Eric Kennedy A. Complete this chart by filling in the information for each civilization as explained in the assignment. |What|When|Who|Where|Why| Phoenicians|The political system of the Phoenicians allowed each Phoenician city-state to have its own ruler, its own form of government, and its own chosen god to worship. |1200 BCE to 800 BCE|Canaanites|City-states were Tyre and Sidon, present day Lebanon and Syria. |Trade, farming | Hebrews |Each tribe set up separate governments connected by their customs. 2000 BCE|King David|Hebrews migrated to a region known as Canaan, roughly corresponding to present-day Israel, western Jordan, southern Syria, and southern Lebanon. |Free religion| Babylonians |Highly-developed court system. One of its greatest rulers, Hammurabi, developed a code of laws that is now known as Hammurabi’s Code. This major collection of laws gives insight into the social structure and economic organization of the civilization. |18th Century BCE until the 6th Century BCE. King Hammurabi|South of modern Baghdad, Iraq, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. |Slavery | Persians |Common set of weights and measures and a silver and gold coinage system. |560 BCE and lasted until 330 BCE. |The empire was formed from a nomadic people called the Persians and the Medes, both distantly related to the Hittites, Greeks, and Romans. |Asia Minor to India, including present-day Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Military force| Assyrians|Created a large empire known for warfare and cruelty; also built large libraries and created important art and architecture; religion adopted from Babylonians|2000-600BCE; Assyrian farmers date back to 7th century BCE|Semitic people (similar to Hebrews); greatest leader was Sargon II (extended empire, deported people of Israel); strongly influenced by Sumeria; merchants traded throughout the Middle East |Found in what is present day Iraq in the Middle East; Empire eventually extended from present day Turkey to the Persian Gulf|During the height of their empire the Assyrian war machine was the most feared in the Middle East. | B. What are three things that these civilizations have in common that allowed them to be successful? 1. Strong military 2. Farming land 3. Religion
The Evolution of U.S. Global Engagement/df1r
The United States and Global Engagement: A Historical and Personal Analysis [Your Name] [Date] The engagement of the United States with the world has taken various forms throughout history, encompassing political, economic, and military interactions. From early diplomatic efforts to contemporary international relations, these engagements have shaped global dynamics in significant ways. One crucial aspect […]