Posted: May 5th, 2020
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HIS 6 Week 3: Europeans Colonize North America (1600—1650 C.E.) Primary Source Analysis Assignment Directions Consulting Assignment Homework Sample Boom Essays: Free of Plagiarism and AI, Original Custom Research Essay Pro Papers Writing – Chapter 2: Europeans Colonize North America (1600—1650 C.E.) in the textbook, you will address the ″5 W’s” (who, what, when, where, and why) of this primary source. Effectively, you are ″filling in″ what information you can provide so as to historically contextualize the primary source. You are not summarizing or restating the content of the reading. If your submission simply repeats information from the reading without discussing or addressing the primary source, you will receive a zero for not following assignment directions. The Primary Source Analysis Assignment must be three to five sentences in length. The assignment must be either single OR double-spaced, 12-point font, and in Times New Roman. (10 Points Total) You must provide your name, course number, and professor (i.e. Professor Moore) in the heading of your paper. A title should also be included in the paper. Your analysis must be written in a paragraph format. If you write it out as a list, you will be either severely penalized in points OR receive a zero at my discretion. You must address the ″5 W’s” (who, what, when, where, and why) to properly contextualize the primary source material. Your analysis must be comprehensive and address specific elements of the primary source. Keep in mind that you are only using the information from the textbook to address the ″5 W′s″ of this primary source. No outside materials are needed to analyze the primary source. Consult the “The 5 W′s of Primary Source Analysis” document in the “Important Documents and Information” Module to review how to approach your analysis. Consult the ″Primary Source Analysis Assignment Rubric – Buy Custom College Essays Online: Pay for essay online″ for the parameters of how the assignment will be graded. To submit your assignment, you will click on a link at the bottom of this Primary Source Analysis Assignment page that says ″Load Week 3: Europeans Colonize North America (1600—1650 C.E.) Primary Source Analysis Assignment in a new window″. From there, it will take you to the Turnitin page. When ready to submit, you will click the ″Submit Assignment″ button that will then allow you to upload your document. DO NOT submit your assignment on the website directly to turn in your paper–doing so will cause issues in accessing your file. ONLY use the tab at the bottom of this page to submit your assignment. Be warned: if you use any text that is not your own and claim it is as your writing, you will not only receive a lower score by an entire grade level or a zero, but also face academic disciplinary actions. YOU ARE TO ANALYZE THE PRIMARY SOURCE BELOW []-Information added for context [Excerpts of] Observations by George Percy [1580—1632 C.E.] [English Writer, Explorer, and Former Governor of Virginia Colony] April 1607 [C.E.] ″…The six and twentieth day of April, about four o’clock in the morning, we descried the Land of Virginia. The same day we entered into the Bay of Chesupioc [Chesapeake] directly, without any let or hindrance. There we landed and discovered [explored] a little way, but we could find nothing worth the speaking of, but fair meadows and goodly tall Trees, with such Fresh-waters running through the woods, as I was almost ravished at the first sight thereof. At night, when we were going aboard, there came the Savages creeping upon all fours, from the Hills, like Bears, with their Bows in their mouths, [who] charged us very desperately in the faces, hurt Captain Gabriel Archer in both his hands, and a sailor in two places of the body very dangerous. After they had spent their Arrows, and felt the sharpness of our shot, they retired into the Woods with a great noise, and so left us…″ Thirtieth day, we came with our ships to Cape Comfort; where we saw five Savages running on the shore. Presently the Captain caused the shallop [boat] to be manned; so rowing to the shore, the Captain called to them in sign of friendship, but they were at first very timerous, until they saw the Captain lay his hand on his heart; upon that they laid down their Bows and Arrows, and came very boldly to us, making signs to come ashore to their Town, which is called by the Savages Kecoughtan [“great town,” commanded by a son of Powhatan]…When we came over to the other side, there was a many of other Savages which directed us to their Town, where we were entertained by them very kindly…″ May 1607 [C.E.] ″The thirteenth day, we came to our seating place [Jamestown] in Paspihas Country, some eight miles from the point of Land, which I made mention before: where our ships do lie so near the shore