Posted: July 14th, 2023
Median, mode, graphing
Using the Unit 1 Discussion Excel workbook, generate your random data set. The data set you create will represent the IQs of a sample of 30 people.Using the data set that you generated in Excel and the Data Analysis Toolpak (see the video on \”Adding the Data Analysis Toolpak\” in the LiveBinder), calculate the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance, range, minimum, and maximum. Also, watch the video \”How to Make a Histogram in Excel\” (also in the LiveBinder) to help you make a histogram of these data, and then answer the following questions:
Insert your descriptive statistics output from Excel within your response (see \”How to Use A Snipping Tool\” video in the LiveBinder).
Insert your histogram from Excel within your response using the snipping tool.
What do the following measures of center tell us about the IQs in the data set (be specific and include the values in your discussion – up to three decimal places): (i) mean (ii) median (iii) mode?
Does the mean appear to be similar or different from the median? Why do you think that is so in the context of IQ scores?
What is the standard deviation (give the actual value – up to three decimal places), and what does it tell us about the IQ scores in the data set?
Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the shape of the histogram and how it relates to the descriptive statistics you calculated. Be sure to express your thoughts in the context of IQ scores.
How might the information in this IQ scores data set be useful, for example, to a teacher in a classroom? Can you think of any other applications for it?
Make sure to attach the Excel file to your post.
Unit 2
Extending your work from the Unit 1 Discussion, you will now analyze and compare the IQs of three different samples. There are two Unit 2 Discussion videos in the LiveBinderto demonstrate the use of Excel for this discussion. In addition, you will use the Unit 2 Discussion Excel file to complete the following:
A. Create the graphs: Follow the instructions in Unit 2 Discussion video: “Graphical Displays” to generate your three random sample datasets and copy and paste special to a new Excel workbook that you will save to your computer. In the new workbook, you will follow the video instructions to generate an appropriate graphical display for all three samples. Then you can use the snipping tool to copy and paste your graphs directly into the body of your discussion post.
B. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the graphs:
a. Shape: Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the shape of the graph (skewness or symmetry) for each group and anything unusual that you see.
b. Center: From the graphs, estimate the center of each group (median and mean) and order the three groups from smallest to largest center. Do you think the mean and median are similar in each group, or is there some group where you think the mean and median will differ? Explain your reasoning.
c. Spread: From the graphs, estimate the spread of each group (range=max-min or IQR=Q3-Q1) and order the three groups from smallest to largest spread.
C. Create numerical summaries: Follow the instructions in Unit 2 Discussion video: “Numerical Summaries” to generate descriptive statistics for each of the three groups. Then you can use the snipping tool to copy and paste your statistics directly into the body of your discussion post.
D. Write My Essay | Papers Writing Service Online by Essay Hub Experts- Describe the numerical summaries:
a. Center: Compare and contrast the central tendency (medians and means) of the three groups. Put them in order from smallest to largest center. Is this order what you expected based on your estimates in part B? If it differs, describe the differences.
b. Spread: Compare and contrast the spread (range=max-min and standard deviation) of the three groups. Put them in order from smallest to largest spread. Is this order what you expected based on your estimates in part B? If it differs, describe the differences.
E. Inference: Based on what you said in parts B and D, do all three of your sample groups seem like they could have come from the same population? Do any of the groups seem like they could have come from a different population? Explain your response using the statistics and graphs you generated. Make sure to attach your .XLS file to your post.
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