What is the use of international relations? Why is it important? How is it relevant to you and the world?Explain and describe the ways in which the three revolutions (gunpowder etc.) changed the international system. Which one was more significant than the other and why- please explain.How are the period of the three revolutions (gunpowder etc.) linked to the conquest of the Americas (otherwise referred to as the New World)?What was the modern state system and how did it emerge?What kinds of changes did the world experience after World War II? How were states divided? What was the effect of nationalism? What was the period called and what ideologies persisted during this period?What are the origins of Realist thought? What are the basic elements that lead a state to conflict for realism?How is anarchy related to state behavior for realism? Liberalism? Constructivism?Why would liberals argue that wars are not the best option for states?Pick a historic event (it has to be specific) that occurred in international history. Apply realism’s (liberalism/constructivism/Marxism) views and explain why states acted the way they did and how the developments occurred.What were the three waves of democracy? What kinds of major historical events took place during each one?Taking one of the three models related to democracy and peace, how is democracy related to peace?What are the criticisms against the assumption that democracies lead to peace?Pros and Cons of soft/hard power mix in going into Afghanistan or Iraq.What is the variant of Marxism in the international context? How is the world shaped according to this view? (think of international institutions)

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