Posted: November 1st, 2019
The report must be submitted in a PDF FORMAT. Your report must include a Title Page with the title of the Assignment, Group Name and group members names and student ID. A table of contents page showing page numbers and titles of all major sections of the report. All Figures included must have captions and Figure numbers and be referenced within the document (where needed). Captions for figures placed below the figure, captions for tables placed above the table. Include a footer with the page number. Your report should use 1.5 spacing with a 12-point Times New Roman font. Include references where appropriate (and needed).Citation of sources is mandatory and must be in the IEEE format.
As a group you must submit the following deliverables a pdf document:
Use Case Modelling:In this part, your team need to draw use case diagram based on the requirements identified in assignment 1.
UI Wireframes: Based on the requirements gathered in Assignment 1, draw wireframes for all possible screens that could be used to show the interf ace of the university enrollment system.
Detailed class diagram:Using the noun extraction method, identify the candidate classes and combine them all as a one diagram (showing all relationship,attributes and methods).
Quality Assurance document: Write test cases for the system under discussion using the template provided on the LMS.
Work Plan document (Contribution declaration): You as a team need to sign a work plan agreement within the team to demonstrate the contributions of each team member. There is no fixed template or format for that.
The turn- it-in similarity score will be used in determining the level if any of plagiarism.Turn-it-in will check conference websites,Journal articles, the Web and your own class member submissions for plagiarism. You can see your turn- it-in similarity score when you submit your assignment to
the appropriate submission link. If this is a concern you will have a chance to change your assignment and re-submit. However,re-submission is
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The ABC university is a famous university in Melbourne having campuses across Australia in Geelong, Adelaide,Sydney, Canberra and Darwin. The university offers undergraduate and post graduate degrees in humanities, arts, science, information technology, business and accounting. All degrees are offered in two to four years degree programmes divided into semester system (i.e.2 semester a year). To facilitate students, staff and administration, the university is planning to build an Enrolment system that could be used across each campus and streamline the enrolment process.
The enrolment system has the following modules.
Course Management: This submodule is responsible for managing course offerings, including writing a UK dissertation assignment pro papers masters thesis writing – creating and updating courses, assigning instructors, defining prerequisites,and managing course schedules.
Student Management: This submodule is responsible for managing student information, including enrolment status, personal information, academic performance,and financial aid.
Enrolment Management: This submodule is responsible for managing the enrolment process,including managing course registrations, waiting lists, course prerequisites, and the overall course load of students.
Academic Advising: This submodule is responsible for providing academic advising to students, including course selection, degree requirements,and academic progress monitoring.
TEAMS OF 4 WILL WORK ON THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL MODULE (alongwith the aforementioned requirements)
Billing and Payments: This submodule is responsible for managing student financial accounts,including tuition and fee payments,financial aid disbursements,and billing statements.
TEAMS OF 5 WILL WORK ON THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL MODULE (alongwith the aforementioned requirements)
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