Final Research Essay – Hist 305 – Roots of Contemporary Issues for Transfer Students

Assignment: The Roots of Contemporary Issues explores the roots of five critical contemporary issues, one of each from the themes of Humans and the Environment, Our Shrinking World, Roots of Inequality, Diverse Ways of Thinking, and the Roots of Contemporary Conflicts. Your job in this final assignment is to write an essay that traces the deep the deep historical roots and global significance of a contemporary issue of your own choice using the historical research that you have already completed in Parts I-IV of the Library Research Assignment series.

Sources: Use the sources you’ve gathered and analyzed in research paper parts I-IV (you have at least eight) to begin writing and note that you may find it necessary to use additional sources available through the Libraries. All sources must be properly cited using footnotes and in a formal bibliography attached to the end of the paper, which does not count in your 8-10 pages (review citations in parts I-IV).

• All essays must be typed, at least 8-10 pages in length (double-spaced, not including bibliography) 12-point font and 1.25” inch margins.
• No title pages.
• Your name and section number should appear in the upper left-hand header.
• Choose an appropriate title, type it on the first line of text, and then begin your essay immediately after.
• Do not use long quotations to fill up space! These will be penalized.
• It is highly recommended that you use an outside proofreader or the Writing Center to cut down your sentence structure and grammatical errors.

