International Financial Management 

Citrus, Inc. is a medium-sized producer of citrus juice drinks in Florida. Until now, the company has confined its operations and sales to the United States, but its CEO, Heidi Sims, wants to expand into Europe. The first step would be to set up sales subsidiaries in Spain and Sweden, then to set up a production plant in Spain, and, finally, to distribute the product throughout the European Union. The firm’s financial manager, George Benson, is enthusiastic about the plan, but he is worried about the implications of the foreign expansion on the firm’s financial management process. He has asked you, the firm’s most recently hired financial analyst, to develop a 1-hour tutorial package that explains the basics of multinational financial management. The tutorial will be presented at the next board of director’s meeting. To get you started, Benson has supplied you with the following list of questions. 

  1. A. What is a multinational corporation? Why do firms expand into other countries? 
  2. B. Online assignment help tutors – Discuss at least six major factors which distinguish multinational financial management from financial management as practiced by a purely domestic firm. (I need help writing my essay – research paper consider doing additional research on this question and document your findings). 
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