
In this course, you didn’t just learn how to write—you learned how to communicate various ideas through various methods. It has been a whirlwind of learning how to write but knowing the how isn’t always enough. Knowing the why is also important. This is your opportunity to consider the why. For this assignment, write a three-page paper reflecting on your experience in this course. In your paper, respond to the following questions.

Why do you think what you learned in this class was important?
What from this course will you take into your next courses?
What concepts did you learn that can help you in your work, home, or community?
In what ways will the concepts you learned in this course benefit you in the discipline for which you are preparing? (Be specific.)
Regarding the Biblical Perspectives in this course, how might they influence the way in which you use your writing to communicate?

This is a reflective paper. Note that reflective writing is still academic in nature. You still need to include an introduction, thesis, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion, as well as integrate sources that support the points you make. In this case, your personal experience also becomes support you can use in your reflective process.

Your paper needs to be three pages in length using Ace homework tutors – APA format. You must also incorporate at least one outside, credible source in your paper. Credible sources include peer-reviewed books and journal articles.

Click on the Session 5 Reflection Paper link to submit your assignment by the posted due date. Review the rubric available in Due Dates and Grades for specific grading criteria.

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Ace Tutors
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