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Posted: January 1st, 2020

Critical Review of Global Logistics

PG Coursework 2022-23

MODULE: NBS-7054A-22 (Global Logistics Management) COURSEWORK

Coursework Title: “Critical Review of Global Logistics (4000 words)”

This is a summative assessment comprising two components, namely, individual written report and group presentation.
Task description: Select a global manufacturing firm in a sector of your choice where a good level of information is publicly available. The firm should trade globally. Answer the following questions based on the logistics operations and strategies of your chosen firm. To answer the following questions, you are required to conduct appropriate research. Your answers should use relevant evidence from the firm’s global logistics operations.

Summative Component #1
Contribution to Final Module Mark: 80%
1(a). Identify the firm’s inbound and outbound logistics networks. Provide an appropriate explanation of the logistics operations considering the key parameters like service level, contract index, safety stock, trade unit, delivery reliability, etc. and KPIs (your learning of TFC simulation would help).
(b). (i) Homework help: Write Online Essays Papers Homework for you – Analyse the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the key parameters of the firm’s global logistics operations and KPIs considered in your answer to Q1(a). Inbound logistics refers to the processes involved in receiving, storing, and distributing raw materials or components needed for the production of goods. Outbound logistics refers to the processes involved in storing, packaging, and transporting finished goods to customers.

The key parameters that can impact a firm’s logistics operations include:

Service level: This refers to the percentage of orders that are fulfilled on time and in full. A high service level means that orders are being fulfilled efficiently and effectively, while a low service level may indicate issues with the logistics process.

Contract index: This refers to the percentage of orders that are fulfilled according to the terms of the contract. A high contract index means that the firm is meeting the terms of its contracts with customers, while a low contract index may indicate issues with fulfilling orders as agreed upon.

Safety stock: This refers to the amount of inventory that is kept on hand to mitigate the risk of stock-outs. Safety stock helps ensure that orders can be fulfilled even if there are delays in the supply chain.

Trade unit: This refers to the unit of measure used for ordering and tracking inventory. For example, a trade unit could be a case, pallet, or individual item.

Delivery reliability: This refers to the percentage of orders that are delivered on time. A high delivery reliability means that orders are being delivered as promised to customers, while a low delivery reliability may indicate issues with the logistics process.

In terms of key performance indicators (KPIs), a firm may track metrics such as on-time delivery rate, order accuracy, and inventory turnover to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of its logistics operations.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on global logistics operations. Many firms have faced disruptions in their supply chains due to border closures, travel restrictions, and other measures put in place to slow the spread of the virus. This has led to delays in the transportation of goods and challenges in maintaining inventory levels. The pandemic has also resulted in a shift towards online shopping, which has led to an increase in demand for delivery services. As a result, firms have had to adjust their logistics operations to meet these changing demands, which has affected key parameters such as service level, delivery reliability, and safety stock.
(ii) Linking the relevant performance objectives and supply chain dimensions, describe how the firm managed the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic and made their logistics network less vulnerable. Your answer should use the reference to the key parameters of the firm’s global logistics operations and KPIs considered in your answer to Q1(a).
(10%+5%+10% = 25% marks)
2(a). Using appropriate evidence, examine how the global manufacturer, along with their intermediaries, effectively co-creates and adds value to their logistics operations and simultaneously optimises costs. To elucidate the value co-creation operations in their supply chains, consider relevant ‘waste’ reduction techniques and ‘glocalisation’ operation of the firm.
(b). (i) Homework help: Write Online Essays Papers Homework for you – Analyse how the firm’s marketing channel network can be improved through the use of appropriate technologies for communicating and sharing information with the rest part of the network.
(ii) Considering the firm’s marketing channel network, explain the key lessons learnt as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Your answer should use the key logistics parameters and KPIs.
(15%+10%+10% = 35% marks)

3(a). Investigate and argue how the firm can align “circular economy” and “Industry 4.0” with their current logistics operations for improving their supply chain dimensions in their inbound and outbound channels.
(b). Recommend a set of operational decisions to be undertaken by the global manufacturer if they wish to embed “sustainability”, through innovation-led lean approaches, in their logistics operations.
(25%+15% = 40% marks)

In your report, you are required to clearly demonstrate a link between theories and practices using relevant evidence and examples where appropriate. Your report should use methods and techniques from the module and your own academic research. Your report should use sufficient academic journal articles to support your arguments. The sources used to write your report must be adequately referenced.

