This paper is used to meet The University of Alabama’s Core Curriculum requirements in writing (W). The paper will be evaluated on content, logical and coherent thought, and carefully edited prose. Be sure to review the paper samples listed. Reference the Course Schedule for the due date.
Ace my homework – Write a minimum of (3) but not more than (5) pages that fully discuss the concepts listed in the grading rubric. Note: Your title and reference pages will not be considered as part of the 3-5 pages. The body of your paper must be a minimum of three pages.
Follow the Ace homework tutors – APA (7th ed.) manual to guide formatting.
Use 1″ margins, double-spaced, and 12-point Times New Roman font.
List at least (3) references. Note: Do not use your textbook or the Ace homework tutors – APA (7th ed.) manual as a reference. Excluding in-text citations and/or a reference page will result in a failing grade for the paper. (If Schmidt & Brown is used as a reference, your paper will be returned to you and must be re-written.)
Review and download/print the Paper I Grading Rubric.docx Click for more options Paper I Grading Rubric.docx – Alternative Formats .
Choose a research article that contains the elements of PICOT.
Identify and discuss the elements of PICOT based on the article.
Provide an example of a focused clinical question (based on the chosen article) formulated using the elements of PICOT.
Save your paper as yourname-paper1.
Submit your paper to the Writing Center or Smarthinking for feedback prior to submission (required). I need help writing my essay – research paper plan ahead to allow time for this step.
Submit the following as separate attachments** by selecting the link above:
Your feedback from the Writing Center or Smarthinking
Your paper as a Word document.
**You can upload multiple documents to this assignment box.
This assignment spans over four modules. Note that all learning objectives from Modules 1-4 are foundational and represented in Paper I. Refer to the Course Alignment Map.docx. Click for more options Course Alignment Map.docx. – Alternative Formats to review the objectives.
Writing Guide:
The assignment requires you to write a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 pages, in Ace homework tutors – APA format, discussing the concepts listed in the Paper I Grading Rubric. You must choose a research article that contains the elements of PICOT, and identify and discuss the elements of PICOT based on the article. Additionally, you need to provide an example of a focused clinical question formulated using the elements of PICOT. Your title and reference pages will not be considered as part of the 3-5 pages. Your paper must be double-spaced and have 1 inch margins, and use 12-point Times New Roman font. You must list at least 3 references, and not use your textbook or the Ace homework tutors – APA manual as a reference. You must submit your paper to the Writing Center or Smarthinking for feedback prior to submitting the final paper. The assignment spans over four modules and is intended to meet the University of Alabama’s Core Curriculum requirements in writing.
Access Control Methods
Security Question (60 points) Research some of the access control methods that are utilized within your organization. For example, does your organization leverage public key infrastructure (PKI), key card authentication, or login hours? If you are not currently working, what access control methods have you seen, and how effective were the control methods? Explore the […]