Posted: March 26th, 2023
Article Peer Review
Ronquillo, C. E., Peltonen, L. M., Pruinelli, L., Chu, C. H., Bakken, S., Beduschi, A., … & Topaz, M. (2021). Artificial intelligence in nursing: Priorities and opportunities from an international invitational think‐tank of the Nursing and Artificial Intelligence Leadership Collaborative. Journal of advanced nursing, 77(9), 3707-3717.
Ronquillo et al. (2021) studies the concept of artificial intelligence by exploring the nursing environment that depends on in-depth knowledge. The research shows that nurses should be ready to make positive contribution to the nursing environment using technology and information to address prevailing gaps. The study shows that artificial intelligence is a continuously evolving field due to access to advanced computer technologies and systems from evidence-based practice. The study suggests that despite the involvement of nurses in the field of artificial intelligence, it is important to understand the ethical application of technology. Nurses should participate in the design and solutions for better nursing informatics in the future. Nurses should provide suggestions to modify systems that enhance patient care.
I learned that nurses should participate in design of artificial intelligence to improve patient care and eliminate gaps. Nurses should not wait to be consumers of the technology, but actively participate in the design and adjustment of the healthcare systems. Nurses should find opportunities to provide recommendations for better patient care outcomes.
Artificial intelligence is effective in advancing quality of care since it makes a positive contribution in the healthcare environment. It is important for nurses to embrace artificial intelligence and take a proactive role in the design and implementation process. Nurses should use it to advance care and discover important trends in the healthcare environment.
Gutierres, L. D. S., Santos, J. L. G. D., Peiter, C. C., Menegon, F. H. A., Sebold, L. F., & Erdmann, A. L. (2018). Good practices for patient safety in the operating room: nurses’ recommendations. Revista brasileira de enfermagem, 71, 2775-2782.
The study focuses on the implementation of structured team communication in operating rooms to enhance care. Team communication and patient engagement in operating care units are important in reducing adverse outcomes. The communication improves patient satisfaction for both providers and patients. The objective of the intervention is to address critical issues that emerge in operating rooms. For instance, poor communication can lead to missed treatment or other medical errors that undermine patient care. Operating rooms require attention to the details such as communication since poor communication can lead to death of patients. Attention to details involves access to information by all parties providing care.
I learned that team communication is critical in saving lives. The structured communication should embrace technologies including a checklist, tools for shared care plans, and messaging platform. Care partners can access healthcare online portal to view healthcare information and take appropriate action. Patients can access the information and communicate with providers to improve quality of outcomes. Access to information remains pivotal in the delivery of care for the healthcare professionals working in the intensive care units. Nurses and physicians can save more lives in the future with team communication and patient engagement.
Team communication is important in medical practice. Communication remains a pivotal in delivering care to patients. Healthcare facilities should strive to develop structured communication platforms to achieve quality team communication. Communication portals should provide updated information on the status of patients to inform the decisions of care givers and improve the handover process.
Wittkopf, P. G., Lloyd, D. M., Coe, O., Yacoobali, S., & Billington, J. (2020). The effect of interactive virtual reality on pain perception: a systematic review of clinical studies. Disability and rehabilitation, 42(26), 3722-3733.
Technology is a cornerstone tool in enhancing quality of care such as interactive virtual reality used to reduce neuropathic limb pain. Technology can be used to control and manage pain among patients suffering from diverse health conditions. Parents report dissatisfaction with the way healthcare workers manage pain. Improving pain management engagement is essential since it boosts confidence of the patients and families. Families and patients can report low satisfaction if the tools used to manage pain are not effective. The best tool should focus on quality results that guarantee the best patient outcomes.
