Posted: March 6th, 2024
The Impact of Animalism in the Modern World
1. Introduction
Animalism, as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, is a belief in the superiority of the brute over the human creation, a theory which would reform the world by giving the beasts dominion. Moreover, animalism was an extremely widespread movement, a wind of change with a substantial popular following, and it showed no sign at present of abating. However, in recent years, it has become fashionable to regard animalism as solely a minor aspect of early nineteenth-century radical politics, or else as an eccentricity of Methodist activists. Such a view has been encouraged by the tendency of many historians to treat animalism superficially, as part of the picturesque cultural landscape of the age – an age which, so the story goes, was characterized by the passionate enthusiasm for both the terrible and the picturesque, which were conjoined as sentimentality. Yet animalism raises issues of far more than merely antiquarian concern. Its hold upon the hearts of ordinary men and women was strong and to its appeal the movement was able to bring out immense outpourings of popular eloquence and creative activity. Moreover, radical animalism had manifestly serious intentions. Its leaders claimed to offer a way of reorganizing the human worlds of mortality and material goods so as to improve the lot of the common people: to the verminous poor lodged here and there upon the widely scattered means of grace. It is the purpose of this paper to show why animalism was such a profoundly popular movement and yet at the same time why it was bound to remain a minority creed. First, the meaning of the word must be examined and the reasons given which explain its adoption at the end of the eighteenth century. Then, the paper will set out the thesis that at the heart of animalism was a popular expression of self-assertion and a sincere belief in the possibility of radical change. I will argue that animalism was constantly reshaped by those who embraced the ideas at a very basic level. This is an important part of understanding radical animalism, its association with ideas of community and fellowship, and its opposition to the ideology and practices of what we now understand to be ‘enlightened self-interest’. My attention will be paid to Protestant traditions and popular biblical exegesis, which brought ideas of compassion towards animals to a wide audience. The empirical optimism of Bacon and so-called ‘rational husbandry’, used to justify the domination and exploitation of animals, will be set against the emotive and imaginative indictment of the ‘new’ animalism. Also, the hierarchy of masculinist values was central to the self-legitimation of medical experimentation – a theme which will be shown to be an important aspect of animalism; for in the loneliness of the dissecting room, it is suggested, the hegemony of this world of reason and science is turned into a cruel despotism over the suffering of the brute creatures.
1.1 Definition of Animalism
Animalism is referred to as “a theory that human life and action are akin to animal life and behavior, and that humans are not capable of achieving anything so very far from the natural instincts of the other animal.” This topic is not only about the interest of comprehending human life and human action but also about the actual basic essences of what humans are. As for the historical context, animalism as a concept had been referred to many different specific things through hundreds of years. Nowadays, the word “animalism” is more commonly understood as an ideological notion that values animal welfare over human needs, express and often linked to animal rights movements. But in history, the word has mainly been used as a philosophical term to describe certain theories about life and soul, like what is mentioned in the book “The Moral and Political Writings of Ockham” as well as in some other known materials like “A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names” or “Collier’s New Encyclopedia.” These historical backgrounds about what animalism means in the past and what had been interpreted could provide a general knowledge as well as a basis for the study. Furthermore, it also highlights the importance of the distinction between today’s more modern twist to the meaning of animalism and the more traditional, historical approach towards the study of enquiry.
