1st Q
Please describe an instance of which you are aware of which an act of internet crime took place. (250 words)
Note: Participant responds to two classmates (150 words each post)
Note: plagiarism report mandatory.
2nd Q
1. Please identify and cite one federal statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize (in not less than 100 words) what that statute accomplishes (please also post the hyperlink to the statute).
2. Please identify and cite one state statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize (in not less than 100 words) what that statute accomplishes (please also post the hyperlink to the statute).
3. Please identify and cite one federal case summary which influences internet commerce and briefly summarize (in not less than 100 words) what that case accomplishes (please also post the hyperlink to the case summary).
4. Please identify and cite one state case summary which influences internet commerce and briefly summarize (in not less than 100 words) what that case accomplishes (please also post the hyperlink to the case summary).
NOte: plagiarism report mandatory.