I learned that applying interactive virtual reality to enhance pain management is a critical step in boosting quality patient outcomes. It is important to use interactive patient care technology since it involves patients, families, and healthcare givers. The focus is to ensure patient convenience and comfort with effective bedside care. Healthcare professionals should utilize interactive virtual reality care to provide holistic care to engage, entertain, and educate patients in the health continuum. Interactive technology in healthcare environment improves patient engagement in the delivery of care and patient empowerment.
interactive virtual reality improves the quality of care since it gives the patients and families an active role in the patient’s health journey. Involvement leads to better patient satisfaction due to personalized and proactive role. Patient engagement from admission to discharge is critical in promoting patient satisfaction.
Khan, M. I., & Loh, J. (2021). Benefits, challenges, and social impact of health care providers’ adoption of social media. Social Science Computer Review, 08944393211025758.
Khan and Loh (2021) evaluates the evaluation tools for social media and mobile applications in terms of benefits and challenges. According to Khan and Loh (2021), social media and online tools are important for both consumers and healthcare providers. It is important to utilize the best online tools users can utilize to accomplish different tasks. Evaluation of the media tools is based on ease of use, privacy policy, quality of the content, transparency of ad, security of member data, and control of information sharing. The evaluation of healthcare media tools should privacy of include approved tools and review the scientific literature. Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One of the important issues for evaluation is data and ease of use. Healthcare stakeholders need tools that provide assurance that their data will not be lost or used to access their banks. Social media tools and media apps have an important role in the delivery of care making it essential to evaluate the professional features of the tools.
I learned that healthcare professionals and patients should be cautious of social media and applications. The caution is mostly due to the losses experienced in the past from cyberattacks. Loss of data can undermine safety of patient funds in the bank and expose critical data to hackers. Evaluation is important since it filters out the unsafe social media tools
The future of healthcare delivery will depend on social media and health applications in the provision of care. The evaluation should focus on usefulness, usability, and integration and infrastructure. Usability factors should focus on security, privacy, safety, data integration, and workflow integration. The evaluation should focus on other factors such as novel, potential benefit versus risk, medically sound, ease of use, developer, audience, price, and platform. Users can utilize quality indicators such as credibility, reliability, completeness, and accuracy to determine the best tool for use in the healthcare environment. Evaluation is an important process since it will ensure the users enjoy using professional tools to deliver care. Healthcare users can be guaranteed of their data without the fear of hacking.
The four peer-reviewed articles focus on improvements in the healthcare environment using advanced technologies. Suggestions by various scholars demonstrate the need to embrace technology to address recurrent challenges. Ronquillo et al. (2021) suggest that nurses should participate in the design and solutions for better nursing informatics in the future. Gutierres et al. (2018) proposes that team communication in nursing care units is important in reducing adverse outcomes. Wittkopf et al. (2020) suggests that interactive virtual reality improves the quality of care since it gives the patients and families an active role in the patient’s health journey and improves pain perception. Khan and Loh (2021) recommends evaluation of the social media tools is based on ease of use, privacy policy, quality of the content, transparency of ad, security of member data, and control of information sharing. The proposals by the scholars indicate the need to advance use of technological tools to improve quality of care.
Gutierres, L. D. S., Santos, J. L. G. D., Peiter, C. C., Menegon, F. H. A., Sebold, L. F., & Erdmann, A. L. (2018). Good practices for patient safety in the operating room: nurses’ recommendations. Revista brasileira de enfermagem, 71, 2775-2782.
Khan, M. I., & Loh, J. (2021). Benefits, challenges, and social impact of health care providers’ adoption of social media. Social Science Computer Review, 08944393211025758.
Ronquillo, C. E., Peltonen, L. M., Pruinelli, L., Chu, C. H., Bakken, S., Beduschi, A., … & Topaz, M. (2021). Artificial intelligence in nursing: Priorities and opportunities from an international invitational think‐tank of the Nursing and Artificial Intelligence Leadership Collaborative. Journal of advanced nursing, 77(9), 3707-3717.
Wittkopf, P. G., Lloyd, D. M., Coe, O., Yacoobali, S., & Billington, J. (2020). The effect of interactive virtual reality on pain perception: a systematic review of clinical studies. Disability and rehabilitation, 42(26), 3722-3733.
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