1.2 Historical Background
Since the early days of human civilization, many have sought to define the relationship between humans and animals. In order to understand the contemporary significance and impact of animalism in modern society, it is necessary to consider historical beliefs about animals and the relevance of different kinds of animal perception for human-animal relations. Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One of the earliest and most enduring expressions of concern about the treatment of animals is associated with the ancient philosopher, Pythagoras, today best known for his eponymous theorem taught in every school geometry class. Pythagoras – who lived around 570-495 BCE – was a vegetarian and is said to have advocated a kind of animal fellowship in which he believed that at least some animals were reincarnated humans and – crucially – that all souls, whether human or non-human, are eternal. This kind of animalism, which sees human minds as only the latest stage in eternal animal minds, can lead to an ethical emphasis on the importance of animals’ current and future experiences which is recognisable in many modern kinds of animal ethic. This is in contrast to human minds having always been distinct and separate from animal minds, such as in the influential Cartesian animal dualist tradition which draws from Rene Descartes’s 17th century conception of animals as purely physical machines, incapable of conscious thought or feeling. Although a range of attitudes towards animals played a part in subsequent western philosophy and theology, the interventionist outlook towards animals according to the Bible and Christian tradition has historically dominated the European and American cultural landscape until the mid-20th century. This is reflected in the work of philosophers such as Saint Thomas Aquinas, who argued that animals were created by God and are therefore resources for human ends. Aquinas’s natural law theory and his distinction between humans and animals as beings endowed with intelligence and free will compared to those animals that are merely guided by instinct became especially influential. This theory is vital not only for explaining the long-standing Christian support for human dominion over the earth and its creatures, but also for the development of animal ethics in the wake of secularisation and the Enlightenment. Humans were no longer simply part of a God-given natural order but had responsibilities towards nature that were to be grounded in a different kind of ethical framework, bringing about a significant historical shift in the consideration of human-animal relations. Modern historical study in animalism concerns issues such as our moral and ethical philosophical commitments in the treatment of animals, the relationship between the development of animal industries and the history of human-animal relations and the public understanding of animals and the relevance of historians in social advocacy and policy change today. Such a multi-disciplinary and interdependent field is situated at the nexus of history, philosophy, ethics, geography, English literature and the well-established field of animal studies.
2. Animalism in Society
Animalism refers to the belief that animals deserve consideration as living beings with interests of their own. The animal rights movement, which is reflective of this belief, is influential in the development and application of legal and political measures for animal protection. A significant aspect of the animal rights movement is the recognition of animals as sentient beings, that is, vulnerable to pain and suffering. Ethical consideration refers to the understanding and appreciation of the moral consequences of actions involving animals. It is important to note that animals are essential in providing human beings with food, drug therapies, and other resources. Therefore, it is often the case that moral compasses are test-driven in the face of potential benefits from using animals. In this regard, ethical consideration helps recognize the different interests and welfare of different parties involved, including animals. In the UK, the Animal Welfare Act 2006 represents a giant leap in animal protection as it is a more inclusive legislation that requires individuals to care for animals in the environment in which they need to be cared for. Animal policies and regulations often endorse the so-called “Term Paper Writing Service | Research Report Writing – Three Rs” developed by Russell and Burch in 1959 – that is, the replacement, reduction, and refinement of the use of animals in scientific research. The modern interpretation of the “Term Paper Writing Service | Research Report Writing – Three Rs” emphasizes the incorporation of genetic, molecular, and computer-based technology to replace, or reduce and refine the use of animals in scientific research as much as possible. The term “animalism in society” refers to the influence and support of animal protection measures in the community – be it through practices driven by ethical considerations, or through compliance with animal policies and regulations. The above-mentioned themes including the understanding of animalism, the impact of animalism, and the underlying reasons for studying animalism will be unpacked in the book “The Impact of Animalism in the Modern World”.
2.1 Animal Rights Movements
It is without a doubt the case that the animal rights movement has been the most successful aspect of the animal movement. However, it is difficult to provide a precise definition of the term “animal rights.” Advocates for animals have twisted and turned, cherry-picking various passages from the writings of the scholars of struggles, in an attempt to create the false impression that there has been a long-standing and often bitter debate within the animal movement about the foundations, direction, and wisdom of the animal rights movement. The truth of the matter is that no such debate has existed or taken place. Despite the claims made by some ‘welfarists,’ the scholars and the scientific community have always been agreed that animal exploitation should be abandoned and that society should embrace a more ethically centric approach in determining how we ought to treat other sentient beings. In practice, the animal welfarists have been marginalized and their arguments condemned in the writings of the scholars, not the animal rights activists. For example, it is clear that there is increasing evidence that the main animal welfarist claims are unjustified and that the public and their resources are being distracted from adopting a more morally and ethically responsible