Review the Strategy Questions for Organizing Your Argument Essay in “Creating an Informal Outline” section of Chapter 4, and then write a 1000-word argument for a claim of value connecting individual identity and family heritage. To help you develop your claim of value think through questions such as these:
- How are people’s identities shaped by their surrounding familial and cultural traditions?
- How uniform and valued/cherished is your family history?
In order to support your claim of value, you’ll need to include a variety of sources and perspectives. Incorporate the following into your paper:
- your first-hand experiences
- evidence gathered from stories in this module
- researched scholarly insight into family and self-identity
- our Core Values of Excellence and/or Integrity
You are encouraged to complete a first draft of the assignment then revise your work. Submit your assignment to the for feedback–look in the Resources tab of this course for access–then revise your work before turning it in.