Nursing Assignment: I need help writing a research paper.>Study worksheet questions

1. Which part of the cerebellum is involved in planning rather than executing movement?

a. Anterior lobe

b. Posterior lobe

c. Intermediate parts of each hemisphere

d. Lateral part of each hemisphere


2. All of the following features can be seen in the brain tissue of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease except:

a. Increased levels of acetylcholine in the basal forebrain

b. Tau

c. Shrinkage of all the brain tissue

d. Toxic beta amyloid peptide


3. Which of the following neurotransmitters to thought to prime the prefrontal cortex and the medial temporal lobes to form memories?

a. Dopamine

b. Norepinephrine

c. Serotonin

d. Acetylcholine


4. All of the following statements about language are correct except:

a. Patients who understand language but have difficulty speaking have lesions involving Broca’s area

b. All of the associated areas on the right side of the cerebral cortex are involved in language

c. Patients who can speak but produce nonsense have a lesion in Wernicke’s area

d. Patients who have difficulty understanding language have a lesion in Wernicke’s area


5. The brain’s normal response to an increase in metabolism or a decrease in arterial perfusion pressure is to:

a. Decrease metabolism

b. Decreased blood flow

c. Increase glucose utilization

d. Vasodilate


6. Characteristics of epidural hematoma include:

a. Slow progression of bleeding and increased ICP

b. Venous bleeding from bridging veins

c. Lucid interval after injury followed by rapid decline in level of consciousness

d. Extensive primary injury to neuronal structures


7. Which of the following areas of the brain is involved in maintaining the body’s homeostasis?

a. Pons

b. Cerebral cortex

c. Hypothalamus

d. Cerebellum


8. Which part of the brain produces dopamine?

a. Pineal gland

b. Pontine nuclei

c. Reticular formation

d. Substantia nigra


9. The brachial plexus can contain fibers from:

a. L1-L4

b. T1-T12

c. C3-C4

d. C5-T1


10. Which of the following cranial nerves is purely sensory?

a. Hypoglossal

b. Vagus

c. Optic

d. Trigeminal


11. Which of the following is true regarding the parasympathetic nervous system?

a. Constricts blood vessels to the GI tract

b. Has dedicated cardiac branches of the vagus nerve

c. Dilates the pupil and contracts the ciliary muscle

d. Decreases peristalsis


12. Which of the following would NOT take place during exercise or vigorous physical activity?

a. Bronchial dilation to increase ventilation

b. Increased digestive activity to allow more glucose absorption for energy

c. Constriction of visceral blood vessels to supply more blood to heart and skeletal muscle

d. Decreased urinary tract motility


13. Both multiple sclerosis and Guillian Barre syndrome (GBS) are demyelinating disease that differe in that GBS involves only the:

a. Upper motor neurons

b. Lower motor neurons

c. Autonomic neurons

d. Central nervous system


14. The process of bone growth at the epiphyseal plate is similar to:

a. Process of healing a fracture

b. Process of calcification

c. Endochondral ossification

d. Process of osteopenia


15. Pronation of the forearm is due to action of the:

a. Brachialis

b. Pronator quadratus

c. Latissimus dorsi

d. Triceps brachii medial head


16. Which of the following muscles of the face is not innervated by the facial nerve?

a. Mentalis

b. Masseter

c. Orbicularis oculi

d. Zygomaticus


17. Shin splints are caused by:

a. Irritation of the tibialis anterior

b. Tearing of the hamstring muscles

c. Inflammation of the gastrocnemious

d. Ruptures of the calcaneal tendon


18. In the sliding filament model of muscle contraction, the myofilaments slide over each other, resulting in an overlapping of actin and:

a. Myosin

b. Troponin

c. Tropomyosin

d. Thin filaments


19. Which of the following moves Calcium back into the tubules of the Sacroplasmic reticulum after a contraction?

a. The ATP dependent Sodium-Potassium pump

b. The ATP dependent Calcium pump

c. The ATP dependent Myosin pump

d. The ATP dependent Hydrogen pump


20. Norepinephrine

a. Inhibits pain in the spinal cord and brain

b. Increases excitability of neurons in the dorsal horn of the cord

c. Contributes to pain inhibition in the pons and medulla

d. Has major inhibitory effects in the spinal cord

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