Write an art appreciation paper. The assignment consist in chosing a theme, ad picking 3 different art works from 3 different artists.

Chosen is “Humanitarian issues and photography”, and selected 3 pictures from 3 different artists. Do an artistic description using the vocabulary.

P.S: the images are “Men pushing car with baby in his back” by “Sebastiao Salgado – Workers”, “white man, and black man back to back” by “Robert Mapplethorpe – X portafolio”, and “Damn Family (family living in a car)” by “Mary Ellen Mark – Streetwise”.

Curatorial Research Project

The project consists of:
1. written portion
2. PowerPoint presentation

Establish a theme for your exhibit
Select 3 works of art that fit within this theme.
1. your selected art works may not come from the textbook.

2. You may not repeat artists-your 3 works MUST be from different artists.

3. work must fall between the time bracket of 1970-present.

4. Choose only artists that have a fairly well established art career-check education and exhibition record.

5. You may choose any combination of drawing, painting, installation, sculpture, performance, architecture, etc.

Written portion-page 1
Create 1/2 page double-spaced thematic statement

This statement will:
1. State the theme of the exhibition
2. Define the theme if necessary
3. Address time period/historical information
4. Write a page paper – Describe characteristics of theme
5. Address relevance of theme
6. Write a page paper – Describe intended audience interaction

Written portion-page 2 (or bottom of page 1 to save paper)
Title, artist, medium, date, size (if available) is provided for each work
Ex: Yasumasa Morimura. Self-Portrait (Actress) / White Marilyn, photograph, 1996.

Written portion -Page 3, Artwork #1
Paragraph 1: half-page, double-spaced analysis of form. This paragraph includes a description of the work’s subject matter and appearance, pointing out how the elements of art and principles of organization are evident in the work.

*See paragraph #1 of museum paper.
select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition).

Paragraph 2: half-page, double-spaced statement that addresses how this particular work ties into your established theme.
*What is it that ties this work to your theme? You may address:
*The artist’s use of materials/technique/working process
*The artist’s influences
*The artist’s intentions/ideas/use of symbolism
*How content ties into your theme
*Artist’s connection to art history (or other artists), historical events, a specific culture, etc.

Written portion-Page 4, Artwork #2
Same format as page 3, but applied to 2nd selected artwork.

Written portion-Page 5, Artwork #3
Same format as page 3, but applied to 3rd selected artwork.

Written portion-Page 6
Provide thumbnails, Xeroxes, etc. of the images you’ve selected for your show.
They do not have to be in color or high-quality; I just need an image to reference.

Written portion-Page 7
Include your list of at least 2 text resources-you may also include websites, magazines, etc. if necessary.

Visual portion:
Create and present a 4-5 minute PowerPoint slide show. Your presentation should:

*introduce the theme and include written thematic statement.
*Display the 3 selected works and address how they fit within the theme of the exhibition.

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Ace My Homework
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