Posted: March 28th, 2023
(1700-1900 words)
Produce a polished, final draft of Essay 2. To produce your final draft, you will extensively revise and develop your first draft using lessons and strategies learned in class and suggestions provided in my feedback and from your peers. Please carefully read and follow this assignment. Do each task in order.
Part 1—Reading and Review
1. Read the Essay 2 assignment guidelines.
2. Review the lecture videos and writing guides assigned so far for this essay progression, with special attention to any that I recommended in my feedback and in class.
3. Review your notes and annotations on “The Starfruit Tree” by Ashwak Fardoush.
4. Review the quotations that you selected from the contextual secondary source “The Women’s Movement in Bangladesh: A Short History and Current Debates” by Sohela Nazneen.
5. Review the quotations that you selected from the theoretical secondary source “Feminist criticism” by Lois Tyson.
6. Review your notes on the Formal Draft feedback.
7. Closely read and annotate the Model Essay.
Part 2—Writing
Analysis Paragraphs
1. Using my feedback on your Formal Draft and the work we did in class, revise, expand, and deepen your analysis of the specific evidence from “The Starfruit Tree.”
a. Use the literary terms you’ve learned as key terms to analyze the text and feminist key terms from Tyson.(gender roles, patriarchal ideoligy etc)
b. Support your analysis and claims with close reading.
c. Explain how understanding the evidence you have identified are important clues to understand the story as a feminist text.
d. Revise your claims to express your specific argument in each analysis paragraph. Your claims should answer the intellectual questions that you posed. They must be debatable, supported by your analysis, specific, and insightful and must include the literary term and a feminist theoretical term.
e. Include secondary source quotations in each of your three analysis paragraphs—one from Nazneen and one from Tyson. “Sandwich” the quotations between your analysis of evidence and use them to help you to analyze that evidence from “The Starfruit Tree.” Do not summarize or analyze secondary source quotations. Instead, use them to facilitate your conversation about / analysis of the evidence.
2. Retain the identification/labeling and color-coding of the elements of argumentation and type of secondary source. Label/identify the element in ALL CAPS at the beginning of the sentence and color code each element according to what it’s doing: claim, analysis, evidence, analysis, secondary source (theoretical and contextual), synthesis.
Presentation Paragraphs
1. Polish your summaries using strategies discussed in class.
2. Revise your introduction in which you present your argument on the exhibit.
3. End this paragraph with your thesis in bold. Your thesis should express your central argument and must include a literary term and a feminist term.
Synthesis Paragraph
1. Review your conclusion to synthesize, rather than summarize, your argument about the story. Answer the “So, what?” question. How do you want your audience to recognize the ways which gender roles are constructed by patriarchy, not just in the story, but outside of the story? How do you want them to see the story and the world differently now that they have read your essay?
Structure Your Essay
1. Revise specific headings before each of your paragraphs that state what your paragraph is doing. The headings should be specific and include a literary term and a feminist key term.
2. Use strategies from the Effective Paragraphing and P-A-S in order to ensure a cohesive essay structure.
3. Order your paragraphs like this:
a. Write my essay online – Research paper help service – Summary of “The Starfruit Tree” by Ashwak Fardoush
The names of the members of your group.
The title (year published)
The author’s full name
The genre (short story, novella, novel, film)
Narrator: What is the type of narration? Who is telling the story? Do we know their names?
Setting: When and where does the story take place?
Characters: Who are the characters in the story? What type of beings are they (human, animal, robot)? Who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist, if any? Do we know their names?
Characterizations: How does the author express the character’s personality through direct or indirect discourse/dialogue, description, and/or reactions to situations? What kind of person is the character?
What is the method of characterization for the central characters? What transformations do the characters undergo, if any.
Plot line: How does the story arc of the plot unfold? How does the story end? Be specific in your answers.
(Turn into a summary)
b. Write my essay online – Research paper help service – Summary of “The Women’s Movement in Bangladesh: A Short History and Current Debates” by Sohela Nazneen
In a paragraph, summarize “The Women’s Movement in Bangladesh: A Short History and Current Debates” by Sohela Nazneen (100 words) Be sure that you quote the author’s main argument and consider the rhetorical situation in your summary. At the end of your summary, include a sentence to explain how the text provides a contextual lens that will further your analysis of “The Starfruit Tree.”
In a sentence or two, summarize how “Feminist criticism” provides a feminist lens to analyze “The Starfruit Tree.”
In the academic journal article “The Women’s Movement in Bangladesh: A Short History and Current Debates” (2017)by Sohela Nazneen we can see the importance of womens rights in Bangledesh.
(Need to start along these lines )
c. Introduction with thesis
d. Analysis Paragraph 1
e. Analysis Paragraph 2
f. Analysis Paragraph 3
Label and color-code/highlight the elements of argumentation and your secondary sources. Don’t worry about organization just yet. We’ll do that work with the next draft. This step is just to help you to ensure that you have all of the required quotes.
h. EVIDENCE (2 quotes from “The Starfruit Tree”)
j. THEORETICAL SECONDARY SOURCE (one quote from Tyson page 92)
k. CONTEXTUAL SECONDARY SOURCE (one quote from Nazneen)
m. Conclusion
n. Dissertations, Research Papers & Essay Writing Services by Unemployed Professors Experts Online – Works Cited
o. Self-evaluation
Title Your Essay
1. Revise your two-line title, which should intrigue and inform your intended audience of student readers. Your title must include “The Starfruit Tree” by Ashwak Fardoush.
