History Assignment: I need help writing a research paper.
Witnessing Report Instructions
This being a course in personal evangelism, it is only natural that we seek to practice what we study. Ultimately, the only way to learn how to witness is to do it! Therefore, you are required to share your faith with others in at least 3 separate encounters with at least 3 different unsaved people during this semester. At least 2 of the 3 required witnessing encounters should be completed outside of the church setting or outside of church events. Whenever possible, intentionally seek to reach into your “Jerusalem”where you live, work, and play – make this a lifestyle.
With that said, the third encounter can be related to what your local church is doing in terms of evangelism. This is not a report on your church’s evangelism approach. Rather, you are encouraged to see if you can join your church in taking the gospel out to your community. If this is not possible through your local church, do not panic, go back to your “Jerusalem” and feel free to do this on your own. Remember, just like the first two witnessing reports, you are still required to share the gospel with an unsaved person. In addition, you will need to employ the methods learned from your course materials. Consult the attached rubric for specifics.
Witnessing encounters must be completed within the timeline of this course. No prophetic or posthumous reports will be accepted. For full credit, the witnessing opportunity must be brought to the point of seeking a response. This means that you need to demonstrate intentionality in reference to presenting Christ and offering an opportunity for a response. The listener’s response is not the issue; rather it is our intentional obedience to the Holy Spirit in calling people to follow Christ. Please remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and demonstrate a loving approach.
Keep in mind that Jesus called all of us to be “fishers of men.” That means that we must be willing to go out and begin casting the nets – or as the old saying goes, no casting – no catching! If you are wondering if the Holy Spirit is leading you to cast your nets, do not forget that He is always working around us. Therefore, as a lifestyle, we must always be willing to go into the world intentionally serving the unsaved and sharing the gospel, all along trusting that the Holy Spirit will eventually put the fish in the nets. Do not wait on the fish to jump into the boat before you speak! You do not have to ask if the Holy Spirit wants you to witness, Jesus already answered that when He told His disciples in Acts 1:8 to “be His witnesses”. . . that also includes us! Besides, just like the Apostle Paul states in Romans 10:14, “How can people have faith in the Lord and ask Him to save them, if they have not heard about Him? And how can they hear, unless someone tells them?” So . . . the key is to relax, be bold and intentional with the gospel, and trust the Holy Spirit – if you are willing and obedient, He WILL speak through you.
Each of the 3 encounters must be summarized in a report of 1- 2 page report, using 12-point, Times New Roman font, and double-spaced.
Submit Witnessing Report 1 by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 5.
Submit Witnessing Report 2 by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 6.
Submit Witnessing Report 3 by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 7.