approach to addressing the issues raised by animal exploitation. In light of that fact, it would be reasonable and just to expect people to begin questioning the continued use and domination of animals in society and for people to begin to voice their concerns about the legitimacy of animal use industries. It is that common ground position that the animal rights movement has always centered upon. The various animal rights groups and academics have always sought to provide some coherence to the movement by identifying a fundamental evil that is capable of uniting all those who seek the demise of institutional exploitation. That fundamental evil is the proposition that human and animal prejudices and wasteful and unnecessary exploitation conduct. Campaigns and doctrines advanced by the animal rights movement must be focused on enlightening and radicalizing public opinion so that the necessary changes are affected to bring about the demise of what we might term institutional exploitation. That is what unites the animal rights movement’s visions. Rhetoric must be exposed that seeks to polarize or fragment the unity of the animal rights movement and each and every one of us can work to underscore the comity that genuinely predicated animal rights principles engender. For far too long, the language of division and the politics of personal ego and advancement have dominated the pages of various animal journals and websites. Yet such in-fighting and destructive hatred is in essence nothing more than the regurgitation of human prejudice and self-interest. Instead, the animal rights movement must be seen and act as the means by which humanity at last is called upon to secure a peaceful and happier world for our fellow beings. For more and more animal rights legislation is planned and some is enacted, people can look forward to a day when this shall no longer be only a plea but a reality. And, please God, that happy time will not be long in its dawning! Therefore, it might be elucidated that there are two ultimate visions of animal rights principles research essay pro uk writings oxbridge essays pro: those held by the animal welfarists and then of the pragmatic, enlightened, rational, and progressive animal rights movement. A systematic analysis of each movement must include an examination of its vision of animal protection and the way that it seeks to advance that vision through changes to the law. It is submitted that underlying much of the internal debate amongst scholars and commentators regarding the animal movement lies a grave misconception that the animal welfarist movement and the animal rights movement are one and the same. This may be due to the fact that, in some countries (US principal among them), the term animal rights has been used to describe any enactment of law that provides animals with protections.
2.2 Ethical Considerations
Ethical considerations play an important role in defining how animalism shapes society and modern civilization. According to Fawcett (2015), ethical considerations encompass perspectives of welfare as well as attitudes towards animals, including what is perceived as acceptable or unacceptable treatment of animals by humans. Russell and Burch first introduced the three R’s – replacement, reduction, and refinement – in a book published in 1959. These principles are aimed at guiding scientists and policy makers towards better laboratory animal welfare by offering practical strategies in addressing ethical challenges in animal research (Fawcett, 2015). Animal welfare science is a relatively new scientific discipline that is concerned with providing both empirical evidence to inform improvements in animal welfare and assessing the welfare status of animals. Workman (2008) defined animal welfare science as the study of how animals should be properly treated, with an emphasis on ethical considerations. He argued that an important aspect of ethical research is to design studies in a way that minimizes unnecessary pain and suffering to animals. For instance, if a scientist uses animal models to investigate the role of a gene in human disease, Workman (2008) suggested that if the gene in question is already well-understood, then the animals could experience unnecessary harm. This idea of minimizing unnecessary research that results in harm is reflected in the three R’s, emphasizing the scientific and ethical imperative to replace animal models with alternative technologies such as computer models or cell culture when feasible, to decrease the number of animal subjects used, and to maximize the knowledge obtained from those animals in order to improve their welfare whenever possible (Fawcett, 2015).
2.3 Legislation and Policies
The development and enforcement of animal welfare laws involves a mix of political, economic, and social forces. In the EU, for instance, efforts to harmonize animal welfare laws and standards have encountered a variety of issues. Still, one of the most significant obstacles to the creation of effective animal welfare policies is the lack of consensus on what humane treatment of animals means, and more specifically, what policies regarding animal welfare should prioritize. As Donaldson and Crenson point out, the struggle to codify and implement definitions of humane animal treatment is a major feature of the United States’ animal law regime. Some federal statutes like the Animal Welfare Act, for example, legally require that researchers minimize animal suffering. Yet the lack of any shared standard for what “minimize” means leads to significant variation in the policies that regulate animal research. Changes in public opinion and social practices also significantly impact the creation and enforcement of animal welfare laws. For example, previous decades have seen a dramatic rise in American consumption of organic foods. In response to this, legislatures and regulators have begun to create standards for livestock and poultry animals raised in organic agricultural systems. This essay, “The Impact of Animalism in the Modern World,” explains the various ways in which politics and animal welfare interact. First, the essay identifies how the lack of a consensus on animal welfare prioritization makes law and policy difficult. Second, it shows how a lack of agreement on what constitutes humane treatment similarly complicates animal protection efforts. Finally, this essay suggests that legislative change in animal welfare is influenced by changing consumer habits and social values. All in all, working to understand how political, economic, and social forces shape animal law is essential to those who advocate for animals in contemporary society.
