Step 1: Imagine that you are from Teotihuacan, Tenochtitlan, OR Cuzco at its height. Write a guidebook entry to attract visitors to your chosen city. Steer away from misleading characterizations of pre-Columbian societies and ritual sacrifice. Give us a brief introduction to the city (include a hypothetical date) and highlight some of your city’s attractions. Tell potential visitors what they can do, what they can see, and what they can learn about the culture. Use the sources below (not outside sources) and your textbook to gather information. Please cite your sources in the text of your guidebook entry AND at the bottom of your post in a bibliography. Step 2: Respond to the posts of TWO of your classmates. In your response, act as if you have already visited the city your classmate advertised. Did the city live up to the hype? What were the great things about the city? Were there any things you were confused about or didn’t like? Again, be sure to steer away from misleading characterizations of pre-Columbian societies and ritual sacrifice. Please cite your sources in the text of each response post AND at the bottom of each of your response posts in a bibliography. Sources for Teotihuacan: “Pre-Hispanic City of Teotihuacan” “A Secret Tunnel Found in Mexico May Finally Solve the Mysteries of Teotihuacán” “Teotihuacan,” (Metropolitan Museum of Art, Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History) “Teotihuacan,” (Ancient History Encyclopedia) “Teotihuacan,” (Universe in Universe) OR Sources for Tenochtitlan: “Tenochtitlan,” (Metropolitan Museum of Art, Hilbrunn Timeline of Art History) “Templo Mayor at Tenochtitlan,” (Khan Academy) “Tenochtitlan/Emperors of the Aztecs/Mexica,” (Kessler Associates) “Cortes Write a page paper – Describe s Tenochtitlan,” (American Historical Association) “Imperial city of the Aztecs: Mexico-Tenochtitlan” (Common place) OR Sources for Cuzco: “City of Cuzco” (Khan Academy) “Cuzco” (Ancient History Encyclopedia)
The Evolution of U.S. Global Engagement/df1r
The United States and Global Engagement: A Historical and Personal Analysis [Your Name] [Date] The engagement of the United States with the world has taken various forms throughout history, encompassing political, economic, and military interactions. From early diplomatic efforts to contemporary international relations, these engagements have shaped global dynamics in significant ways. One crucial aspect […]