What is the right thing to do? -It means doing what is best for the more noteworthy or basic great. It means settling on choices that are not founded without anyone else individual needs, that don’t grow your notoriety, or uphold your own convictions. It’s tied in with knowing the contrast among good and bad, right and wrong and acting as per those precepts.
In this project I am going to define this according to 3 of the most known philosophers have stated about it: Thomas Hobbes, Jean Paul Sartre and Bertrand Russell.
Thomas Hobbes is an English philosopher, famous for his political thoughts! He looksthe world in a very special and different perspective, and even now he is relevant to the modern governmental cases. His main worry is the case of social & political command: how can all people live peacefully without any worries about the civil war? Hobbe’s ethical idea is awkward to separate it from his political thoughts! According to him the right thing to do depends on the situation that we are. For example, when the governmental competence is missing then we have to do whatever we think it’s right to protect ourselves. But, when the government speaks then we have to respect them and do what they say!

Jean Paul Sartre is one of the most noteworthy masterminds ever. His hypotheses on existentialism and opportunity solid his place among the most convincing Western philosophers of the 20th century and beyond. According to him human beings do not have control over their lives when they are born and raised so they have to admit it as it is. But later as they grow older and become more aware they have to take responsibility for their own lives because there is no God who can tell you what to do, or tell you the purpose of your life. Consequently, you must decide for your own life and your destiny! Taking over our lives we set a definite purpose for living it. As a result, every decision that we make defines who we are and how we think we should live our lives. All these actions give the man what Sartre calls constant stress and anxiety. Eventually, Sartre wanted all people to be freed from the shackles and judgments of people and live their lives as freely as they want. He wanted only our own ideals to be considered!
Russel was a British, philosopher, mathematician, history specialist, author, writer, social commentator, political extremist, and Nobel laureate. At different focuses in his life, Russell viewed himself as a liberal, a communist and a conservative, even though he likewise admitted that his incredulous nature had driven him to feel that he had “never been any of these things, in any significant sense.
In his book “Philosophical Essays” is found an essay called “The Elements of Ethics” where are found Russell’s ethical views based on his influence of G. E. Moore. He accepted that “great” is the most central indefinable moral idea. He further kept up that we know “a priori” certain recommendations about the sort of things that are great all alone account. In like manner, that when we make an impression, for example, “this is good”, we make an impression like “this desk has a square form”, which is either true or false, and whose reality or untruth is free of our views & feelings.
Russell, in any case, additionally takes into consideration what he calls a “subjective” sense of “right”. What Russell states, if an individual asks himself, “what should I to do?” and afterward follows up with his answer, in other words, what the person judges to be directly after a fitting measure of real to life thought—the suitable measure of idea being reliant on the trouble and significance of the choice—at that point he might be viewed as acting properly in the abstract sense, regardless of whether his activity isn’t dispassionately right. An activity is designated “objectively right” by Russell when “of all that are conceivable it is the one which will most likely have the best outcomes.” Moore, then again, makes no such differentiation between right in the abstract sense and right in the objective sense.
Along these lines, as should be obvious our three philosophers of the 20th century have expressed that making the best choice allude to how to live morally and we are absolutely in charge of what occurs in the world. Generally making the best choice as indicated by philosophers intends to make a decision among potential outcomes for something the aggregate astuteness of mankind knows to be the best approach to act. To finish up each and every word, in my own opinion, goodness is making the best decision about the correct reason, by the perfect period, established in adoration, regard & harmony.

Hobbes, Thomas (1994 [1651/1668]) Leviathan, ed Edwin Curley (Hackett, Indianapolis)
Jean-Paul Sartre Existentialism and Humanism (London: Methuen 1973).
Potter, Michael K., Bertrand Russell’s Ethics (London and New York: Continuum, 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers)

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