Demonstrate Your Ethos as an Academic Writer
1. Include your word count after your name. Your word count only includes the text of your paragraphs and does not include the heading, Dissertations, Research Papers & Essay Writing Services by Unemployed Professors Experts Online – Works Cited page, or self-evaluation.
2. Proofread your essay aloud and correct any errors.
3. Include a complete and correct Dissertations, Research Papers & Essay Writing Services by Unemployed Professors Experts Online – Works Cited page. Review the Model Essay for correct citations and Purdue OWL for strategies for citing the texts. I usually search on Google like this:
a. For “The Starfruit Tree”: How to cite an online short story Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay for Me – MLA Purdue OWL
b. For “The Women’s Movement in Bangladesh: A Short History and Current Debates”: How to cite an online journal article Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay for Me – MLA Purdue OWL
c. For “Feminist criticism”: How to cite chapter in a book Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay for Me – MLA Purdue OWL
4. Review the assignment requirements in order to ensure that you completed all of them.
5. Include a one-paragraph thoughtful self-evaluation of 100-150 words in which you briefly, but thoughtfully, explain the following. Number your responses.
a. What specific steps you took to ensure that you completed all assignment requirements.
b. How you think this essay helped you to develop your academic writing in terms of working with multiple sources. Be specific about the Functions of Sources.
c. The ways in which you want to continue to develop your academic writing practices with Essay 3.
Submit Your Essay
● Name your file according to the guidelines in the syllabus and using the following protocol:
[Student Last Name][First Initial]_E2_FinalDraft
For example, a student named Tobe Nwigwe, would name his file: NwigweT_E2_FinalDraft
● Submit your essay as a PDF (recommended) or Word doc. No links, Pages files, or Google Docs will be accepted.
Let me know if you have any questions.
The main article being analyzew id the starfurit tree however the other two articles are being used as exhibits
Starfruit tree –
The womens movement in bangladesh –
Critical theory –
● Essay 2: Read pages 92-93, 119-120 in “Feminist criticism”
● Essay 3: Read pages 417-432 and 426-427 in “Postcolonial criticism”
The Starfruit Tree: A Feminist Analysis of Gender Roles and Patriarchal Ideology
Write my essay online – Research paper help service – Summary of “The Starfruit Tree” by Ashwak Fardoush
In “The Starfruit Tree,” Ashwak Fardoush tells the story of a young girl named Labonya who defies traditional gender roles and societal expectations. Labonya is fascinated by a starfruit tree that grows in her family’s garden, which is considered to be a “male” tree. Despite her mother’s objections, Labonya climbs the tree and is able to harvest its fruit. The story explores themes of gender, patriarchy, and societal expectations through Labonya’s journey of self-discovery.
Write my essay online – Research paper help service – Summary of “The Women’s Movement in Bangladesh: A Short History and Current Debates” by Sohela Nazneen
In her article “The Women’s Movement in Bangladesh: A Short History and Current Debates,” Sohela Nazneen provides a historical overview of the women’s movement in Bangladesh and examines the current debates surrounding women’s rights. Nazneen argues that while progress has been made, there is still a long way to go in terms of achieving gender equality in Bangladesh. She suggests that the women’s movement must continue to evolve and adapt to new challenges in order to bring about lasting change.
In “Feminist criticism,” Lois Tyson explores the ways in which feminist literary theory can be used to analyze and interpret literature. Tyson argues that feminist criticism is concerned with challenging patriarchal ideology and promoting gender equality. Through the lens of feminist criticism, literary texts can be examined for the ways in which they perpetuate or challenge gender stereotypes and patriarchal norms.
Introduction with thesis
In “The Starfruit Tree,” Ashwak Fardoush challenges traditional gender roles and patriarchal ideology through the story of a young girl who defies societal expectations. write my research paper owl essayservice uk writings. using feminist literary theory to analyze the text, we can gain a deeper understanding of the ways in which gender roles are constructed by patriarchy, and the importance of challenging these constructions in order to achieve gender equality. This essay will analyze three key moments in the story through the lens of feminist criticism, using evidence from the text as well as secondary sources to support my claims.
Analysis Paragraph 1: Labonya’s Desires and Society’s Expectations
CLAIM: Labonya’s desire to climb the starfruit tree is a subversion of traditional gender roles and a challenge to patriarchal ideology.
ANALYSIS: The starfruit tree is explicitly gendered as male, with Labonya’s mother telling her that “it’s not for girls to climb on trees, especially not on boys’ trees” (Fardoush). This gendered language reinforces patriarchal norms and expectations, suggesting that certain activities are reserved for boys and others for girls. However, Labonya’s desire to climb the tree challenges these gender roles and societal expectations, as she is unwilling to be limited by her gender.
EVIDENCE: Labonya’s fascination with the tree is described as “uncontrollable” (Fardoush), indicating that her desire to climb the tree is a powerful motivator. When she finally succeeds in climbing the tree and harvesting its fruit, she experiences a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that is denied to her in other aspects of her life. This suggests that her desire to climb the tree is not simply a childish whim, but rather a deeper expression of her desire for independence and agency.
SECONDARY SOURCE (CONTEXTUAL): Sohela Nazneen argues that gender inequality in Bangladesh is perpetuated by traditional gender roles and patriarchal norms. Women are often confined to the domestic sphere and excluded from public life, limiting their opportunities for education and employment. Nazneen suggests that challenging these gender roles
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