1) Work on writing up a brief explanation in your own words for what it means to say that “Deviance is a relative social phenomenon”. 2) Then I would like for you to pick a Deviant Behavior (this can be almost anything). It can be a behavior that is not considered deviant and you think it should be. It can be a behavior that is considered deviant and you think it should not be any longer. Briefly explain: a) the behavior you selected; b) what social values and beliefs make this relevant to society, c) what you think should be changed and why.

1) Ace my homework – Write a quick explanation in your own words of what it means to state, “Deviance is a relative social phenomena.” 2) Then I’d like you to choose a Deviant Behavior (this can be almost anything). It could be a non-deviant behavior that you believe should be called deviant. It could be a deviant conduct that you believe should no longer be tolerated. Explain briefly: a) the conduct you chose; b) what societal norms and beliefs make this relevant to society; and c) what you believe should be altered and why.

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Research Helper
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