Structure: Make sure your introduction clearly introduces your contemporary issue (could use a “hook” to grab your readers’ attention), your thesis statement, and your central points/arguments which provide an organizational structure for your essay. The body of your paper should clearly identify the historical roots of your contemporary issue through time and across space. While your introduction will likely begin with the contemporary issue, the body of your paper may work either backwards or forwards in historical time. Or you might find it necessary to employ other organizational forms, such as geography or sub-topics. Whatever you choose, make sure that your narrative flows in a logical manner. Remember to provide a conclusion that brings all the various parts of your essay together by addressing the question of how an understanding of the past is important to understand your issue in the present.
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Introduction to Trafficking in Women
Trafficking in women refers to forceful movement of women from one place to another (often involving kidnapping or abduction) for the purpose of forced labor or sexual exploitation. The women being moved are traded like common merchandise and sometimes shipped across countries and even international boundaries to their final destinations where they are kept hidden as illegal immigrants. It is a modern reincarnation of old forms of day slavery that began around ago. This paper will look into trafficking in women due to its long history in the society as well as its increase in the modern days amidst enormous steps the world has taken to foster justices and equality for all the citizens of the world .
The traded people are subjected to many forms of atrocities including torture, sex exploitation, being subjected to forced labor and even death. It is a facet of the larger crime of human trafficking in which all sexes and ages are trafficked. Sometimes, the definition of human trafficking does not need to include transportation as some people are subjected to forced labor or sex exploitation in their countries of origin which is also referred to as human trafficking.
Trafficking in women involves young women and in most cases teens who are shipped and sold for cheap labor or forced prostitution. Importing and harboring of aliens has been in practice for almost a century. If this is done illegally without the proper registration of the imported person, it becomes human trafficking especially if the imported person is subjected to forced labor or sexual exploitation. The importation has been very common with women. It is very unfortunate that this happens against the will of the imported person and who is later sold or exposed to torture, or sex exploitation. This is unacceptable in the current age as it is against the human rights of any individual. For ages, it was done to provide or supplement cheap labor or sexual services.
Human trafficking is the worst form of exploitation in the world. It is simply viewed by many as trade in human in which the people traded in have no power or rights as people should. It began from the earliest forms of civilizations among Greeks and even Romans and evolved through medieval times to the current day.
Trade in humans is a global challenge as it happens in all countries and all regions regardless of the level of development. The common observation is that more developed areas generate high demand for cheap labor as well as sometimes illegal activities such as sex tourism. This leads to influx of people to such places while unscrupulous traders take this opportunity to ‘import’ cheap labor. This trade is nowadays biased where up to 80% of trafficked people are women. Nearly one million cases are reported or discovered every year.
Asian countries are becoming a more fertile ground on which this vice is thriving. Its prevalence is very high and still increasing as some Asian countries with Asian countries becoming hot spots. Many countries sometimes reject the fact that the vice is done in within their borders. Additionally, the current refined code of human rights can blind the majority of people, making them to think that trafficking and slavery is only associated with very ancient times. Despite this, there is regional human trafficking in the southern Asia where women are shipped and traded in the more industrialized regions of Asia, Europe and the US. This has become a very profitable business for law breakers. Despite the larger and the more regional trafficking, there are some countries in which there trafficking is done within their borders; involving physical and sexual exploitation of women.
The Recent Events that have Reminded the World of the Extent of Trafficking
The State Department of the US has labeled Japan as a human trafficking state where women and children end up being engaged in forced labor of engaged in sex exploitation. Additionally, it has also cited Japan as a crucial transit point for traffickers. The major reason for this was cited as failure of Japan to pass some requisite laws that will combat trafficking for a country of its status. A large number of immigrant’s workers from less industrialized nations such as Indonesia, Vietnam, The People’s Republic of 论文帮助/论文写作服务/负担得起我及时提交我最好的质量 – China, Poland and other countries are sometimes coerced into conditional forced labor and also sex exploitation in Japan. The state department also offered an account in the past where women from South America, South East Asia, and Central America and in the previous year’s Russia found themselves in forced labor or sex slavery after travelling to Japan either for employment or fraudulent marriages.
Japan vehemently denied the above claims and dismissed them as baseless allegations; however, it has been seen to react positively when it initiated law amendments that would illegalize all forms of human trafficking. This was seen as a subtle reaction to the claims above. This law will be crucial in helping to stop the inhumane acts of human trafficking. Even if there are many laws that custom essay writing service can be used to prosecute people who engage in acts of trafficking or forced labor, having a specific law developed for this process was a great boost and could have symbolized the recognition by the government that the crime indeed existed.
For people living in the developed part of the world, it is easy to assume that some acts such as human trafficking do not exist. Some may think that all the people engaged in sex work and other forms of shadowy forced labor such as crime do so at their own prudence. Others may think that this is the expression of high levels of human rights that such people chose to enjoy and sometimes abuse. However, there are instances that the government of the US and especially through the federal agencies cracks down on some clubs, brothels and other shadowy business and establish that some of women in such places are actually illegally brought from other countries and later subjected to forced labor or sexual exploitation.
One event that exposed the statuses of trafficking in women in the US was in the year 2005 where federal agents in excess of 400 in number raided brothels and other businesses and retrieved illegal aliens and also arrested traffickers and their accomplices. In one of such instances was night in which, the federal agents focused in San Francisco where several brothels and other forms of businesses were searched. Many Korean women were retrieved who had been illegally shipped into the US and were forced into prostitution. This move also involved arrest and investigations of the masterminds and the accomplices of this illegal business. This was a crucial move in dismantling global sex trafficking. This move was a part of a larger strategy that had begun earlier where around 50 brothels were raided and searched culminating into arrest and conviction of a gang of 29 that was engaged mainly in sex trafficking, harboring illegal aliens as well as money laundering. Additionally, these men were charged for illegally transporting women from South Korea and also coercing them to engage in sex business .
