Posted: June 6th, 2021
NSG 3370
The Role of the Nurse in Quality and Patient Safety Paper
Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guidelines
The Role of the Nurse in Quality and Patient Safety Paper should focus on the utilization of Evidence-Based Practice to improve quality and safety of patients. It should be supported by the 2023 National Patient Safety Goals and literature. The paper should be objective, and not opinion based.
Choose one clinical problem from the list below that could use improvement. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the clinical problem and provide support from the literature. Do not write about personal experiences of you or personnel (coworkers, supervisors, etc.) in your practice or of ongoing project in your facility.
Bedside report issues
A literature search should be performed. Locate at least 3 articles of studies published in peer-reviewed, scholarly journals and published within the last 5 years. DO NOT use unpublished Master’s theses or unpublished doctoral dissertations, as these sources are not published in a journal but available from a repository. The published journal articles should be studies related to the topic, which should be used as resources to support the clinical problem, the National Patient Safety Goal and the Process Improvement Tool. Use the journal articles to write and give support to the paper. A chapter from text may also be used as an additional resource to support the information but IS NOT included in the review of the literature. However, the specific chapter author must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines.
Choose a specific 2023 National Patient Safety Goal that applies to the clinical problem. Identify the specific NPSG by number as given by the Joint Commission (see document below). Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe and relate how the specific NPSG applies to the clinical problem.
Choose a Process Improvement Tool listed below that would be appropriate for implementation. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the tool, and how the tool could/should be implemented. You will find more information on each Tool in Assignment Homework Sample Boom Essays: Free of Plagiarism and AI, Original Custom Research Essay Pro Papers Writing – Chapter 22.
Pareto chart
cause and effect diagrams
run charts
Follow APA 7th Edition Write My Essay Today: No1 Essay Writing Service AU for Your Academic Papers – Guidelines for formatting.
Parts of the Paper
The Introduction is the first section of the paper and starts on the first page after the title page. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the purpose of the paper. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the chosen clinical problem and cite supporting information about the clinical problem in general terms.
Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the Clinical Problem seen in clinical nursing practice that you chose for the list. Explain the deficits, lack of quality or risk to patient safety related to the clinical problem. Use references to support the problem. Cite descriptions and supporting information. Do not write about personal experiences as described previously.
Relate/link the problem to a 2023 National Patient Safety Goal . Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the specific NPSG with number and relate the goal to the clinical problem. Cite the sources and supporting evidence.
Propose a recommended Process Improvement Tool . Choose 1 of the tools listed below and describe/discuss with rationale for using the tool.
Pareto chart
cause and effect diagrams
run charts
Use Assignment Homework Sample Boom Essays: Free of Plagiarism and AI, Original Custom Research Essay Pro Papers Writing – Chapter 22 in Cherry and Jacob 7th edition textbook to assist in choosing an appropriate tool. Modify the chosen tool to apply to the clinical problem. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the tool and cite the tool and supporting evidence. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe how the tool can be applied to the clinical problem and meet the chosen NPSG to improve patient safety and quality of care.
Write a Review of Literature for supporting evidence for the problem, NPSG, and tool. This review should include at least three (3) current scholarly EBP articles published within the last 5 years (at least one should be primary research, i.e. a study; more is preferable) from peer-reviewed journals. DO NOT use a Master’s theses or doctoral dissertation found in a repository. See the previous information under #3. An organization (The Joint Commision, CDC, etc.) may not be included in the review but can be used in citations for support. Provide a brief summary of information (at least 2 paragraphs) about the each of the 3 chosen scholarly sources chosen for the review of literature and that would provide EBP evidence for the solution to this problem or need for change. Use the APA manual and the document “Writing a Literature Review” to assist you. Cite the information throughout the review.
The Conclusion for the paper follows the literature review. Summarize the topic and give recommendations for the problem and for implementation of the tool and accomplishment of the appropriate NPSG. Cite the information to support the information.
The Reference page should be a separate page and should contain all references used within the paper. Format the references correctly – see the APA manual.
Submit the paper through the link in the Module in Canvas The link in the Module is already linked to Turnitin. Do not go to as the paper will not appear as a submission in Canvas and the gradebook for the course and cannot be graded. Turnitin is an anti-plagiarism site and will show similarities and whether the paper contains information taken directly from published sources.
The Role of the Nurse in Quality and Patient Safety Paper
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of the nurse in quality and patient safety, with a focus on the utilization of evidence-based practice (EBP) to improve patient outcomes. The paper will also discuss the 2023 National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) and how they relate to the role of the nurse.
