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Posted: February 15th, 2023

Analysis and Evaluation of Frameworks and Theories

Analysis and Evaluation of Frameworks and Theories

Theory analysis is particularly helpful in research because it provides a clear idea of the form and structure of the theory in addition to the relevance of content, and inconsistencies and gaps present. The ‘missing links’ or inconsistencies are fruitful sources of new research ideas. They also point to the next hypotheses that need to be tested.
—Walker and Avant, 2011, p. 206

Nurse scientists often find that examining the literature is a productive way to see how existing frameworks and theories have been applied in other research studies. By engaging in this process, they may gain insights about a particular framework or theory, be able to identify gaps in research, or uncover new questions they are eager to explore.

In this Discussion, you analyze existing frameworks/theories using the procedure proposed by Walker and Avant. Your analysis should provide an objective understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each framework or theory. This, in turn, should enable you to evaluate whether the framework/theory is useful for the purposes of your theoretical foundation for a program of research.

To prepare

Review the information that Dr. Hathaway presents in the Week 1 media program, “Theoretical Foundation for Research,” regarding the phases of theory development and the similarities and differences between frameworks and theories.
Search the literature and identify two frameworks/theories that may be useful for investigating your phenomenon of interest.
Review the procedure for theory analysis presented in Chapter 12 of Walker and Avant (2011). Apply these steps to each framework/theory you have selected and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each framework/theory. Determine whether additional development or refinement is needed (i.e., for each framework, identify which aspects would require further research in order for it to meet the requirements of a theory).
Evaluate the value of each framework/theory for addressing your phenomenon. Determine which framework/theory has the most potential for use as part of your theoretical foundation of your research.
Think about any questions you have related to theory analysis and evaluation.
By Day 3

Post a description of the two frameworks/theories you analyzed and evaluated, and explain why each is considered either a framework or a theory. For framework(s) you have selected, explain which aspects would require further research to meet the requirements of a theory. Explain why one has the most potential for use in your theoretical foundation for research, noting its strengths and weaknesses. Also pose any questions that have arisen through your examination of frameworks/theories.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.
Brakefield Week 6 Initial Post

In this discussion, the differences between theory and framework must be considered. In this week’s readings, the variances at times appear subtle. For example, frameworks provide the direction that the research takes where theory reveals relationships between the concepts in the phenomenon of
The two frameworks that were analyzed for this writer’s phenomena of interest (POI), which is motivation that leads to health promotion behaviors and adherence to those interventions, are King’s Goal Attainment Theory and the Health Belief Model (HBM). In King’s Goal Attainment Theory, the basis is that the nurse and patient come together to set goals and act together to attain those goals (Araujo et al., 2018). In the theory Health Belief Model, the assumptions are that the health seeking behaviors of the person are influenced by perception of a threat to health and the value associated with reducing the threat (Pribadi & Devy, 2020).
The Health Behavior Model (HBM) applies directly to the research questions that this writer has in relation to why a person does or does not chose health promotion. The HBM is a borrowed theory as it was derived from social science and has been applied to nursing situations. Strengths of the theory include the application to nursing care and literature associated with outcomes, and addresses perceptions that impact the value of intervening to produce health (Ampofo et al., 2020). Weaknesses are cited as being a lack of acknowledgement to social or economic factors that can serve as external threats to the validity of findings (Luquis & Kensinger, 2019).
In reviewing this topic, other considerations come to mind, such as how to mitigate the weaknesses and when found, does this impact the application? For example, in finding the possible threats to external validity with this theory, does a secondary theory fill in that gap or is it that researcher is now aware of the risks and considers this in conducting the research. Is it possible to find a theory that perfectly meets the research while maintaining original thought and staying true to the questions posed or does this alter the trajectory and thus the methods?

Ampafo, A., et al., (2020). A cross-sectional study of barriers to cervical cancer screening uptake
in Ghana: An application of the Health Belief Model. Plos ONE. 15(4), 1-16.
doi: 10.4103/ijnmr.IJNMR_220_18
Araujo, S., et. al., (2018). Nursing care to patients with diabetes based on Kings’ theory.
National Library of Medicine. 71(3), 1092-1098. doi: 10.1590/0034-7167-2016-0268
Luquis, R., & Kensinger, W. (2019) Applying the Health Belief Model to assess prevention
services among young adults, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 57:1, 37-47, doi: 10.1080/14635240.2018.1549958
McEwin, M., & Wills, E. M. (2019) Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.) Wolters Kluwer
Pribadi, E. & Devy, S. (2020). Application of the health belief model on the intention to stop
Smoking behavior among young adult women. Journal of Public Health Research. 9(2),

Pender’s model includes “major concepts of characteristics and experiences of individuals (prior behaviors and personal influences), behavior-specific perceptions and influences (perceived benefits of action, barriers to action, and self-efficacy, activity-related affect, and interpersonal and situational influences), and behavioral outcomes (commitment to a plan of action, immediate competing demands and preferences, and health promoting behavior) (McEwen and Wills, 2019, p, 229).” Where does your concept of motivation come into play? Is it a possible barrier to action or an activity related affect or situational influence?
Pender’s model is considered a middle-range theory. It is suggested the that researchers prefer to use middle-range theories because they are better for formulating hypotheses and applicable to certain patient populations (McEwin & Wills, 2019). If you had to pose a hypothesis, based your POI and Pender’s model, what might that be? Middle range theories describe, explain, or predict phenomena (McEwin & Wills, 2019). Does Pender’s model describe, explain, or predict health promotion?
I have used Pender’s model in previous research as well as the questionnaire she has developed and revised over time. I was trying to locate the questionnaire without success. Have you been able to access it?
McEwin, M., & Wills, E. M. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health.

