7. Assignment details

Individual Coursework:

You are required to carry out a study of a company, of your choice, applying the various tools and concepts covered in the module. Identify marketing strategy problem(s). No organisaton does everything right, and it is always possible to find areas for improvement? You are required to write an individual report of 3000 words.

1. Carry out a study of a company of your choice.

2. Apply various tools and concepts covered in the module.

3. Identifjy marketing strategy problems.

4. Make recommendations for improvements.

5. Write an Individual report of 3000 words

A written report         75%

      Written Report        

The format of the report, which should be word-processed, no more than 3000 words, excluding appendices, double or 1.5 spaced 10 point min, should be roughly as follows:

Title page, with your student number, date, module name and code, and the name of your seminar leader (who will mark your report).

Executive summary. This should be no more than ONE A4 page yet it should be a summary of the entire document. It is NOT an introduction. Phrases such as “This report will explain . . .” belong in an introduction – not in an executive summary. This is the single most important part of the report, and will be marked accordingly Table of Contents. Pages, and paragraphs, should be numbered.

The report of the analysis stage, in whatever form you deem appropriate.

Remember that the purpose of the assignment is to develop your familiarity with the various marketing tools, techniques and concepts. You should use the report as an opportunity to demonstrate this familiarity, so include discussion of, for example, product portfolio analysis, growth vector matrices, product life cycles, experience curves, etc. – where relevant. The person marking your report will be looking for this evidence to award you marks.

 Appendices. If you feel your report is getting too long put the less-essential detail in an appendix.  Remember: it should not be necessary to read the appendix to understand the report.

Use graphs and diagrams wherever these may be helpful. They are usually far better than pages of numbers, but the numbers should be available for reference in an appendix. Remember to use your spelling checker – spelling mistakes, typos and bad grammar all give a bad impression of you to your reader, whether this is your boss or the person marking your report.

Eligibility of students for an ‘alternative assessment’

Single semester study abroad students are eligible to take this assessment.


  • Ability to access a wide range of marketing theory with awareness of strengths and weaknesses in different analytic contexts
  • Ability to identify appropriate theory to use to analyse marketing problems in consumer markets
  • Ability to integrate a range of analyses to provide solutions to operational marketing problems

Report Marking Scheme

 COURSE WORK:            
1 Executive Summary 20
2 Introduction to Company– brief discussion on company’s background, financial performance and business activities. There must be proof of materials being researched from relevant materials – From different sources     5
3 Extensive analysis on the following: External Analysis (Using appropriate tools and concepts) Industry and Market Analysis (Using appropriate tools and Concepts) Internal analysis (Using appropriate tools and concepts) Summary of Analysis       30
Application of Tools 20
5. Conclusion 10
6.Recommendations 5
Proper Harvard referencing format 5
7 Presentation 5
 Total                100
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