Posted: January 2nd, 2023
Title: Climate and Atmospheric Science
Title: Climate and Atmospheric Science
Climate and Atmospheric Science
Environment and atmospheric science is a global concern, mostly when it comes to climatic changes and impacts . Different regions experience varying magnitude of climate change due to topographical position of the area as well as factors such as distance from the sun, effects of water bodies, pollution and so on. Climate change brings about both positive and negative impact, although some of the countries may experience both. Climate change affects human health and population, vegetation as well as the existence of animals. Denmark and China are two distinct countries that have various reactions to impacts and adaptation to climate change.
Background Information
Denmark is a small country with low population encompassing islands of North Atlantic Ocean, Greenland, and Forole Island. The country is located on a flat-lying area of fewer than 100 feet above sea level. The gross domestic product is around 11.3 billion per capita, where the country experiences a low growth rate as well as more moderate cases of unemployment. Denmark is known for growth of barley, potatoes, fish, and other agricultural products.
The country is industrialized with food processing, textile, and clothing, as well as construction industries. Denmark has a sound education system, where students do not pay for fees or college education. Scholarships are given, and universities are ranked the best. Generally, Denmark has fully invested in fish production, salt, and petroleum. Denmark has resources, especially agricultural products. Participate in trade with German, US, and other surrounding countries.
The difference between the two countries is that Denmark is a low lying area with low population but rich in agriculture. ( Thodsen,et, el.,2016). Denmark is known for the production of fish, petroleum as well as limestone.In comparison china has a large land area with the highest population . China is known for technological expertise innovation as well as rich in culture. Both countries have lowlands, although china has bot high and low places. (Rasmussen, 2018). Both countries offer education, but Denmark is the best country when it comes to learning, especially at the university level.
Climate Change and Impacts on Denmark and China
China is the leading country in global warming due to greenhouse gases caused by the emission of carbon iv oxide, which is highly concentrated in the atmosphere. (Fischer,et,al., .2018).China is among the countries that are affected by climate change raising concerns to the government of China. The high population in China increases the chances of gas emission as well as pollution. China is an industrialized country with many companies emitting carbon and other toxic gases in the atmosphere. A study was made, and china labeled as the world’s biggest carbon market Carbon iv oxide, once emitted stays in the air for many years.
Over the years, USA has been the leading significant emitter of carbon iv oxide, but since 2006 China has taken over. Currently, China is the considered initiator of global warming. High temperatures experienced in China leads to low production of food; therefore, a challenge in food security.( Seneviratne,et,al.,2016). High emission of carbon IV oxide leads to the formation of ozone layer, which increases temperatures at the same time leading to the creation of acidic rain. Nonetheless carbon IV oxide is used by plants during photosynthesis for food production. Loss of life and extinction of plants is likely to occur in China due to the rise in temperatures, population increase as compared to food production. The generation of GMO food is high in China aiming at curbing inadequate production of food.
Denmark experience climate changes caused by rise in temperature because of the Faeroe island. High precipitation is recorded due to rainfall and snow experienced. After water is heated, moisture rises, therefore, saturating the atmosphere. Denmark experiences a rise in sea level, which brings about flooding due to the low lying nature of the land. An increase in precipitate has led to more production of barley and other food produced. Denmark has a short history of climate change as compared to China. There is less emission of carbon IV oxide but a rise in sea level due to high humidy and rainfall. An increase in sea level brings about flooding causing destruction of properties, loss of life. Denmark is a flat place; therefore, erosion is joint, especially splash erosion .
The two countries have different effects and causes of climate change. In China climate changes is caused by uncontrolled population, emission of carbon iv oxide leading to low food production as well as extinction of plants . Denmark has a healthy climatic condition that encourages agriculture encouraged by high humidity as well as high temperature and optimal rainfall. Though the low lying nature affects the level of water, causing floods and erosion. Climate change in Denmark has more positive impacts compared to China with more negative results.
Adaptation and Restrictions Towards Climate Change in Denmark and China
China’s climate change has affected both social and economic activities. The government of China has imposed strategies in curbing climate change in the reduction of carbon IV oxide emission, done through practicing afforestation and policies under the protection of forest. Burning of fossil fuel is prevented through the use of new technological methods, for instance, the use of electric trains, the use of gas for cooking, and many others.( Mi,et,al.,2017). Positive progress in applications of policies and strategies will save the whole world from the effects of climate change. China has experienced several challenges, especially with the increasing population as well consistent development in technological innovation and industrialization.
