Write a page paper – Describe Reasons of Communication in the Modern World Interviews

Examples of speeches that provide information, reinforce feelings and demonstrate process Directions Proposing a toast Demonstrate to new customers how to use a cell phone Expressing feelings of sympathy to a colleague over the loss of a close Friend or family member

Principles of Communication applied every day We inform, we shape, we move others and we are equally informed, molded, and moved by others. Classical Origins of Speaking In ancient times public speaking was called rhetoric – the art of the orator. Classical Rhetoric dealt with skill in persuasive oratory Corax – considered one of the founders of rhetoric Gorgias – brilliant speechmaker and teacher – emphasized ornate style, figures of speech and emotionalism – were called the Sophists – at first were respected teachers – however the sophistry has evolved a negative connotation Isocrates – more influential than Gorgias – a more fluid prose style of writing and speaking Plato – had little regard for rhetoric – was not a true art – attacked the method of Rhetoric – and that it was not a useful pursuit Aristotle – challenged Plato’s beliefs about rhetoric – introduced the three methods of proofs – ethos – pathos – logos Cicero – speakers should be educated in the liberal arts Quintilian – famous Roman lawyer who stressed that an orator must be a good man and skilled in speaking – an orator must inform, move, and please When you arrange a speech into an introduction, body, and conclusion you are applying Aristotle. When you research your topic – Cicero. And when you practice delivery – Quintilian.

The Communication Process In the 1940s Shannon and Weaver wrote The Mathematical Theory of Communication. In order for communication to take place there must be a source, a message, a channel, and a receiver. Criticized for lack of flexibility. More dynamic models developed including the Transactional Model. Communication Model Sender – originates communication – with ideas, thoughts, feelings and intensions then encodes the idea-thought-feeling into an understandable symbol. Symbols are verbal and nonverbal expressions or actions that have meaning. Message – arranged in some kind of logical structure Channel – means of transporting the message. We convey our messages through sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Receiver – is the destination – and decodes or changed the symbols in your organized message into ideals-thoughts-feelings that gives meaning to the message. Feedback – is a verbal or nonverbal response.- transforms senders into receivers and receivers into senders Setting – the occasion, environment, space, and time. Noise – a distortion or a distraction to communication – three types – external, internal, and semantic External – interference that can be perceived by the senses in the speech setting Internal – interference or disruption that occurs within the sender or receiver Semantic Noise – barrier to word or other symbol meanings because of

differences in environment, nationality, pronunciation, values or experiences Communication Model Applied to Public Speaking Applying Communication Model to Everyday Life Designing a Plan Critically evaluate speaking situations Plan, prepare, and organize speeches Deliver speeches in front of an audience with ease

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