nursing essay
How does migration affect world politics?
How does migration affect world politics? The movement of people and refugees across international borders has, in the past few years, emerged as a powerful political issue. In the United States, immigration has gradually gained significance in matters politics with the two dominating parties taking different stands. While immigration continues slowing down in the past […]
The abortion controversy in the United States
The abortion controversy in the United States Since the legalization of abortion by the US Supreme court over four decades ago, the decision continues to receive massive attention with supporters and opponents taking their stand over the issue. While it is clear that most Americans support the legalization of abortion, there is also a notable […]
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Profit maximization is the main objective of most businesses and organizations. Every company wants to be the best with the largest market share in the industry. However, this does not give it the authority to do whatever they want in a quest to increase their revenue. This is where the […]
Stroke Disease and Treatment
Stroke Disease and Treatment A Stroke or a brain attack is the sudden interruption in the supply of blood to the brain. This occurs when the blood vessels supplying blood to the brain raptures and begin to bleed or when there is a partial or complete blocked in these vessels. As a result, the brain […]
How to Minimize the Threat of Cardiovascular Problems
How to Minimize the Threat of Cardiovascular Problems Heart diseases are the leading cause of death in the United States and most countries all over the world. While there are several risk factors such as age, genetics, gender, race, and ethnicity that we can’t control, there are many other risk factors that we can change […]
PTSD in the Veterans of the United States Army
PTSD in the Veterans of the United States Army Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD is a mental health condition that develops when someone experiences or witnesses a tragic, shocking, or dangerous event. Everyone can develop PTSD, but there are more cases of PTSD in military personnel than in the general population. Veterans are directly and […]
The Correlation between Teen Aggression and Video Games
The Correlation between Teen Aggression and Video Games E-sports technology has evolved significantly in the last decade, attracting a vast market, particularly the younger generation. As video games continue to infiltrate the market, so are the concerns regarding their impacts on the behaviors of the participants. Among the most popular video games, including the Rainbow […]
Immigration and the “American Dream”
Immigration and the “American Dream” The United States of America has been receiving thousands of immigrants since the early 80s. The promise of a better life and more opportunities continues to lure more foreigners to the US. Upon arrival, most of the immigrants are faced with many obstacles, all in pursuit of achieving the American […]
Does music therapy help in the treatment of epression/anxiety?
Does music therapy help in the treatment of depression/anxiety? Depression is a common disorder affecting many people all over the world. In the United States, the illness affects more than 40 million adults each year. Depression impacts mood resulting in loss of interest and pleasure. Although depression and anxiety are different conditions, they often coexist. […]
Joint Issue Research in Elderly Population
Joint Issue Research in Elderly Population Joint Problems are the leading causes of disabilities in the older population. Surprisingly, few comprehensive studies have examined how this affects older people. Like some other age-related changes like wrinkles and grey hair, joint problems have, for a long time, been viewed as a normal change in the aging […]
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