Denmark have strategies on how to include climate change in their plan. The rise in water level may pose a significant problem in future due to flooding and contraction of water-borne diseases. ( Thodsen,et,el.,2016) .Adjustment of low lying areas and making use of the land are some of the adaptations. Involvement in agriculture reduces soil erosion as well as makes the soil firm — construction of Irrigation schemes, especially when the water level rises in minimizing floods and destruction of properties. Agricultural activities in Denmark are the solution in curbing climate change. Challenges in Mitigation of climate change is the natural nature of demark being a flat area.
Climate change is a worldwide concern due to the effects implicated in various countries. Climate change leads to a rise in water level, extinction of life, global warming, and food insecurity. China have experienced impacts of climate change especially in the emission of carbon IV oxide leading to global warming. China has adapted to climate change condition by reducing emission of carbon iv oxide through control of population and innovation of alternative methods from fossil fuels. Denmark is one of the countries facing fewer impacts on climate change due to the low population nature. Denmark is good in agriculture; therefore, being one of adaptation in the reduction of soil erosion and the rise in water level. China will take a long time in curbing climate change due to increasing industrialization as well as population as compared to Denmark.
Fischer, H., Schütte, S., Depoux, A., Amelung, D., & Sauerborn, R. (2018). How Well Do COP22 Attendees Understand Graphs on Climate Change Health Impacts from the Fifth IPCC Assessment Report?. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(5), 875.
Mi, Z. F., Wei, Y. M., He, C. Q., Li, H. N., Yuan, X. C., & Liao, H. (2017). Regional efforts to mitigate climate change in China: a multi-criteria assessment approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 22(1), 45-66.
Rasmussen, A. (2018). Policy Intersections on Education for the Gifted and Talented in China and Denmark. In Nordic-chinese Intersections on Education. Palgrave Macmillan.
Seneviratne, S. I., Donat, M. G., Pitman, A. J., Knutti, R., & Wilby, R. L. (2016). Allowable CO 2 emissions based on regional and impact-related climate targets. Nature, 529(7587), 477.
Thodsen, H., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Andersen, H. E., Jensen, K. M. B., Andersen, P. M., Bolding, K., & Ovesen, N. B. (2016). Climate change effects on lowland stream flood regimes and riparian rich fen vegetation communities in Denmark. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(2), 344-358.(
Climate and Atmospheric Science
Environment and atmospheric science is a global concern, mostly when it comes to climatic changes and impacts . Different regions experience varying magnitude of climate change due to topographical position of the area as well as factors such as distance from the sun, effects of water bodies, pollution and so on. Climate change brings about both positive and negative impact, although some of the countries may experience both. Climate change affects human health and population, vegetation as well as the existence of animals. Denmark and China are two distinct countries that have various reactions to impacts and adaptation to climate change.
Background Information
Denmark is a small country with low population encompassing islands of North Atlantic Ocean, Greenland, and Forole Island. The country is located on a flat-lying area of fewer than 100 feet above sea level. The gross domestic product is around 11.3 billion per capita, where the country experiences a low growth rate as well as more moderate cases of unemployment. Denmark is known for growth of barley, potatoes, fish, and other agricultural products.
The country is industrialized with food processing, textile, and clothing, as well as construction industries. Denmark has a sound education system, where students do not pay for fees or college education. Scholarships are given, and universities are ranked the best. Generally, Denmark has fully invested in fish production, salt, and petroleum. Denmark has resources, especially agricultural products. Participate in trade with German, US, and other surrounding countries.
The difference between the two countries is that Denmark is a low lying area with low population but rich in agriculture. ( Thodsen,et, el.,2016). Denmark is known for the production of fish, petroleum as well as limestone.In comparison china has a large land area with the highest population . China is known for technological expertise innovation as well as rich in culture. Both countries have lowlands, although china has bot high and low places. (Rasmussen, 2018). Both countries offer education, but Denmark is the best country when it comes to learning, especially at the university level.
Climate Change and Impacts on Denmark and China
China is the leading country in global warming due to greenhouse gases caused by the emission of carbon iv oxide, which is highly concentrated in the atmosphere. (Fischer,et,al., .2018).China is among the countries that are affected by climate change raising concerns to the government of China. The high population in China increases the chances of gas emission as well as pollution. China is an industrialized country with many companies emitting carbon and other toxic gases in the atmosphere. A study was made, and china labeled as the world’s biggest carbon market Carbon iv oxide, once emitted stays in the air for many years.
