Critically analyse and discuss how the concepts of “Job Design, Goal Setting and Flexible Work Arrangements” will affect the organisation’s transition to becoming or remaining an environmentally sustainable business.

Link the team’s finding back to ways in which this knowledge can be implemented into policies to make the organisation environmentally sustainable by providing five detailed recommendations to assist managers to deal with the team’s findings.

*Organisation that we will be doing is OCBC!

P.S. As this essay is manage by a team, i only require you to do certain parts of it, which makes the deadline shorter and price lower.
Bold words are those required to do.

The Report may also include the following:
– Urkund (formerly using Turnitin) originality report,
– Cover Page,
– Content page,
– Executive Homework help – Summary,
– Introduction (Brief background of OCBC, Purpose and Limitation)
– Environmental Sustainability (How it affects Oraganisational Behaviour?) – I need help writing my essay – research paper analyse it!
– Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Section (Job Simplification, Job Enlargement, Job Rotation, Job Enrichment, Goal Setting & KPI, Flexible Work Arrangement)
– Conclusion with 5 recommendations based on OCBC transitting into a environmentally sustainable business
– Reference Pages (at least 20 unique, credible and reliable sources),
– Any appendices (optional).
Referencing Style – Use Chicago Standard

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