interface for search and query. Use what you have learned in the unit to discuss the following:
The possible issues relating to the integration of all the components in EHR (from different layers/aspects) using examples;
The possible technologies potentially used to support system integration at various levels/aspects;
The options and considerations of the technologies along with their advantages and disadvantages
Project Brief
Group Meeting Schedule: We will meet once a week on Thursdays at 3 PM via Zoom.
John: Project Manager
Mary: Business Analyst
Sarah: System Analyst
David: Developer
Communication breakdown due to remote work
Inadequate skill level of team members
Scope creep
Technical difficulties during development
Risk Management:
Regular meetings to discuss progress and address issues
Training and mentorship for team members who require additional support
Strict adherence to project scope
Back-up plans in case of technical difficulties
Weekly meetings via Zoom
Communication through email and instant messaging
Use of project management software to track progress and tasks
Meeting Log:
Date: March 10th, 2023
Attendees: John, Mary, Sarah, David
Project overview
Discussion of roles and responsibilities
Risk identification and management
Communication plan
Task assignment
Team members introduced themselves and their background
Project overview discussed and clarified
Roles and responsibilities assigned
Risks identified and management strategies discussed
Communication plan outlined
Tasks assigned and deadlines set
Date: March 17th, 2023
Attendees: John, Mary, Sarah, David
Progress update
Discussion of Task 1
Task 2 assignment
Risk management review
Next meeting plan
Each team member provided an update on their progress
Task 1 discussed and progress reviewed
Task 2 assigned to team members
Risk management strategies reviewed and updated
Next meeting scheduled for March 24th
Task 1: Collaborative Business Process and EAI
The collaborative business process for the GP seeing Joe’s case will involve the following partners and systems:
GP’s medical system
Hospital medical system
Patient Joe
The following BPMN diagram shows the collaborative business process:
BPMN diagram
The EAI system will support the GP’s inquiry to different systems and make a decision in Joe’s case. The GP’s inquiry will be processed as follows:
The GP submits an inquiry to the EAI system through their medical system.
The EAI system sends the inquiry to the hospital medical system and the EHR.
The hospital medical system and the EHR provide the necessary information to the EAI system.
The EAI system analyzes the information and provides the GP with a recommendation.
Task 2: Web Service Design
The two necessary functions of the EHR web services are:
Retrieval of patient records
Updating of patient records
The input and output messages for each function are as follows:
Function 1: Retrieval of patient records
Input: Patient ID
Output: Patient records (in XML format)
Function 2: Updating of patient records
Input: Patient ID and updated records (in XML format)
Output: Confirmation of update
The WSDL interface definition for these functions can be found in the following links:
Function 1 WSDL
Function 2 WSDL
Task 3: XML Schema Design
The XML schemas for the input and output messages are as follows:
Function 1 Input XML Schema:
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