Over the years, USA has been the leading significant emitter of carbon iv oxide, but since 2006 China has taken over. Currently, China is the considered initiator of global warming. High temperatures experienced in China leads to low production of food; therefore, a challenge in food security.( Seneviratne,et,al.,2016). High emission of carbon IV oxide leads to the formation of ozone layer, which increases temperatures at the same time leading to the creation of acidic rain. Nonetheless carbon IV oxide is used by plants during photosynthesis for food production. Loss of life and extinction of plants is likely to occur in China due to the rise in temperatures, population increase as compared to food production. The generation of GMO food is high in China aiming at curbing inadequate production of food.
Denmark experience climate changes caused by rise in temperature because of the Faeroe island. High precipitation is recorded due to rainfall and snow experienced. After water is heated, moisture rises, therefore, saturating the atmosphere. Denmark experiences a rise in sea level, which brings about flooding due to the low lying nature of the land. An increase in precipitate has led to more production of barley and other food produced. Denmark has a short history of climate change as compared to China. There is less emission of carbon IV oxide but a rise in sea level due to high humidy and rainfall. An increase in sea level brings about flooding causing destruction of properties, loss of life. Denmark is a flat place; therefore, erosion is joint, especially splash erosion .
The two countries have different effects and causes of climate change. In China climate changes is caused by uncontrolled population, emission of carbon iv oxide leading to low food production as well as extinction of plants . Denmark has a healthy climatic condition that encourages agriculture encouraged by high humidity as well as high temperature and optimal rainfall. Though the low lying nature affects the level of water, causing floods and erosion. Climate change in Denmark has more positive impacts compared to China with more negative results.
Adaptation and Restrictions Towards Climate Change in Denmark and China
China’s climate change has affected both social and economic activities. The government of China has imposed strategies in curbing climate change in the reduction of carbon IV oxide emission, done through practicing afforestation and policies under the protection of forest. Burning of fossil fuel is prevented through the use of new technological methods, for instance, the use of electric trains, the use of gas for cooking, and many others.( Mi,et,al.,2017). Positive progress in applications of policies and strategies will save the whole world from the effects of climate change. China has experienced several challenges, especially with the increasing population as well consistent development in technological innovation and industrialization.
Denmark have strategies on how to include climate change in their plan. The rise in water level may pose a significant problem in future due to flooding and contraction of water-borne diseases. ( Thodsen,et,el.,2016) .Adjustment of low lying areas and making use of the land are some of the adaptations. Involvement in agriculture reduces soil erosion as well as makes the soil firm — construction of Irrigation schemes, especially when the water level rises in minimizing floods and destruction of properties. Agricultural activities in Denmark are the solution in curbing climate change. Challenges in Mitigation of climate change is the natural nature of demark being a flat area.
Climate change is a worldwide concern due to the effects implicated in various countries. Climate change leads to a rise in water level, extinction of life, global warming, and food insecurity. China have experienced impacts of climate change especially in the emission of carbon IV oxide leading to global warming. China has adapted to climate change condition by reducing emission of carbon iv oxide through control of population and innovation of alternative methods from fossil fuels. Denmark is one of the countries facing fewer impacts on climate change due to the low population nature. Denmark is good in agriculture; therefore, being one of adaptation in the reduction of soil erosion and the rise in water level. China will take a long time in curbing climate change due to increasing industrialization as well as population as compared to Denmark.
Fischer, H., Schütte, S., Depoux, A., Amelung, D., & Sauerborn, R. (2018). How Well Do COP22 Attendees Understand Graphs on Climate Change Health Impacts from the Fifth IPCC Assessment Report?. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(5), 875.
Mi, Z. F., Wei, Y. M., He, C. Q., Li, H. N., Yuan, X. C., & Liao, H. (2017). Regional efforts to mitigate climate change in China: a multi-criteria assessment approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 22(1), 45-66.
Rasmussen, A. (2018). Policy Intersections on Education for the Gifted and Talented in China and Denmark. In Nordic-chinese Intersections on Education. Palgrave Macmillan.
Seneviratne, S. I., Donat, M. G., Pitman, A. J., Knutti, R., & Wilby, R. L. (2016). Allowable CO 2 emissions based on regional and impact-related climate targets. Nature, 529(7587), 477.
Thodsen, H., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Andersen, H. E., Jensen, K. M. B., Andersen, P. M., Bolding, K., & Ovesen, N. B. (2016). Climate change effects on lowland stream flood regimes and riparian rich fen vegetation communities in Denmark. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(2), 344-358.(
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