Later on, the government launched this move in the city of loss Angeles where 18 perpetrators of human trafficking were arrested and arraigned in court. The federal government afterwards revealed that it had engaged in special investigations into how women were being shipped in the US and how they ended up being sexually exploited. These atrocities as well as their mode of administration by the perpetrators were described by the federal agents as one of the most sophisticated forms of chime in the world today.
The investigations were aimed at stopping human trafficking as a vice which the attorney general termed as unfortunate in the world especially in the current times. Despite its being a gross violation of human rights, it is also demeaning and sometimes brutal as it lowers the human dignity of the victims. It can also be seen as an act of smuggling but more sinister as the merchandise illegally imported has a free will and should be allowed to exercise it. Such is another event that opened the eyes of many citizens of the US regarding the great extent to which human trafficking is rampant.
In the year 2000, the world received a major boost in fight against human trafficking. This came in the form of United Nations of Protocol (2000) and aimed at avoidance, containment as well as punishment of people engaged in trafficking in various ways. Additionally, this protocol gave a particular attention to the vulnerable groups such as women and children. As seen earlier, women are the most custom essay writing service affected when it comes to trafficking and a response ought to have been made to respond to this fact .
This protocol gave a well coordinated approach towards the fight against trafficking. Unlike the earlier pieces of legislature utilized in many parts of the world which were not coordinated, this protocol set standards for the laws as well as the scope that such laws should cover so that they are defective. One area of the protocol also focused on the fact that most of the trafficking cases ended in victims being forced into prostitution. Countries were now supposed to pass laws to curb forced prostitution as well as tighten the existing ones to prohibit forced prostitution. As seen above, forced prostitution formed a fertile ground on which trafficking in women thrived. The protocol also addressed national treaties by including sex work as well as describing and defining all forms of sex work to clearly point out the ones that amounted to trafficking in women. This was another very crucial event that raised the awareness of the trafficking in women at a global level. In the United Nation Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) report of the year 2013/2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, South Asia was the most prevalent region for trafficking in women. The most affected region was the Association of South Eastern Nations (ASEAN). In women and especially the minors trafficked in all parts of the world, it was found out that 40% came from this region. Additionally, it was found out that people from this region are the most widely trafficked and are in more than 60 countries in the world .
The model used by trafficking networks is the use of illegal adoption in which the women end up in forced labor or forced prostitution. The major concern in the ASEAN region is the social networks that have made it very easy for the traffickers to lure unsuspecting female minors into trafficking. The social network has made traffickers operations very easy as they are able to recruit and train operatives online as well as lure their victims. For instance, many children meet friends over the social media and with increased interaction, they agree to met. This happens until such a child can trust the potential captor who organizes for the capture of the child or performs it himself. Estimated 25% of young women reported absent in Indonesia are said to have met their captors on social sites such as Facebook.
Despite the signing of the Declaration Against Trafficking in Persons which lay even more emphasis on children and women, the implementation of this declaration by ASEAN has not been, at least not to any significant extent. Trafficking in women has been as high as ever with the traffickers refining their skills and their use of technology to reach out to even more people. The ASEAN have reacted to such great threat by building and also detailing their victim identification data bases in the area, additionally, the region has also invested in sophisticated data mining technology to access information about the victims as well as the large networks of traffickers. This has proved to very ineffective and seems to be lacking. There needs to be more stringent law with hefty punishment for traffickers as well as their accomplices. Additionally, this region can achieve more by engaging the private sector. This should include activism in the internet as well as the social networks.
Human trafficking as modern day slavery is also very popular in some Asian countries. Many people tend to think that human trafficking only occurs when forceful movement or transportation is done. However, human trafficking can be viewed as modern day slavery. There are various instances in Asia where people, locals or immigrants are subjected to forced labor. In other places, people are forced into sex work or prostitution. This is also another form of human trafficking.
According to International Labor Organization ILO, the form of human trafficking in Asia is through debt bondage that makes people to be subjected to forced labor in pretence to recover employers’ debts. It is estimated that out of 12.3 million people in the forced labor today, around 9.5 million of them are in Asia. Up to 8.1million people in south Asia are trapped in debt bondage while the region also has some state imposed forced labor. The most affected regions include Bangkok, Pakistan, and India. In most of these cases, the most affected people are vulnerable women and young girls .
This region also has a large number of women forced in forced prostitution. In the Mekong sub region which is in the South East Asia, around 80% of the prostitutes are forced prostitutes who are either locals or immigrants. The most unfortunate fact is that between 30-35% of the forced prostitutes are aged between12 and 17 years . This is one of the worst instances of sex exploitation in the modern world. Some countries such as Thailand have illegalized prostitution in books but it still happens with the same country being an important prostitution destination in Asia. The prostitutes are usually forced to work in brothels while the traffickers arrange to ship them to other parts of the word such as the US, Japan and Europe where they can fetch more.
The move adopted by the UNODC the US and Europe among other countries will help to solve the situation. The first and the most important of such moves was the declaration of the rights of a trafficked person which empowers them to report to the authorities for assistance. The next move that will help is the passing of important laws that defined trafficking and all atrocities associated with the same while setting hefty penalty for the offenders. The third facet includes the enforcement of the anti trafficking law to apprehend and punish them traffickers. It is not easy sometimes for the victims to report or volunteer information to the law enforcement agencies. For this reason, the law enforcement agencies need to investigate, arrest and charge traffickers while returning the victims home in a humane way.
In conclusion, women’s trafficking is one of the greatest atrocities that are committed against women today. Although a very profitable venture for criminals, it breaks human rights and subjects women to exploitation and torture and sometimes even death.

Galiana, Carmen. Trafficking in Women. Luxembourg: European Parliament, 2000.
Ebbe, Obi N. I, and Dilip K. Das. Global Trafficking in Women and Children. Boca Raton, FL:
Internation Police Executive Symposium, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers.
Farr, Kathryn. Sex Trafficking: The Global Market in Women and Children. New York, NY:
Worth Publishers, 2005.
Lee, Maggy. Human Trafficking. Cullompton, Devon, U.K: Willan, 2007.

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