DQ WK 6 – Framework/Theory Analysis and Evaluation
The theoretical analysis evaluates the researcher’s concepts to connect information from the literature to the existing theories that guide the study. Theoretical analysis entails the objective investigation and systemic examination of how the principles of any theory are used in any research study to obtain their meaning, usefulness, logical adequacy, parsimony, generalizability, and testability (McEwen & Wills, 2019). Concept evaluation is the process of systematically examining theory. Theory evaluation does not generate new information outside the study’s controlled area (McEwen & Wills, 2019). It also recognizes a degree of usefulness to guide practice, research, education and administration.
The first definition of stress was given by Han Selye, the physician conducting experiments on the rats. He said that stress is the physiologic and vague disorder of reaction to injury when a living thing is put to poisonous specialists (Stubin, 2017). Stress is especially significant in life, and it will ever be present, and it is not always negative and should not necessarily result in harm to a person. What establishes whether the stress is positive or negative is how effective a person going through the stress can manage the stress (Arnold, 2020). In this analysis and evaluation of theories, two theories that apply to my proposed study are Margaret A. Newman’s systems model and Jean Watson’s human caring theory.
Margaret A. Newman’s Systems model

Newman’s theory deals with a person’s response to stress. Hence the application of stress theories is essential to nursing, and nurses use them as a framework for research (McEwen & Wills, 2019). This application of the stress theory of nursing offers a framework for the nurse to evaluate the effects of stress, both physical and psychological uses on coping methods (McEwen & Wills, 2019).
Usefulness: Newman’s model is used broadly in nursing education and practice (McEwen & Wills, 2019). Newman’s model is crucial because it predicts interventions’ outcomes to strengthen the lines of defense against stress and the focus on prevention as intervention (McEwen & Wills, 2019).

Logical adequacy: The concepts are structured rationally.

Generalizability: Newman defined five interacting variables; physiologic, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual; these five variables function to attain, maintain, retain system stability (McEwen & Wills, 2019).

Testability: Newman’s model, even though it is not testable entirely, it gives rise to directional hypotheses that are testable in research. Therefore, the model is used as a conceptual framework extensively in a nursing research study (McEwen & Wills, 2019).

Miserliness: The model is not considered parsimonious because it is extraordinarily complex, with many parts that function in multiple ways. The model parts description can be confusing. However, the definitions are well developed in the latest edition of the model, and the assumptions are well organized (McEwen & Wills, 2019).

Jean Watson Theory of Care:
According to Jean Watson, caring can be effectively demonstrated and practiced only interpersonally. Caring satisfy human needs and promotes the health of an individual, family, and the entire community. The nurses have to make the decision and also evaluate and manage their stress.
Usefulness: Jean Watson’s theory of human caring is appropriate for the nurse’s behavior
manifestation in stress and caring phenomena because the nurses are basically stressed and exhausted. Thereby, they are not able to give quality care to their patient. Nurses need to genuinely explore their feelings to interact with others, understanding that they are emotional (McEwen & Wills, 2019).

Logical adequacy: The concepts are structured rationally.
Generalizability: A summary can be made with Jean Watson’s application

Testability: The research theory application is testable and used in some analytical research.

Miserliness: There were many concepts used by Jean Watson, so Jean Watson is not frugal because of its many concepts.
Therefore, Jean Watson’s human caring theory, using a holistic approach to providing care for the patients while caring for oneself is an essential aspect of selflessness. Moreover, mindfulness in caring (Sitzman & Watson, 2018).
Arnold, T.C., (2020). An evolutionary concept analysis of secondary traumatic stress in nurses. In Nursing Forum. Vol. 55, 2 (149-156).
McEwin, M., & Wills, E. M. (2019) Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.) Wolters Kluwer
Laureate Education (Producer). (2014f). Theoretical foundation for research [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Sitzman, K., & Watson, J. (2018). Caring Science, Mindful Practice. Springer publishing. DOI:

Stubin, C.A. (2017). Emotional strain: a concept analysis for nursing. International Journal for Human Caring. Vol 21 Iss 2(59-65).

Walker, L. O., & Avant, K. C. (2019). Strategies for theory construction in nursing (6th ed.). Prentice-Hall.

Sara analyzed the Health Belief Model and the Theory of Planned Behavior as potential frameworks for her research on medication adherence in patients with chronic conditions. She found the Health Belief Model provided a solid framework for understanding medication beliefs and behaviors, but lacked specificity on how to change behavior. The Theory of Planned Behavior was more comprehensive in encompassing attitudes, social norms, and perceived control, but needed more development to be a full theory. Overall, Sara felt the Theory of Planned Behavior had the most potential as part of her theoretical foundation.

John examined the Health Promotion Model and the Social Cognitive Theory for his research on physical activity in older adults. He determined the Health Promotion Model provided a useful framework for understanding factors influencing behaviors, but would require more specificity around interventions to become a theory. The Social Cognitive Theory was more robust in encompassing personal, behavioral, and environmental factors. John felt this theory provided the strongest foundation, though noted some inconsistencies around motivation that would need further research.

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