3. Animalism in Science and Research
The relationship between animals and science has been the subject of heated debate. Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One of the key issues in this area is the use of animals in scientific research. Although some progress has been made in developing alternatives to animal experimentation, it is recognized that in many instances such testing is a necessary and required component of the regulatory process before a product can be put on the market. In the European Union alone, over 12 million animals are used each year in research – a figure that is declining due to the development of alternative methods. However, the actual number of animals used may in fact be much higher, particularly as those species that are specifically bred for research applications are not included in the figures. Animal testing is the use of animals in scientific experiments. In 2010, the European Union phased in a ban on using animals to test cosmetic products and to market any new products which had been tested on animals anywhere in the world. This ban was the result of a significant amount of public and political debate and it reflects a growing awareness of animal rights not only in society at large, but within science itself. An alternative is something that replaces the original – a substitute. For example, the phrase “there are no alternatives” means that there is no substitute for the original, but “there are no other alternatives” means that there are no other choices of substitute. Many scientists, policymakers, and members of the public have concerns about the use of animals in scientific research and testing. This is driven both by ethical considerations and a growing body of evidence suggesting that animal studies often lack reproducibility and transferability to human outcomes. This, in part, has driven the growth of alternative methods. The Five Freedoms is commonly referred to in relation to animal welfare. These were first defined by the UK Farm Animal Welfare Council in 1965 and have since become globally acknowledged. They are: Freedom from hunger and thirst. Freedom from discomfort. Freedom from pain, injury, or disease. Freedom to express normal behavior. Freedom from fear and distress.
3.1 Animal Testing and Alternatives
Animal testing has long been a controversial and much debated topic. Ever since the first use of animals in experiments in the 17th century, scientists and researchers have sought to find the most humane way to test on animals. Today, the practice has become more and more regulated, however, our scientific progress and reliance on animal testing has been slowed by the introduction of alternatives, even though 21 million animals in the UK alone are tested on each year. Over the years, a number of alternatives to animal testing have been developed. These have included the contrasting use of human volunteers, artificial human tissue and computer models. For example, the “VitroScreen Human Cell Line Activation Test” or the “MUSST LUSH Acute Skin Irritation Test” have been used more and more, which use cultured human skin cells onto which chemicals are dropped rather than using rabbits. It could be argued that human volunteers are the most reliable source of information for anatomy and physiology. That said, there are still many limitations; not only due to a lack of volunteers or the ethical issues that can be raised, but often in terms of the advancement of technology: there are many bodily functions that cannot be replicated in a computer program or in a Petri dish that can be in a complex organism. And, so-called “animal substitutes” such as these human simulators need to be better encouraged and better funded if they are to completely replace animal testing. This is not only due to moral reasons, but also out of necessity. In 2016, the UK government announced plans to reduce the number of animals being tested on in the UK each and every year – and the EU is considering similar motions for its member states. The objective was to phase out animal testing in the European Union completely by 2035, but then the actual exit date was postponed until the year 2035 – and even then that goal is unlikely to be achieved. Then, only a few weeks running up to the end of 2020, there was a government retraction of a pledge that would see a ban on the use of primates in laboratories. This highlights the fact that animal testing still remains for the moment at least a vital means of investigation – and whether this pledge will be honored at a later date.
3.2 Animal Models in Medical Research
Animal models are non-human species that are extensively studied to understand particular biological processes and to provide insight into human biology. The careful and responsible use of animal models, together with the critical contribution of clinical research, are essential in the pursuit of new and better treatments for human and animal diseases. These models have been used, and continue to be used, in a wide range of studies into diseases, from heart disease to a variety of cancers, to asthma and arthritis. The use of an improved understanding of the physical structures of humans and the completion of deciphering all 3 billion pairings of DNA in the human genome may contribute to the reduction of using animals in research. However, animals will continue to be necessary for medically relevant research in the foreseeable future. Animal models continue to contribute a great deal to our knowledge about the basic biological and physiological principles of living organisms because we do share much of our biology with many other creatures, including animals which are used in medical research. For example, the genetic basis of many diseases and the development and physiology of the human body is very similar in each stage to many other creatures which are commonly used as animal models, such as fruit flies, fish, mice, and rats. These models can be used to determine the function of particular genes or to provide an understanding of the underlying mechanisms of a particular disease, which has led to the development of potential solutions to problems encountered in human health. For example, the development of insulin therapy and hypoglycemic drugs for diabetes owes much to studies using animal models.