that they are moored to the Trees in six fathom water…″ ″The eighteenth day, the Werowance of Paspihae came himself to our quarter, with one hundred Savages armed, who guarded him in a very warlike manner with Bows and Arrows, thinking at that time to execute their villainy. Paspihae made great signs to us to lay our Arms away. But we would not trust him so far. He seeing he could not have convenient time to work his will, at length made signs that he would give us as much land as we would desire to take. As the Savages were in a throng in the Fort, one of them stole a Hatchet from one of our company, which spied him doing the deed: whereupon he took it from him by force, and also struck him over the arm. Presently another Savage seeing that, came fiercely at our man with a wooden sword, thinking to beat out his brains. The Werowance of Paspiha saw us take to our Arms, went suddenly away with all his company in great anger…″ June—July 1607 [C.E.] ″The fifteenth of June we had built and finished our Fort, which was trianglewise, having three Bulwarks, at every corner, like a half Moon, and four or five pieces of Artillery mounted in them. We had made ourselves sufficiently strong for these Savage…″ Monday the two and twentieth of June, in the morning, Captain Newport in the Admiral departed from James Port for England. Captain Newport being gone for England, leaving us (one hundred and four persons) very bare and scanty of victuals, furthermore in wars and in danger of the Savages, we hoped after a supply which Captain Newport promised within twenty weeks. But if the beginners of this action do carefully further us, the Country being so fruitful, it would be as great a profit to the Realm of England, as the Indies to the King of Spain… August—September 1607 [C.E.] ″Our men were destroyed with cruel diseases, as Swellings, Fluxes, Burning Fevers, and by wars, and some departed suddenly, but for the most part they died of mere famine. There were never Englishmen left in a foreign Country in such misery as we were in this new discovered Virginia. We watched every three nights, lying on the bare cold ground, what weather soever came [and] warded all the next day, which brought our men to be most feeble wretches. Our food was but a small Can of Barley sod in water, to five men a day, our drink cold water taken out of the River, which was at a flood very salty, at a low tide full of slime and filth, which was the destruction of many of our men. Thus we lived for the space of five months in this miserable distress, not having five able men to man our Bulwarks upon any occasion. If it had not pleased God to have put a terror in the Savages’ hearts, we had all perished by those wild and cruel Pagans, being in that weak estate as we were; our men night and day groaning in every corner of the Fort most pitiful to hear. If there were any conscience in men, it would make their hearts to bleed to hear the pitiful murmurings and outcries of our sick men without relief, every night and day, for the space of six weeks, some departing out of the World, many times three or four in a night; in the morning, their bodies trailed out of their Cabins like Dogs to be buried. In this sort did I see the mortality of diverse of our people. It pleased God, after a while, to send those people which were our mortal enemies to relieve us with victuals, as Bread, Corn, Fish, and Flesh in great plenty, which was the setting up of our feeble men, otherwise we had all perished. Also we were frequented by diverse Kings in the Country, bringing us store of provision to our great comfort. The eleventh day, there was certain articles laid against Master Wingfield which was then President; thereupon he was not only displaced out of his President ship, but also from being of the Council. Afterwards Captain John Ratcliffe was chosen President…″ Please feel free to contact me with any questions about the assignment
The instructions are for a HIS 6 Week 3 assignment on Europeans Colonize North America from 1600 to 1650 CE, and students are required to analyze primary source material from George Percy’s observations. The analysis should address the “5 W’s” (who, what, when, where, and why) of the primary source and should be three to five sentences in length, in either single or double spacing, using 12-point Times New Roman font. The analysis should be written in a paragraph format and must be comprehensive, addressing specific elements of the primary source material. No outside materials are needed for the analysis, and students must not use any text that is not their own. The assignment will be graded according to the “Primary Source Analysis Assignment Rubric – Buy Custom College Essays Online: Pay for essay online,” and students must submit their assignment through the link provided on the assignment page.
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