Format for the written report: Your answers should be presented in an appropriately structured written report of up to 4,000 words (max.) (+/- 10%) that answers the above three questions.
Please follow to the formatting guidelines:
• Font / Size: Arial / 12pt
• Line spacing: 1.5
• Pagination required? Yes
• Margins: At least 2.54 cm (or 1 inch) to left and right and text ‘justified’
• Referencing: Full compliance with Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers – Harvard protocols
General Guidance
1. Your research should include a combination of academic journal articles, industry reports and online resources. Take care to cite your reference sources appropriately (using the Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers – Harvard referencing protocol). Include a list of all references at the end of the report. Reference to Wiki / Wikipedia is not accepted. Please refer to the extract (provided below) from the Student Handbook and Student Performance Accelerator for more general guidance and information about referencing, citations and penalties for exceeding the word limit.
2. Your written report should include explicit links between theory and practice, using appropriate evidence and examples where possible.
3. A detailed marking scheme, based on the Senate scale, is available on Blackboard.
4. This is individual coursework and it must be exclusively your own work.
5. Please preserve the anonymity of your written report by using your university registration number, and not your name.

Submission date:
• Written report (4,000 words max.): 3:00 pm, Wednesday 18 January 2023.

NBS Coursework Submission and Return: Key Facts 2022/23

Your coursework should clearly distinguish between your original words and ideas, and those of others. When referring to the work of others, from books, journals or any other source (including the internet), it is essential that you make this clear by acknowledging your source and referencing correctly. Failure to reference correctly will lose you marks and may constitute plagiarism or collusion. Unless specified otherwise by the module organiser, Norwich Business School uses the Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers – Harvard system of referencing.

University Policy on Plagiarism and Collusion
It is important that all students familiarise themselves with the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion. Understanding these rules will help you to avoid plagiarism, and to maintain the quality of your academic work.
You should ensure that you are familiar and up to date with the Universities rule on Plagiarism and Collusion, available at
You should also make sure that you are familiar with the Business School’s policy on Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers – Harvard referencing which is available in your student handbooks.
Individual study skills support and advice on referencing is also provided by the Learning Enhancement Service at the Student Support Service.
Where work has been submitted in word-processed format, you may be requested to provide a digital copy of your coursework (after an initial examination of the hard copy by the coursework assessors) for use with plagiarism detection software. Instances where plagiarism is suspected will be investigated by the NBS Plagiarism Officer. Students who are found to have plagiarised will be penalised.
In proven cases offenders will be punished and the punishment may extend to degree failure, temporary suspension or expulsion from further study if the case comes before a Discipline Committee of the University.

General Advice
Before you submit any coursework you should make sure that you are clear and up to date in your knowledge of university policy and practice.
The University’s policy on Submission of Work for Assessment (Taught Programmes): Submission of Anonymised Work for Assessment, Word Limits and Penalties, Extensions and Penalties for Unauthorised Late Submission, Provisional Marks and Feedback, and Retention of Coursework is published in the Calendar, and is available at:

A penalty will be imposed for exceeding the word limit, which will be clearly stated in the assignment. Students must include their word count on the coursework coversheet when they submit their work. The word count for coursework, written assignments, projects, reports and dissertations shall include: Footnotes and endnotes (irrespective of whether they have been used for the purpose of referencing or not, references (in the main text), tables and illustrations and if applicable the abstract, title page and contents page. Any appendicised material and the bibliography or reference list shall be excluded from the word count.

Word Count Penalties
Up to 10% over word limit No Penalty
10% or more over the word limit Deduction of 10 marks off original mark
Failure to provide an electronic copy when requested Mark capped to the pass mark
Intentional misrepresentation of the word count on the coversheet Mark capped to the pass mark
The deadline for submission of coursework is 15:00 (3:00 pm) on the submission/due day.

Penalties for Late Submission
Work submitted Marks deducted
After 15:00 on the due date and before 15:00 on the day following the due date 10 marks
After 15:00 on the second day after the due date and before 15:00 on the third day after the due date 20 marks
After 15:00 on the third day after the due date and before 15:00 on the 20th day after the due date. All the marks the work merits if submitted on time (i.e. no marks awarded)
After 20 working days work will not be marked and a mark of zero will be entered.

The majority of assignments will be submitted electronically via Blackboard. For identified modules, students will be able to submit coursework electronically from one week before the deadline, using a link from the Blackboard page. If your assignment is set up for electronic submission, you must submit electronically; there will not be an option to submit a hard copy instead of electronic submission. Even late assignments, or those that have extensions, should be submitted electronically rather than in paper format.
For more information on coursework submission, see:

Finally, students are advised to be aware of the revised “Senate Marking Scale (Masters) – Coursework.” These scales which provide general guidance on the standards required for the award of marks for coursework. These are available at

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