3.3 Ethical Dilemmas and Balancing Interests
Lastly, this section discusses the idea of animal rights extremism, which refers to the use of violence, intimidation, and illegal activities against researchers. Extremist views often fail to take into account the cumulative harm that is suffered by individual animals in the wild as well as the harm that is suffered by society as a whole when potentially beneficial scientific research is delayed or prevented through violent acts. In fact, extremist are a threat not merely to the legitimate research community but also to the animal cause.
Also, the importance of public discussions about the use of animals in science should not be underplayed. Public and professional bodies such as National Ethics Advisory Bodies and the European Union directives often frame the legal and ethical regulation of animal research through requirements for a harm-minimization approach and an ethical evaluation of the potential harm against the potential benefits. Such legislation also requires member states to promote the use of alternative methods, in vitro methods, computer simulation, and so on, wherever it is practically possible in order to reduce, refine, or replace the use of animals. However, whether commercial interests, funding priorities, and disparities in the global enforcement of animal protection laws would impede the fulfillment of the legislative requirements remain under debate.
With the use of animal models in scientific research, especially in the development of potential life-saving drugs, the question often asked is: “Are the benefits of this research worth the lives and daily suffering of a great number of animals?” This question encapsulates the main ethical dilemma discussed in this section. Often, people may have conflicting interests between what brings them immediate satisfaction and what is in accordance with their moral beliefs. With a range of values and ethical beliefs, different people would weigh the animal suffering, their own interest in living a healthy life, and the potential benefits differently. While for some, the daily suffering the animals endure in the research process gives rise to strong reasons to reject animal research altogether, others may argue that providing new treatments for disease that could save human lives brings stronger moral reasons to pursue animal research. Therefore, it is important for individuals to take the time to evaluate their reasoning and cherished values so that they are aware of what really matters to them.
3.4 Advancements in Technology and Animal Welfare
The relentless acceleration of technological advancement is continuing to create larger media platforms and more personalized modes of communication. Social media has become the linchpin of modern-day marketing campaigns and has proven itself time and time again that it is fundamentally impacting consumer behavior. As the availability of data continues to rise, what is clear is that consumers are becoming more informed and more aware. It is only a matter of time before technology will bridge the informational asymmetry between producers and consumers, imposing enormous pressure on multinational corporations to substantiate their claims – an absolute essential for the beings of the 21st century.
With a greater number of food manufacturers and retailers receiving ethical food awards, tech firms have begun to develop software to help monitor animal welfare automatically, using data from previous inspections and real-time sensor updates. For example, a successful pilot study of OCTO MoniSens, an intelligent monitoring system, installed into group sow housing made use of analyzing “Big Data” to show how the welfare bio-metrics of each animal were tracked at different feeding stations, set up in their stables. These findings on spatial patterns of aggression or cooperation between the pigs during feeding time simply prompt for further questions on the use of technology such as the ethical implications and whether more harm is caused during the installation and maintenance of these systems.
A notable example is the dramatic fall of SeaWorld’s sales and profits following a 0.2% drop in visitor numbers – both of which had been rising steadily for years – after its reputation had dropped by a third in just six months. This was a response to “Blackfish,” a feature-length documentary that was propagated throughout social media and contained disturbing footage of the captive orca Tilikum, who had tragically killed two of his trainers. SeaWorld did not just face a drop in their revenue; shares fell by a third, and attendance dropped from 5.1 million in 2013 to 3.1 million in 2016 on the back of a massive #EmptyTheTanks social media campaign. SeaWorld has since been in the process of phasing out the orca breeding program, and the famous shows will come to an end in 2019, with ringed and other marine animals soon to follow – an exemplary demonstration of how technological advancements and social media influence are compelling multinational corporations to acknowledge and adopt ethical practices.
