You are the president of the neighborhood homeowners association. For the most part your job has been very easy as your neighbors are very good at keeping their yards clean and their houses looking good. Six month ago, however, a family moved in that seems to have different standards. Many of your neighbors have complained and it is your job to approach the family on behalf of the board (including you there are 5 members of the HOA board) and association members. Last month you went to their house, introduced yourself and very politely brought up some of the neighborhood standards – particularly the ones they have not met.
Unfortunately, you have noticed no difference in the upkeep of their property since then. Their weeds are taller, the lawn is dead because it hasn’t been watered, the old car is still sitting on blocks in the front yard, their garbage cans are often left out in the street and yard overnight, two of their front window shutters are noticeably broken and the house needs a coat of paint. Some of these things are actual violations of neighborhood CC&Rs others are simply things the neighbors do voluntarily to keep the area clean and safe. The board may impose fines of up to $200 per month on homes that are violating association regulations.
You have decided that the next step is to write a letter to your neighbor asking him to improve the upkeep of his property. The letter may be signed by you (as the president) only, The HOA Board, or each member of the board individually. Remember that the purpose of this letter is to persuade your neighbors to make necessary changes without making them defensive, hostile or even uncomfortable around board or association members.
Your letter should be 1-2 pages long and written in proper business letter format.