Posted: February 15th, 2023
Practicum: Planning Learning Objectives
The practicum experience allows you to develop and expand your advanced nursing knowledge and skills at the aggregate, organizational, or policy level. During week 1 you will submit two to three individual learning objectives that you wish to achieve during this practicum experience. You should prepare a set of measurable learning objectives, using Bloom’s Taxonomy (See attached file). Your practicum objectives should reflect your interest in expanding knowledge. They are not to include activities related to your DNP project. These objectives will be identified during your mentoring course (NURS 8700P, 8700, 8701). Practice experiences should be designed achieve specific learning objectives related to the DNP Essentials and specialty competencies (AACN, 2006).
Your practicum objectives should include the following:
1) Three learning objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy.
2) Description of how these objectives will expand your advanced nursing knowledge and skills at the aggregate, organizational, or policy level.
3) Relationship of the learning objectives to the DNP Essentials.
NOTE: Learning objectives must be submitted using APA style. Points may be deducted for lack of references, writing style, and APA format. Refer to the sample attached in the file area (See attached file >> very important)
Dear Students,
Individualized Practicum Objectives:
1. You cannot start working on completing your 72 hours of practicum until your practicum objectives are approved by me.
3. The individualized practicum objectives should be based on the course objectives and the AACN Doctoral Essentials. (See attached file) USE THIS TEMPLATE BELOW FOR WRITING YOUR PRACTICUM OBJECTIVES (due end of week 1). THERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF ANOTHER STUDENTS’ OBJECTIVES AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS DOCUMENT—PLEASE REVIEW.
a. OBJECTIVE 1: EBP Problem Related Individualized Practicum Objective (pick one and individualize it):
i. Evaluate an evidence-based practice problem (in parenthesis, name the EBP problem you will be working on w/ your preceptor/mentor in practicum) within a specialty setting (name your setting in parenthesis) (related Course Learning Outcome=2).
ii. Synthesize literature related to a defined evidence-based practice problem (in parenthesis, name the EBP problem you will be working on w/ your preceptor/mentor in practicum) (related Course Learning Outcome=3).
iii. Formulate an intervention to address a practice problem (in parenthesis, name the EBP problem you will be working on w/ your preceptor/mentor in practicum) (related Course Learning Outcome=6).
b. OBJECTIVE 2: Practice Area Specialty Competencies Individualized Practicum Objective (pick one and individualize it):
i. Apply practice guidelines (name the practice guideline—from National Guideline Clearinghouse, RNAO, or a specialty organization) into an area of expertise (name the area…e.g., diabetic care) (related Course Learning Outcome=4).
ii. Utilize advanced competencies (name the competencies, e.g. AONE CNLM competencies) for practice and leadership roles related to (name the area…e.g., diabetic care) (related Course Learning Outcome=5).
c. OBJECTIVE 3: Essential Related Individualized Practicum Objectives (individualize it):
i. Demonstrate achievement of learning objectives related to the AACN DNP Essentials (note which DNP essential in parenthesis) by ____________ (lay out how you will do this) (Course Learning Outcome 6).
I plan to complete X hours per week of practicum over the next X weeks (must be 10 weeks or less). This will allow a total of 72 on-site hours with my preceptor.
NOTE 1: Review the assignment in 8410 Blackboard under Week 1, Practicum, and Assignment. Make sure you remember to put your timeline for practicum hours also.
NOTE 2: Your practicum objectives should not include objectives related to your DNP project, which you will work on with your DNP Project chair and committee within the mentoring courses NURS 8700 and 8701.
Example Of a Former Student’s Week 1 Assignment: Objectives and Timeline
(Used w/ permission from P. Holtzinger 2016.06.07 w/ edits from T. Wright)
The following are my three objectives for 8410.
EBP Problem Related Individualized Practicum Objective:
DNP Student Objective 1: Evaluate the practice problem of pediatric maltreatment and strangulation evaluation (r/t NURS 8410 Course Learning Outcome 1).
Practice Area Specialty Competencies Individualized Practicum Objective:
DNP Student Objective 2: Apply practice guidelines from the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) related to forensic nursing education addressing the evidence-based practice standards for the medical/forensic care of the pediatric forensic patient (r/t NURS 8410 Course Learning Outcome 3).
Essential Related Personal Individualized Practicum Objective:
DNP Student Objective 3: Demonstrate achievement of learning objectives related to the AACN (2006) DNP Essential (See attached file) VI (Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes) by working as a member of the multidisciplinary team to address best-practice approaches to the delivery of care of the pediatric maltreatment population (r/t NURS 8410 Course Learning Outcome 6).
I plan to complete 8 hours per week of practicum over the next 9 weeks. This will allow
a total of 72 on-site hours with my preceptor.
Practicum Learning Objectives
Objective 1: Apply (Bloom’s Taxonomy action verb) evidence-based guidelines from the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) for the prevention and management of delirium in older intensive care unit (ICU) patients (focus of study and demonstration of achievement) (addresses DNP Essential I).
Objective 2: Analyze (Bloom’s Taxonomy action verb) the organizational culture and nursing workflows in the medical ICU at University Hospital (practicum setting) to identify opportunities for improving delirium screening compliance (focus of study and demonstration of achievement) (addresses DNP Essential II).
Objective 3: Develop (Bloom’s Taxonomy action verb) an educational program for ICU nurses at University Hospital (practicum setting) on evidence-based delirium assessment tools and prevention strategies (focus of study and demonstration of achievement) (addresses DNP Essential VIII).
These learning objectives were selected to expand my expertise in caring for critically ill older adults, with a focus on enhancing delirium prevention and management. The objectives incorporate higher levels of learning including analysis and evaluation of evidence and organizational practices, as well as synthesis of information into an educational program. Achieving these goals will advance my proficiency in quality improvement, implementation science, and applying evidence to practice. All objectives emphasize aggregate-level nursing practice, organizational change, and translation of research into practice. The objectives purposefully avoid mention of my DNP project, as those details will be addressed through my mentoring courses.
To accomplish these learning objectives, I will spend 8 hours per week over the next 8 weeks at University Hospital’s medical ICU under the mentorship of Dr. Smith. This will allow me to complete the required 72 on-site practicum hours. During this experience, I will collect and evaluate relevant data, consult with my mentor, and develop an educational workshop for ICU staff. Through this hands-on clinical immersion guided by my objectives, I will significantly expand my expertise in caring for older ICU patients at risk for delirium to prepare me for advanced practice leadership roles.
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