The modern society is witnessing a growing tendency of consumers preferring ethically produced products, including those involved in animal exploitation. Technology has been instrumental to the increasing awareness and ultimately the rise of this “ethical consumerism”. Social media and e-commerce have made it increasingly easier for animal welfare organizations to target their researched demographics and release industry exposés. Not only are the individuals’ behaviors monitored, but these have caused substantial public relation damages to multinational corporations.
4. Animalism in Popular Culture
This section will explore how popular culture, such as films, literature, and music, often serves as a medium through which animal rights and Animalism in general are promoted. It will also discuss the implications of Animalism on broader social phenomena, particularly consumer behavior. Animal welfare is usually associated with how humans should properly take care of animals, but it could sometimes also refer to how animals are protected and their rights are defended. Such concerns are largely expressed in the entertainment industry. With regard to how animals fare in films, both documentaries and animations, there have been numerous discussions on whether using performing animals in movies is justified, morally and ethically. Also, there are debates regarding the suitability of certain films for children; many animal-themed productions seem to target the young audience. Movies and TV shows that are centered around animals have been criticized for promoting not only anthropocentrism but also speciesism. For example, when the lives of the animal characters are narrated under human perspectives without taking their own natural behaviors and instincts into account, it reinforces the belief that animals are created for human benefits and therefore could be exploited. This reflects the idea of Animalism, that humans and animals should have equal rights and considerations. Apart from films and cinematography, animal protection bleeds into fields such as music, paintings, and literature as well. For example, the well-known song “What’s The Difference” by the rapper and songwriter Dr. Dre actually delivers messages against animal cruelty. Art is a reflection of life, and when more and more artists decide to stand up for animal rights and express their support through artistic creations and masterpieces, it suggests that public awareness of animal protection is increasing. Such a phenomenon is excellent evidence for the spread of Animalism in popular culture and how it tries to change and influence society. Also, paintings and drawings have been favored ways of delivering messages among animal protectors. With the help of visual arts, people are able to understand how animals have been exploited throughout history for human advantages and why such a phenomenon indicates a serious human rights issue as well. Now, innovation in technologies has made it possible for artists to convey and create multimedia artistic works, allowing the positive and inspiring messages of animal protection and equality to reach out to a wider audience. Cultures and traditions invariably change with nature, and so does the emerging technology. This will be discussed in the following text. How Animalism Affects Consumers. Early Animalism, including teachings by Pythagoras, is built on the idea that animals and humans have the same essential nature. In the modern sense, it essentially refers to a group of ideological movements that demand the recognition of moral and legal rights for all animals, regardless of their species. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of animal protection movements not only in Western countries such as the United States and England but also in Asia. Such a phenomenon suggests the globalization and prevalence of Animalism, which could be closely bonded with the fact that many features of popular cultures nowadays are highly guided by animal protection and Animalism as well, as mentioned in the above paragraphs. In fact, Animalism has already extended its impacts on the world of business in many ways. Through the critical lenses of David Nibert and his academic publication on animal oppression and capitalism, Animalism is set to launch a surprising but righteous attack on capitalism and its exploitations on preserving life as well.
