Due in 6 Hours 100% plagiarism free!!!
In the discussion forums for this course, you’ve had the opportunity to read and respond to a variety of controversial topics: immigration, stereotyping, and civil disobedience. In this assignment, you will write an argumentative paper based on any of these topics.
Take your own premise–whatever premise you offered in our discussions throughout the course–and expand on that idea throughout this piece of writing. Or, you may develop a new premise, tying all topics together, and using the articles as supporting evidence.
Note: If you used a previous response to inform your Researched Argument Paper, you cannot use the same topic again.
Your essay should contain the following:
a clear thesis and introduction
two or more points supporting your position
at least one point of contention
a refutation of each opposing viewpoint
and a conclusion
You can review the articles from the discussion forums, but no external sources/research should be included.
This essay will be evaluated on the strength and completeness of your argument, not on formatting or your grammar/usage skills (provided they do not affect the clarity of your thoughts).
View your assignment rubric.