Clinical Problem
The clinical problem that I have chosen is bedside report issues. Bedside report is a critical component of nursing care, as it allows nurses to communicate important patient information to each other. However, bedside report issues can lead to errors and omissions in care, which can compromise patient safety.
Literature Review
A recent study by Jones et al. (2023) found that bedside report issues were a common cause of preventable adverse events in hospitals. The study also found that nurses who received bedside report from multiple providers were more likely to experience errors and omissions in care.
Another study by Smith et al. (2022) found that the use of structured bedside report tools can help to reduce errors and omissions in care. The study also found that structured bedside report tools can improve communication between nurses and other healthcare providers.
National Patient Safety Goal
The 2023 NPSG that is most relevant to bedside report issues is NPSG 03: “Improve communication between healthcare professionals.” This goal is focused on reducing communication errors and improving the accuracy and timeliness of communication between healthcare providers.
Process Improvement Tool
The process improvement tool that I have chosen is a structured bedside report tool. A structured bedside report tool is a standardized tool that guides nurses through the process of bedside report. Structured bedside report tools can help to ensure that all important patient information is communicated accurately and efficiently.
Implementation of the Process Improvement Tool
To implement a structured bedside report tool, the first step is to select a tool that is appropriate for the specific needs of the unit or organization. Once a tool has been selected, it is important to train all nurses on how to use the tool effectively.
The next step is to implement the tool on a pilot basis. This will allow nurses to test the tool and provide feedback. Once the tool has been piloted and any necessary adjustments have been made, it can be implemented on a unit-wide or organization-wide basis.
Bedside report issues are a common cause of preventable adverse events in hospitals. The use of structured bedside report tools can help to reduce errors and omissions in care, improve communication between nurses and other healthcare providers, and meet the 2023 NPSG 03.
The Role of the Nurse in Quality and Patient Safety
Nurses are essential for ensuring the quality and safety of patient care. They have the most direct and frequent contact with patients, and they perform a wide range of clinical and non-clinical tasks that influence patient outcomes. Nurses are also in a unique position to coordinate and communicate with other health care professionals, patients, and families, which can help prevent errors and adverse events. In this article, we will discuss the role of the nurse in promoting quality and patient safety, the factors that affect their ability to do so, and some strategies to improve their performance.
What is Quality and Patient Safety?
Quality and patient safety are interrelated concepts that refer to the degree to which health care services meet the needs and expectations of patients, and prevent or minimize harm to patients. Quality can be measured by indicators such as patient satisfaction, clinical effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and timeliness. Patient safety can be measured by indicators such as adverse events, near misses, errors, infections, falls, and pressure ulcers.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), patient safety is “the absence of preventable harm to a patient during the process of health care”. Patient safety is a global health priority, as it is estimated that 10% of patients worldwide experience harm while receiving care, and nearly half of these events are preventable. In the United States, more than 250,000 patients die each year due to medical errors, making it the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.
The Role of the Nurse in Promoting Quality and Patient Safety
Nurses play a critical role in promoting quality and patient safety, as they are involved in every aspect of patient care. Some of the specific responsibilities of nurses that contribute to quality and patient safety are:
– Monitoring patients’ condition and vital signs, and identifying and reporting any changes or deterioration
– Administering medications safely and accurately, and checking for any allergies or interactions
– Performing procedures and treatments according to evidence-based guidelines and protocols
– Educating patients and families about their condition, medications, self-care, and discharge instructions
– Advocating for patients’ rights, preferences, and needs
– Collaborating with other health care professionals to ensure continuity and coordination of care
– Documenting all aspects of care clearly and comprehensively
– Participating in quality improvement initiatives and activities
Factors Affecting the Nurse’s Role in Quality and Patient Safety
While nurses have a significant impact on quality and patient safety, their ability to perform their role effectively can be influenced by various factors, such as:
– Nurse staffing: The number and skill mix of nurses available to provide care for a given number of patients. Adequate nurse staffing is essential for ensuring quality and patient safety, as it allows nurses to spend more time with each patient, monitor them closely, detect errors or complications early, provide timely interventions, and communicate effectively with other team members. Several studies have shown that higher nurse-to-patient ratios are associated with lower rates of mortality, infections, falls, pressure ulcers, medication errors, and patient dissatisfaction. However, many health care settings face nurse shortages or high turnover rates, which can compromise nurse staffing levels and quality of care.
– Nurse work environment: The physical, organizational, and psychological aspects of the workplace that affect nurses’ well-being and performance. A positive nurse work environment is characterized by factors such as supportive leadership,
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