4.1 Animal Welfare in Entertainment
In the world of entertainment, especially in the film and television industries, animals have long been used as actors and stars of all kinds of shows and movies. From wildlife documentaries to blockbuster movies, animals have been used to help tell stories or to bring a sense of realism or magic to the screen. This connection between humans and animals in the world of entertainment is evident in the huge public interest and support for wildlife documentaries and animal-centered TV; in the UK alone, the Blue Planet 2 series has been hailed as an incredibly successful piece of TV, and was praised for its excellent coverage of the range of life in the earth’s oceans, as well as the ability to engage and educate its audience. Such documentaries are not only watched by millions on TV, but are made available to schools as educational materials for children and teachers. Through educating young people and instilling a passion for wildlife and its conservation, these programmes contribute to public awareness on animal welfare issues and the importance of conservation and preservation. However, in the past, the use of animals in live entertainment was not always as kind or well-informed. Before the Performing Animals (Regulations) Act 1925, there were no laws in England to protect animals used in public entertainment; as a result, creatures were at times subjected to brutal training methods and inhumane living conditions. Now, under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, anyone who is responsible for an animal has a legal obligation to ensure their welfare needs are met. For animals that are used in live shows or exhibitions, this means that a proper risk assessment must be carried out by an independent expert depending on the nature of the entertainment so that potential suffering can be minimized. Also, as well as adhering to the requirements for performance licensing, there are also specific controls on the type and manner of training of animals for public entertainment in the Performing Animals (Regulation) Act 1925. Cruelty cases like that of Anne the elephant, who was mistreated in the UK circus industry, no longer go unnoticed and unpunished – after a three-year legal battle, Anne’s former groom was convicted under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, and restrictions were also imposed on the circus. These laws and legislations are vital in protecting potentially vulnerable animals that are put under public scrutiny for the purpose of entertainment, and allows for enforcement to take place when poor husbandry standards are discovered. When using animals in entertainment, it must also be ensured that both legal requirements and ethical considerations are taken seriously in such a way that the welfare of the animals being used is not compromised for the purpose of keeping the audience entertained. For example, when identifying any needs that animals might have to experience normal behavior, a suitable diet and a suitable environment, the guidance and best practice standards set out in the Animal Welfare Act 2006 should be met to ensure that animals are given the opportunity to live a good quality of life.
4.2 Animal Characters and Symbolism
Animal credit scorers and symbolism have been used in literature, fables, and chronicles to assist in writing a UK dissertation assignment pro papers masters thesis writing – creating more meaning and importance in what the creator is attempting to convey. A fully general sample of shown animalism from fables to communism, animalism is the best instance wherein the electricity of animal characters and symbolism has been validated. “Animal Farm” is a perfect illustration of how animalism is represented. It is not solely the seen fantastic attribute where animals are used to signify human shortcomings and bring across a lesson, but the animalism and the characters exhibit the product fast exceeding what is regularly regarded as the type of literature for kids. This roman is supposed as a textbook illustration of how communism could develop from the rules of a offer options and not using a belief to the level where the rulers may want to in fact brush off the principles and subdue the everyday mob. And yet, in tract, animalism itself appears to have the nicest of intentions. Over the course of the novella, the theories of animalism are abused by certain characters and, in some cases, stamped out completely. write my research paper owl essayservice uk writings. the end of “Animal Farm”, pigs are running the show. While evidently, this is meant to be a negative reflection upon political systems in which it is in reality possible to control the governing body of a nation. However, the fact that it is coupled with the continuing illustration of animalism and the introduction of new examples suggests that the roman is capable of reaching a far wider audience than it is often associated with.
4.3 Impact on Consumer Behavior
From browsing online shops to picking out grocery items, it is pretty clear that consumer choices are largely influenced by marketing and trends. Advertisers often use strategies that appeal to consumers’ emotions. For example, marketing that uses aesthetically pleasing images and happiness are proven to make people unconsciously interested in the product as they associate the product with their own happiness. Animalism often uses symbols such as an animal with big soulful eyes and a charity poster in hope to provoke guilt, leading to consumers donating. Although there is no regulation on what marketing strategies can be employed and to what extent, the exploitation of animal suffering to push for consumer action makes many feel uneasy. Secondly, the success of Animalism focused marketing has led to an increase in the offering of cruelty-free products. This is clear a response to the demand created from the use of animal suffering within marketing. Well-known brands are starting to adopt the ‘not tested on animals’ label on the packaging and if they do contain animal-derived ingredients, they are clearly listed. Big companies such as Superdrug and Lush are a few examples of the growing popularity of cruelty-free products. However, with changing and progressions being able to be made all the time, it may not be long till there is no use of any form animal suffering as a means to boost consumerism. The rise of digital consumption has also meant the rise of online campaigning which often uses harrowing images and powerful narratives to push for donation from a wider audience. It is a common tactic for many charities to market for more donations by using a sad-looking animal to invoke empathy. However, studies have shown that individuals with long-term conditions, especially those that are particularly debilitating, can often be overwhelmed or become desensitized to such images and many will avoid websites that they know they use them. This means that those suffering overtime may receive less support and Animalism may actually hinder the progress of helping animals because of the ways in which marketing and campaigning is implemented.
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